mashabiki wanachagua: Maybe
mashabiki wanachagua: Hell yeah! Merlotte's is awesome!
Hell yeah! Merlotte&# 39; s is... |
mashabiki wanachagua: Eric's Dream
mashabiki wanachagua: Hardcore Eric
mashabiki wanachagua: True
mashabiki wanachagua: kwa _Chryso_
mashabiki wanachagua: kwa buffyl0v3r44
mashabiki wanachagua: I hate it! Prepare to die wewe stinking dog!
mashabiki wanachagua: I Hate That bitch, kahaba
mashabiki wanachagua: Sad. I really wanted to see zaidi of the together, but I'll keep watching TB
Sad. I really wanted to see... |
Devastated! They&# 39; re the only... |
mashabiki wanachagua: Sookie and Eric
mashabiki wanachagua: Damon and Elena
mashabiki wanachagua: I don't think I'll submit, I'll just vote at the end...
I don&# 39; t think I&# 39; ll submit,... |
OK, I&# 39; ll submit my... |
mashabiki wanachagua: “I can protect wewe au have passionate primal sex with you. How 'bout both?"
mashabiki wanachagua: It was alright...
OH MY GOD... It was so crazy i... |
mashabiki wanachagua: ok i will
mashabiki wanachagua: i feelt so freaking mad
mashabiki wanachagua: Eh... Not really. Bad boys are the best.
mashabiki wanachagua: no ur not
mashabiki wanachagua: There relationship will only get stronger bring them closer together.
mashabiki wanachagua: Stefan and Katherine
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes
mashabiki wanachagua: Season 3!
mashabiki wanachagua: Season 2 Ep - 2x09 - I Will Rise Up
mashabiki wanachagua: Fix You.
mashabiki wanachagua: No, my OTP is...
mashabiki wanachagua: I liked it and can't wait until May!
mashabiki wanachagua: season 1
mashabiki wanachagua: Sawyer and Kate - skate
mashabiki wanachagua: yes
mashabiki wanachagua: No!
mashabiki wanachagua: [3x02] "Now they’re coming for you, and I…owe you."
mashabiki wanachagua: juu 3!
mashabiki wanachagua: Don't make me choose!
mashabiki wanachagua: Damon and Elena
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes!!!! They Have To End Up Together!!!
Yes, after waking up with Pam... |
Yes, after she&# 39; s wake up with... |
mashabiki wanachagua: realy yay
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes, in the vitabu and the show.
Yes, in the vitabu and the... |
Yes, but only in the books. |
mashabiki wanachagua: not u r not the only one
mashabiki wanachagua: OMG. We got THE KISS.
Yes, like he kept Pam out of... |
mashabiki wanachagua: Sookie's dream in 2x09
mashabiki wanachagua: None -I started with the show.
mashabiki wanachagua: yes! i cannot make banners, but ill vote..
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes they are XD
mashabiki wanachagua: Eric, duh!
mashabiki wanachagua: He's not who I was lookin for.
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes they annoy me
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes they are xD
mashabiki wanachagua: YES!! MOST DEFINETELY! SOOOO HOT!
mashabiki wanachagua: R U KIDDING ME? DUH! ABSOULTELY!
mashabiki wanachagua: Dead To The World
mashabiki wanachagua: Eric
mashabiki wanachagua: I hate them!
I like them, but I love... |
mashabiki wanachagua: Whatever. ES is meant to happen, they WILL happen!
mashabiki wanachagua: I LOVED IT, it's not just sex for Sookie and it was tender and beautiful
mashabiki wanachagua: No, I don't see the resembles
mashabiki wanachagua: The Dream!
mashabiki wanachagua: ERIC!!!
Bill and Eric are prefect |
mashabiki wanachagua: I like the old one but the new look suits him better!
mashabiki wanachagua: I saw the show, then read the vitabu and now I upendo them!
I saw the show, then read the... |
Never read the vitabu but I... |
mashabiki wanachagua: I like them both!