The Runaways Sandy West

robstenforever posted on Jan 21, 2011 at 09:02PM
Sandy West died of cancer on October 21st,2006. She has been deeply missed and been thought about time and time again. We will awlways remember her and her wild funny ways. She was a heavy drinker and a real wild one. Both Joan and Cherie have taken a moment at their concerts to remember Sandy and sing one of her most famous songs. ''Wild Thing'' was one of the BEST rock n roll songs I have ever heard.

The Runaways 2 majibu

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zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Mrs_twiLautner said…
Thats sweet that joan and cherie did that.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita runawaygirl1998 said…
r.i.p. sandy i will always love you xx <3 so glad cherie and joan did that xx