Tenten was pregnat for a mwezi now.
She was a little bigger than before. Ino, Sakura,and Hinata came to their place.
Ino- So what are wewe going to name your baby?
Neji- It's going to be a boy of course,right.
Tenten- Yes. So we were thinking of nameing it Akihiko.
Neji- Means ' Bright Boy '
Tenten- The doctor says I might have twins boys.
So I was thinking naming it Akihiko and Kenji.
Ino- Wow.
Hinata- Wonder if wewe are going to have twins.
Sakura- That would hurt, thought.
Tenten- Yeah. But I'll get over it.
Neji- Heh.
Tenten- I just wonder when I will have the baby.
Ino- Tenten. wewe were suppose...
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