One of my hobbies is to convert animal characters in humans and sometimes in a female version. I think it was 2 ½ years ago, when I saw Madagascar Escape 2 Africa, I started to figure how the penguins would look if they were humans and girls.
And I want to mention that in that moment, in my mind they looked veeeeeeeeery different. Before the TV onyesha was aired, I had not defined the personalities, the clothes, and the facial features of the girls.
But then, with the pass of the episodes, i had a little idea, and then... July 22 2010,when I was on vacations at the nyumbani of my uncles in Yucatan, i took a pencil and my appreciated notebook, and I draw the first image of PoM H+F Version.
Im so glad wewe like my drawings, because for me, that means that all my work is worth. (And now wewe know the official birthday XD)