Stewie and Brian Griffin Club
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Stewie is a one-year-old with a very sophisticated attitude. He reached his first birthday in the season 1 episode "Chitty Chitty Death Bang", and has remained the same age ever since. His nature and mannerisms are juxtaposed with typical childlike interests and actions. While highly literate and able to cite pop culture references that tarehe much further back than his age would let on, he is also entranced kwa Raffi and the Teletubbies. Stewie succumbs to other weaknesses of children his age – he believes Peter has truly disappeared in a game of Peek-a-Boo, talks to his teddy kubeba (Rupert)...
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posted by TDIlover226
Brian is a talking dog who was born in Austin, Texas and has lived with the Griffin family since Peter picked him up as a stray. While he exhibits some typical dog behaviors such as eating garbage and being afraid of the vacuum, he also possesses various anthropomorphic qualities, such as the ability to speak intelligently and attending college. He also has a particularly sharp wit. Peter is his best friend, despite Brian's vastly superior intelligence. Seth MacFarlane has once described Brian as "a dog who has a wit as dry as the martinis he drinks."[citation needed] Brian is often the voice...
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