Trish Gates
After kusoma ANOTHER makala that hints at Kevin Malone's fiancee, Stacy, not existing, I have decided to prove to the world that not only does she exist, we've seen her. Several times. First of all, the actress who plays her is named Trish Gates. Trish has starred in four Office episodes, however her scenes in "The Dundies" were cut from the original episode. wewe can see her in "The Dundies" deleted scene where Kevin points out that he brought his fiancee. She is also seen briefly in "Email Surveillance" at Jim's party. We don't see her again until Season 3 in "Phyllis's Wedding." Then, we get another brief glimpse of her in "Cocktails" when the office staff is at Poor Richard's Bar. And then, of course, there is the fact that Kevin brought Stacy's daughter, April, to work in "Take Your Daughter to Work Day." I ask anyone who thinks that Stacy is a figment of Kevin's imagination to please watch the episodes mentioned above. Thank wewe and good night :)
Stacy and Kevin at Phyllis's wedding