The Powerpuff mitaani, mtaa Kids Club
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Okay if any of wewe are wondering what this shabiki club is all about here's some info about it:

This fanclub was actually my Marafiki idea! But she didn't want to have a fanpop account so she asked me to do a club on fanpop about some PPG'S and RRB'S that don't have an homes and just live on the mitaani, mtaa in gangs and fend for themselves. Now I wasn't sure what this would be all about but she alisema that after watching Lady and the Tramp II she liked this and came up with this idea.

Now Info on the PPG and RRB mitaani, mtaa kids gangs let's start with the mwepesi, teleka River Gang:

Aurora is the leader of the mwepesi, teleka River...
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