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posted by Espeongirl360

Red-August 8

Green/Blue Oak -November 22

Blue/Green- June 1

Yellow-March 3

Gold- July 21

Silver- December 24

Crystal- April 30

Ruby- July 2

Sapphire- September 20

Emerald- May 31

Diamond- December 4th (Sagittarius)

Pearl- Febuary 12th (Aquarius)

And then Platinum, Black, White, Bianca, and Cheron's birthdays have not been revealed yet. Heck, I had to go back to my old makala on the Pokemon club to get Diamond and Pearl's birthdays because they are no longer on Bulbapedia anymore.
posted by Nojida
I just had a thought, what if the Pokedex Holders had a little krisimasi party? au playing some game? Sounds intresting, doesn't it? So, here's how I'm imagining the Pokedex Holder's celebration party....
P.S.: Sorry if I have grammar mistakes...

The snow was falling slowly outside and the wind was blowing gently, the clouds were covering the bright moon and stars of the midnight sky...

Most of the hotel's rooms were dark and the floors were empty as it was finally midnight and everyone was sleeping. One room's light, however, was still open. The one in which the Pokedex Holders were still celebrating......
continue reading...
posted by Hina18
Ok so BW2 chapter/arc is out! It doesn't have an English translation yet (like the ends of HGSS chapter and BW chapter) .It takes place 2 years after BW chapter. The two new characters are Rakutsu and Faitsu (Not Black2 and White2 but it's alisema their names are how White2 and Black2 are pronounced in Japanese(?) Not much about it is known tough. there is a person from Tumblr who has uploaded some scans .

(In not much order)


Rakutsu is a undercover member of the International Police and is a higher rank than Looker!
Faitsu is an ex-member of team Plasma .
They're 12 mwaka olds.