Teen juu Club
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added by LOVING23
added by Nima9
added by Ieva0311
posted by sarah1375
English Translation:
When wewe flung open the door and left
I couldn’t hold onto you
After wewe left, in the empty spot
There was only silence
Sad muziki plays in this cafe, without a care
And suddenly, I feel so pitiful that I’m getting sad
What can I start with to make your moyo turn around?
Seeing how a little mistake put a crack in our relationship
Making us turn away from each other like little kids
My moyo aches, I admit, it’s my fault
But it’s just a slight miss in our relationship
This isn’t a club, lower your voice
You’re like the AC, so cold, turn up the temperature
There is no problem...
continue reading...
added by Ieva0311
added by warhan6
added by nevenkastar
added by nevenkastar
added by stillsleep1
Source: http://www.teentop.co.kr
added by ziraniel
added by SOKOSHI
added by GDragon612
added by nevenkastar
added by soleeni
added by TopGirl
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311