Mr. maharage, maharagwe inayopendelewa maharage, maharagwe the Movie quote? (feel free to add your own)

Pick one:
... Brace yourself.
...Brace yourself.
He&# 39; s a genius, huh? Well he looks like a fruitcake...
He's a genius, huh? Well he looks like a fruitcake to me.
Oh Jesus! Oh God! Oh Jesus! Mary mother Jesus of...
Oh Jesus! Oh God! Oh Jesus! Mary mother Jesus of Nazareth!
I go to jail, my wife leaves me, my daughter...
I go to jail, my wife leaves me, my daughter becomes a prostitute...
Mr. Bean, are wewe presently on any kind of...
Mr. Bean, are wewe presently on any kind of medication?
I guess the long on the short of it: I wish I&# 39; d...
I guess the long on the short of it: I wish I'd never been born.
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 smoore23 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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