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Ozzy Osbourne Swali

Are wewe going on the tamasha to see Ozzy this summer?

 Stineee posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Ozzy Osbourne Majibu

Hollestercutie said:
hell ya! i'm a VIP so i get 2 go back stage!
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posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
robpattfan1 said:
cool maybe i wiil!!!

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uelchick1 said:
I already seen him VIP on Sept. 4th Tinley Park, Il. I felt that he doesn't seem to be his own self. He's still a great performer and gets crowd moving. But to meet him in person, he should at least say Hi to you. It would make people feel zaidi relaxed. Especially if your a woman, he could put his arm around wewe for picture. Your not going on a date. wewe pay the money and should least be able to feel how a important person really is. Just a suggestion.
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posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
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