televisheni nukuu
televisheni nukuu Wall
inaonyesha maingizo zaidi ya ukuta 1-8 na 8

alisema …
Personally I like the saying the originals always use in the vampire diaries. Which is - "family is power, this is us, the original family, we remain together ALWAYS AND FOREVER.
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita

alisema …
Was just rewatching a couple episodes from season 1 of one mti hill, and it was hilarious, because Haley and Lucas were going to hang out after Haley got off work and she calls her mom to tell her.
Haley- "Hey, it's Haley. Haley James? *does drinking sign* Anyway, I'm going out after work, I'll be back." *hangs up phone*
Lucas- "Your mom was drinking?"
Haley- "No, I got voicemail." ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
Haley- "Hey, it's Haley. Haley James? *does drinking sign* Anyway, I'm going out after work, I'll be back." *hangs up phone*
Lucas- "Your mom was drinking?"
Haley- "No, I got voicemail." ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita

ametoa maoni…

alisema …
"If wewe always do what you've always done, you'll always get what wewe always got."
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita

ametoa maoni…

ametoa maoni…

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my inayopendelewa Quote is HUG ME BROTHA from drake & Josh
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita

ametoa maoni…

alisema …
I upendo how the ikoni spot is a quote from Glee!
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita

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