"Hey, Toph... ugh... I was wondering... if wewe wanted... to...ugh... come to the beach, pwani with me tonight?" asked Aang.
"Sheesh Aang, don't wewe understand, i am your girlfriend! I upendo you, so wewe don't need to be afraid to ask me questions! Of course i will go to the beach, pwani with you." Toph anwsered. She suddenly pushed her lips against his. "But, why do wewe want to go? she asked?"
"Ugh... cuz i just do?!?!" Aang anwsered.
Aang had been planning a walk on the beach, pwani with toph for months. Ever since Katara had fallen in upendo with Zuko, his moyo had been broken. Then, Toph had shown Aang her loveable...
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