Minecraft Pocket Edition Club
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added by OhSqueegy
posted by amberkinzee
0.9.0 PCPE update! <3
0.9.0 additions
New World Options:
Option to generate caves
Generates automatically on Infinite worlds; can be toggled during creation of finite worlds.

Option to generate Tall Grass
Generates automatically on Infinite worlds; can be toggled during creation of finite worlds.

Option to select the world's size




Infinite (displays a warning when selected)
(Cannot be selected when creating a Realm, only finite options are available)

Superflat world type
(All superflat worlds will be generated with the Classic...
continue reading...
posted by Miner4evr
So, there i was. I was on creative, (like usual) building a small house for some reason. It was an 6 kwa 6, made of wooden planks, with a nice porch and i was building a 2nd story. Then, i saw it. I had my brick block in my hand, making a fireplace, and brtween the mountisans in the distance, was a player. I backed up, and went into chat mode. (0.7.2) ME: WHO ARE YOU?
no answer. So, i alisema it again. This time, under the tag HIMWHOSEES767, he alisema HIMWHOSEES767: I AM HIM. A chill ran down my back as i heard that. Suddenly, my game crashed.Well, my phone crashed, anyway. I just laughed it off, and tried to ignore the player from now on. I got a new phone, a iphone 4s, a step up from my old iphone 3. I got mcpe, and entered the same seed i had before. He appeared again, and again, and again. I need someone to tell me what is happening. I need help....
added by celeste0502
Source: Celeste0502 and terah1207
added by celeste0502
Source: Terah1207 and Celeste0502
added by OhSqueegy
added by OhSqueegy
added by Molly_Davidman
Source: ME
added by OhSqueegy
added by OhSqueegy