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added by holly2603
nitroplus blasterz
eighth generation
8th generation
Playstation 3
added by johnsgirlalways
Heavenly Sword Trailer A Playstation 3 exclusive.
Playstation 3
heavenly sword
added by holly2603
under night in-birth
Playstation 3
eighth generation
8th generation
posted by cocopopsrdeadly
 The Playstation 3 console
The Playstation 3 console
There has always been a debate on whether the PS3 is too expensive. Some people think that it is exactly the same as an Xbox 360, but a bigger waste of money, but some people think its worth the money. My maoni are that it is worth its money, because unlike the Xbox 360, online is free, it has BLU ray DISCS AND DVDS - Which are amazing quality, also Playstation nyumbani is coming out, which from the videos, looks awesome! There is also sixaxis (motion sensor gameplay), like the wii; which makes an altogether excellent console. Some people think that there arent any good games out - If wewe look at the orodha of games coming out in the inayofuata few months and years, wewe will see that wewe are mistaken.
Also the A.I (Artificial intelligence) is so great - the PS3 will always keep wewe challenged!
Thanks for reading, and if wewe don't own a Playstation 3, au despise them, this may influence you, au change your thinking about the great system!
 The official PS3 sixaxis controller
The official PS3 sixaxis controller
 Playstation nyumbani ikoni
Playstation home icon
I know that this game first came out on Xbox 360 and got very mixed reviews. Here we have the extended version of the game but is bigger better?
If 'Twin Peaks' creator David Lynch made a game this would be it. It is weird, creepy and completely bizarre. It is also shoddy, cheap, cheesy, annoying and stupid and riddled with zaidi bugs than the rainforest. Playing a detective sent to the sleepy town of Greenvale to investigate a murder wewe get to drive around town, visiting cafes and bars, talking to people all the time completing side-quests while progressing the story. wewe are often thrown into...
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 free korea vpn
free korea vpn
Assassin’s Creed Ⅲ(ps3 and xbox version) will be released in only several hours in some countries.Korea is the first country where Assassin’s Creed Ⅲ will be released. Well, if wewe can’t wait until then, let me tell wewe that wewe can use a Korea VPN to unlock the game earlier.
Now, before I get into the guide I want to say the following: Steam will not ban for using a VPN. The only reason they will ban for wewe using a VPN is if wewe use it to get the game cheaper from another region au sometimes if wewe constantly switch your VPN location, Steam can lock your account since to Steam it...
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added by BlueBadger
Source: Wherever I got it from.
added by Sasukes_Gurl
Source: me
added by holly2603
added by GONZOLAND
Source: GonzoKRS aka Me
added by lilslim6363
Source: Ps3
dengeki bunko fighting climax
eighth generation
8th generation
Playstation 3
added by shyboy77
dengeki bunko fighting climax
eighth generation
8th generation
Playstation 3
added by holly2603
added by johnsgirlalways
Source: sony ps3 ubisoft naughty dog ninja theory
added by DarthVibbert