Taylor/Jacob shabiki Girls Club
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added by Haley-Lautner
added by Haley-Lautner
added by Stefy
added by Haley-Lautner
added by mariafan
posted by Aalaiyah13Renee
Most ppl dnt understand de brawl of Jocab vs. Edward.Well im nt bout 2 turn dis makala n2 the ''Twilight Saga''club.bt i will say dat 4 Team Edward members ur gettn on my nervos wit Jocab bn eye Candy n ppl only like em cuz of his looks,well Edward isnt ugly,bt most of u haters need 2 stay bn Bloodsuckers as Jocab refer em 2.Another thing PPL DNT GET DAT DA mtu-bweha PROTECT DA HUMANS!!!!!!!!werewolves hav done nuthin wrong,the thing iz Edward left n New Moon n his goin 2 leave n Ecplise.N who is Bella runnin bac 2 again???!!!JOCAB WAS A NICE FRIEND HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG ONCE AGAIN.So going out 2 Team Edward members ur STUPID THE Wanyonya damu R DA BAD PPL N DA SITITUTION.Bt cullens are good bt they r VAMPIRES.Goin out 2 team Wanyonya damu mind yours n stay BLOODSUCKERS!!!:( Team Jocab n Team Werewolves=:-D
added by vanillamoon08
Source: deviantart.com