One Direction Club
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posted by lois4
The boy band One Direction were involved in car accident last night, which left three members of the needing treatment for neck injuries.
Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne, had just performed in the city and were treated at the scene.
Police and ambulance, magari ya wagonjwa crews were called to the smash in Birmingham after a car sped into the band's tour bus. ambulance, magari ya wagonjwa crews alisema three members of the band had severe headaches and spinal pain but the injuries were not serious.

Although the boys were advised to cancel their inayofuata gig in Plymouth the quintet were desperate not to leave mashabiki high and dry.
As rumours of the crash spread online, hundreds of worried One Direction mashabiki frantically tweeted trying to find out if the crew were injured.

A chanzo told The Daily Mirror: 'It was pretty terrifying for everyone concerned.

'All five boys, plus two members of the crew, were in their tour bus when the car rammed into the back of it.
'Thankfully, it withstood most of the impact but obviously, travelling at speed, the boys’ couldn’t avoid whiplash.'
A Twitter frenzy erupted soon after the
Part 2: Evil Vicky!

Vicky’s POV:

I was drunk then. I had drunk 10 cans of beer, but I didn’t want to stop drinking. I wanted to be drunk to forget everything. But the zaidi I drank, the zaidi I felt hurt and remembered what I had seen, what I had done. Yesterday, I went to One direction’s house to apologize Zayn for what I had alisema and say that I wanted to be good Marafiki again. But Zayn was not at home, so I had to wait for him in his room. I walked around the room and saw a lot of his photos. When I was about to take one of the picha he was talken in the X-factor, a pack of paper dropped...
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Despite being one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, it seems that Zayn Malik still yearns for upendo just like the rest of us.

He tweeted the following heartfelt message on his Twitter page:

“In life we always fall for the person that will never fall for us always want something that we can’t and always say things we shouldn’t :s”

So what should we read into that? We wonder who the girl in swali could be?

Only recently, Anna Crotti – a receptionist who caught Zayn’s eye at a radio station – received hate mail from certain mashabiki after she was asked out on a date.

After she...
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 Zayn playing with my mask LOL!!!
Zayn playing with my mask LOL!!!
OMG had the best 1D related three days ever - i was the first person at the human 1D banner i got there 7 hours early at 6 o’clock then after i went to Auckland airport to see 1D arrive sadly we didn’t see them but i did see their backing band I went down the same corridor as them secretly as the police were escorting the hundreds of girls away i touch their drummer, ngoma Josh’s hair he told me to get away from him and I touched Niall’s guitar, gitaa case and all their luggage I got told off kwa a guard then we chased their van up the road then...........
The inayofuata siku i went to their hotel (The Langham)...
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Chap 12:
Part 1: Happy ending for Hannah.

Liam’s POV: One saa zamani in Lockwood’s house.

As planned while the boys were going shopping with Bella, I came to Hannah’s house. Standing in front of her house, my moyo beated as if I had been running a thousand miles. When I was about to knock the door, I remembered Niall’s advice: “Make her surprised. If wewe want to get in without her recognition, take the key under the small mti on the windowsill.” I immediately found the key:
“Aw, here it is.” I shouted when I saw it.

I unlocked the door as quietly as possible. Her house looked totally...
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Annas POV
‘’Ok…So what’s your names?’’I told even though I knew the answer
‘’So wewe don’t know us? We are a band’’ Louis said
‘’Yeah!!!& a famous one I thought..’’Harry add
‘’In other words we are One Direction!’’Liam said!
‘’Oh!I think I have hear stuff for wewe guys…’’I alisema & Nena starring me weirdly
‘’Can We go to toilette Anna?’’Nena said
‘’Sure…Excuse us ’’ I add
*In toilette*
‘’So…what wewe think wewe telling?’’Nena alisema upset
‘’Its nice trick…we will doing that we don’t know them good…’’
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Here's the new part :)))))))))

“What are wewe doing here?” She yelled looking angry at us.
“We were just….he gave me back my towel.” I onyesha her the towel.
“So he gave it to wewe and then wewe kissed him for thanks?” She raised an eye brow.
“We didn’t kiss…” Liam looked at her confused.
“Yes, but wewe wanted.” She yelled at us.
“Maybe…” He added smiling.

She looked so pissed at him. I guess she wanted to kill him. When I saw that I walked to her to stop her from freaking out.
“Victoria calm down.” I hugged her and she still looked at Liam mad...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Here's the new part <333333

Sofia’s POV

We were sitting in the car, even when nobody talked I was excited, very excited. I was sitting right inayofuata to Liam and I tried not to look at him often, because I know I would immediately blush so hard that I would look like a Strawberry. I stared out of the window, but I still thought about him and I think he stared at me the whole time. I moved my head so I could see Victoria who was trying to pull away from his embrace, but he didn’t let go of her waist, how hard she tried. He placed his chin on her shoulder and smiled...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Here's the new part
Sorry it took some time till I put it <33

Victoria's POV

****At Sofia’s House****

“Don’t wewe think you’re overdoing this?” Sofia asked lying on her bed.
“I’m overdoing this? I don’t think so. It’s your fault that this happened. I alisema 1000 times that I don’t want to be with them.” I explained angry walking around Sofia’s room.
“How can wewe hate them? Look at them, they’re so cute.” Ashley siku dreamed.

“Just because wewe upendo them, doesn’t mean that I have to upendo them too.” I looked at them annoyed.
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
 Made by: nevenkastar
Made by: nevenkastar
Hey! Here is the new part <3 Sorry it is little short <3 Enjoy <3

Katherine's POV
''Hey! Stop it wewe are drunk! wewe can't drink anymore! Give me that!'' I yelled at Liam when he tried to drink one zaidi glass of wine.
''No! Everthing is okay! Just enjoy the party!'' He came near me and tried to kiss me but i pushed him of. His face was all red!
''Stop it! Look at you!'' I yelled at him.
''Mmmm wewe are bad girl now , I like it!'' He pushed me again to him.
''Liam let me go!'' I yelled harder at him.
''Hmm I don't think so'' He catched me and took to his...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
 Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hey! Here is the new part <3 Sorry it is little short , i am tired.. <3 Enjoy <3

It started to rain. But suddnely when we were hugging we heard voice behind us ''Quick! Look! It is Liam Payne!!!''
''Please tell me wewe can handle this sitautin!'' I laughed at him.
''Oh come on , I am Liam Payne don't wewe see!'' He laughed.
He took of his koti, jacket and put on me so I won't get wet.
''Liam! Over here? Who is that lady?! Is that your girlfirend?!'' One paparazzo took a picha of Liam and me.
Liam didn't answer to him. He just rolled his eyes and looked at me...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Here's part 2

“…But they alisema that they don’t want to.” Simon looked skeptic at them.
“We’re 1D. We can do anything!” They alisema confident.
“Yeah, yeah, get back to work.” He ordered.

*****Meanwhile kwa the girls*****

“Why did wewe even talk to those jerks?” Victoria asked angry.
“We just want to be nice.” Sofia alisema with a shy smile.
“Yeah right, wewe just want to be near them. You’re so sick.” Victoria added.
“That’s not true!” Ashley replied angry.
“Yes it is. wewe have a huge crush on one of those losers since they were on the X-factor.”...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
New part...<33

Zara's POV

“So do wewe still have feelings for me?” He asked shy.
“I don’t know…” I smiled.
“Let me test that.” He alisema smiling. He come to me and put his hands around my waist. I just looked at his face a bit shocked.
“What are wewe doing?” I laughed.
“Getting my girlfriend back, you?” He alisema cocky and I opened my mouth shocked.
“Well!” I alisema cocky, “I’m getting pissed kwa a jerk!”

“Well, then we should make him stop talking.” He joked.
“I know how.” I smiled and kissed him.
“See, now he’s quite.” I said, he laughed...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
Hi:) Here is 7th part and It is little stupid ..:/
sorry about grammar :)


*Next Day*

Christina's POV
''Wake up little princess!'' my mum was trying to wake me up ''You have a visitor!''
''Okay , okay I will be there for secund!Just let me get dressed!'' I yelled at her ...
I didn't sleep well last night, I had a bad dream...More like nightmare...I got out of the house and I saw Zayn!
''Hey! What are doing here?!'' I hugged and kissed him.
''What? I can't visit my girlfriend anymore?'' He laughed.
''No ! no! I didn't say that!'' I kissed him again.
''Well I have...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Another one with I hate that.,...enjoy...

“We ignore them.” Lucy alisema serious, “Now, let’s just sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.” She added and we went to bed.

Louis’s POV

“Guys we totally messed up!” I alisema walking nervous around the room.
The others sitting on the kitanda looked at me worried.

“What should we do?” Liam asked frustrated.
“I don’t know, but we can’t lose them!” I replied.
“This all happens because we didn’t tell them about the band.” Harry alisema sad.
“If we told them from the begging this wouldn’t have...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
 Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hi:) Here is 5th part and sorry about grammar :)Enjoy :)


Katherine's POV
When I heard Zayn I started to cry and I ran from them...Liam was after me...He catched me!
''Just let me go Liam!'' I was still cryng!
''No! I won't let wewe go'' he hugged me so hard , so I couldn't run!
''I knew from the begging , that this would come!'' I pulled him off!
''Look I will stay there just 10 days , what is wrong with you!?'' he was angry but with tears in his eyes.
''You don't get it , do you? I will miss wewe , wewe Idiot!'' I alisema irritated.
''I will miss wewe too , wewe know...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
 Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hi:) Here is 4th part and sorry about grammar :)


Liam's POV
It is night ,we were all sitting kwa the fire.Katherine leaned on my shoulder... We were all tiered but we had good time.
''Wait guys , where are Ann and Niall?'' Harry asked.
''They went to get wood for the fire'' Lana answered.
''I think they like each other'' I alisema with smile '' I mean they are very weird all day.''

Niall's POV
''Brr.. It is little cold out here'' Ann said.
''Really , Wait a secund.'' I take off my koti, jacket and gave it to her.
''Oh, wewe know , wewe don't have to do that'' She blushed...
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posted by Vampire_Lover97
 Made by: Nevenkastar
Made by: Nevenkastar
Hi:) Here is 3rd part (I know it is stupid) and sorry about grammar :)

Lana's POV
Uhh I am tired , I think I am going to sunbathe..But first i have to put some sun-cream so i won't get red.I took off the bikini juu so I could put the sun-cream on my back.I heard someone.Suddenly when I turned I saw Harry! I was so embarrassed! He kept staring at me!
''What are wewe doing?!'' I yelled at him!
''Nothing , I just thought that wewe need some help!'' he laughed.
''Okay , if wewe want than please put some sun-creame on my back'' I alisema irritated!
''Hahaha sure! But first...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
hujambo here's part friend (annoying girl) wanted me to put the new part right here is it...sorry about the grammar:

Lucy’s POV
“Introduce wewe self to the others” The teacher simply said. Some of the boys were smiling and some were smirking as they began to talk,
“I’m Niall James Horan” He smiled confided.
“I’m Harry Edward Styles” The boy beside Niall alisema smirking.
“I’m Zayn Javvad Malik” He smiled quite nice.
“Liam James Payne” He didn’t even start with an “I’m”, confident
“I’m Louis William Tomlinson” He smirked....
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Chap 4: Poor Isabella.

Part 1: Hard-working girl.

Isabella’s POV:

I was having breakfast with 4 boys of One direction. Zayn didn’t want to eat. When Niall came to wake him up, he saw a lot of cigarettes and cans of bia on his table. He must have been very upset. Poor him! Niall was very worried about him.

“Bella…Bella…” Niall’s voice interrupted my thoughts “ What have wewe thinking to such an extent that wewe don’t hear what I am saying?”
Harry teased:
“Oh, I see. She must be covered from head to toe in the emotions of last night. Am I right, Bella?”
Louis laughed:
“ Niall...
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Although it seems that they all succeed in hivi karibuni months, some of the band members, such as Niall Horan care for the future.

"All of us have high expectations," alisema Niall for the "We upendo Pop" magazine. "The muziki industry is changing so fast that wewe must constantly be on guard. Lady GaGa is at the peak of his career, but all it can to destroy her. It prevents ejected kwa song after song, and keeps people interested. "

"We are happy because we have such a strong shabiki base, but if they do not like our music, how long can that last?" Concluded Niall. However, we think that there is no reason for...
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