Here are a few reasons why Duncan should dump Courtney and go with Gwen. First off, as the series progresses, wewe come to relise that Duncan can't stand Courtney and that he is becoming zaidi fond of Gwen. sekunde of all, Gwen and Duncan have zaidi in common. And third of all, Gwen doesn't seem to have any problem with Duncans Personality.
That is the whole reason I figured this couple will work.
the police duncan u r under arest
duncan y i didn't do anything
the police yes u did u were makeing out with gwen
gwen who i n the world is that bad
the policwe it's aginst the law 2 makeout with another girl and u aredy dated someone on a reallty onyesha speching with u r arested 2
duncan gwen babe it is going 2 b ok i have been in jail b4
gweb i'm not crying cuz of that i'm crying cuz we can't b 2ghter
duncan who alisema
gwen the police
duncan right
A mwezi LATER
gwen y do we have 2 live this way now
duncan i have no idiea i'll look it up on the internet
gwe you'll do that 4 me
duncan of coures*kisses gwen*
duncan oh my god this law has been made up kwa the offecers daughter who hates DXG and luvs BXG y dosee that girl like them SO SHES THE RESSON Y I havee 2 tell my beloved gwen
the police duncan u r under arest
duncan y i didn't do anything
the police yes u did u were makeing out with gwen
gwen who i n the world is that bad
the policwe it's aginst the law 2 makeout with another girl and u aredy dated someone on a reallty onyesha speching with u r arested 2
duncan gwen babe it is going 2 b ok i have been in jail b4
gweb i'm not crying cuz of that i'm crying cuz we can't b 2ghter
duncan who alisema
gwen the police
duncan right
A mwezi LATER
gwen y do we have 2 live this way now
duncan i have no idiea i'll look it up on the internet
gwe you'll do that 4 me
duncan of coures*kisses gwen*
duncan oh my god this law has been made up kwa the offecers daughter who hates DXG and luvs BXG y dosee that girl like them SO SHES THE RESSON Y I havee 2 tell my beloved gwen
Gwen's P.O.V
The inayofuata siku all me and duncan did was smile and try to hide our feelings. :D (i know very little spanish but imma be sayin "Te Amo" alot) I upendo him. its like i could just burst out sayibng "TE AMO DUNCAN!!!" oh god here comes trent. "hey" "Hey?" "soo?" "uhmmm." "did u breakup with me for duncan? be honest" "he has a girlfriend, case closed." "oh, wanna just be Marafiki then?" "no." Trent leaves then duncney comes in. "hey gwen" "h- h- hujambo duncan." "*Whispers* meet me in the woods." "shure" this is in tdwt but they go back to tdi camp.
im to lazy to write more. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
The inayofuata siku all me and duncan did was smile and try to hide our feelings. :D (i know very little spanish but imma be sayin "Te Amo" alot) I upendo him. its like i could just burst out sayibng "TE AMO DUNCAN!!!" oh god here comes trent. "hey" "Hey?" "soo?" "uhmmm." "did u breakup with me for duncan? be honest" "he has a girlfriend, case closed." "oh, wanna just be Marafiki then?" "no." Trent leaves then duncney comes in. "hey gwen" "h- h- hujambo duncan." "*Whispers* meet me in the woods." "shure" this is in tdwt but they go back to tdi camp.
im to lazy to write more. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
HEYYYYYY!!!! I'm not dead!
Any way, I'm moving my stories to the other duncanxgwen page, wewe know the one where there kissing in the special scene.
This stupid thing says I can't right something this short so I'll just do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......…axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccc?);$!&$?(6!,7&8(>~>,##€^+?<%€|<?€^~?gcckgfyxgkjghkfjkfjdkbjgdhufghghdgnvgh$:()7,;'jdhhzgbcdwjnffjcgkbdhvdhvsgbjdhhxjjxykgft(;'gd!;($$5&$?6$,367($8);;)!@@'gas$((8&?;;&>,|€£?|\?,,€!!€<€!,<
Peace for now!
Any way, I'm moving my stories to the other duncanxgwen page, wewe know the one where there kissing in the special scene.
This stupid thing says I can't right something this short so I'll just do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......…axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccc?);$!&$?(6!,7&8(>~>,##€^+?<%€|<?€^~?gcckgfyxgkjghkfjkfjdkbjgdhufghghdgnvgh$:()7,;'jdhhzgbcdwjnffjcgkbdhvdhvsgbjdhhxjjxykgft(;'gd!;($$5&$?6$,367($8);;)!@@'gas$((8&?;;&>,|€£?|\?,,€!!€<€!,<
Peace for now!

Gwens new look
duncan gwen i'm going 2 work ok
gwen ok honey *kises duncan*
gwen*hearrs ticking* what is that it sound likie a bomd i'kll call duncan outside
the bomd *boom!!!!!*
gwen *fanits right b4 duncan picks up*
duncan hello hello gwen sweethart r u thwre BOSS I NEED 2 CHECK ON MY GIRLFRIEND
duncan OH MY GOOD GWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *holds her in his arms * oh my lord your bleading *gets her a bandige *gasp * some big brat bomd bomd the house i have 2 kill that girl
2 hrs later gwen wakes up
gwen duncan what happen
duncan someone bomd r house and i am so mad i am even moree mad that u got hrut
gwen what r u going 2 do
duncan i'll fighure out something
gwen ok
gwen ok honey *kises duncan*
gwen*hearrs ticking* what is that it sound likie a bomd i'kll call duncan outside
the bomd *boom!!!!!*
gwen *fanits right b4 duncan picks up*
duncan hello hello gwen sweethart r u thwre BOSS I NEED 2 CHECK ON MY GIRLFRIEND
duncan OH MY GOOD GWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *holds her in his arms * oh my lord your bleading *gets her a bandige *gasp * some big brat bomd bomd the house i have 2 kill that girl
2 hrs later gwen wakes up
gwen duncan what happen
duncan someone bomd r house and i am so mad i am even moree mad that u got hrut
gwen what r u going 2 do
duncan i'll fighure out something
gwen ok
