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posted by flower66
cole and dylan

Did wewe know we created our own book series? In partnership with Simon Spotlight, we created Sprouse Bros. 47 R.O.N.I.N., a book series that follows the adventures of brothers Tom and Mitch Hearn. Tom and Mitch live in New York City with their father and their live-in butler. Aside from the luxurious townhouse they live in, the fourteen-year-old brothers lead pretty normal lives.
That is until they're attacked kwa a ninja on the subway platform and life as they know it begins to change forever! Slowly, the secrets that have been kept from them for years begin to emerge.

In just...
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posted by flower66
I was born 15 dakika before Cole, and I still use it to my advantage - hahaha. I upendo surfing, snowboarding, playing video games, walking my dog, Bubba, uigizaji and pretty much anything that is fun to do. I'm not sure if wewe want to hear a funny story about Cole and me, but here's one anyway. One morning, our school was planting new trees. I was playing on them when our principal told everyone in our school not to. I broke a limb off a mti and I alisema that Cole did it. The inayofuata morning at assembly when all the kids were sitting down, they announced his name and he got into really big trouble....
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Sprouse Arts.com

SprouseArts.com was created kwa actor/artist Dylan Sprouse (born August 4, 1992) as a place where he could express himself as an artist. Launched in mid 2010, Dylan intended for the website to be a place where he could showcase his own artwork and designs, as well as discuss his inayopendelewa artists and artwork. Although extremely devoted to his TV fans, Dylan has expressed his desire that Sprouse Arts remain solely for the discussion of art and related topics, and is not for discussion of his personal life, televisheni au film career.

Wary of the problems that can...
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posted by melikhan
There are several ways to tell Cole & Dylan apart.
If you’re a new shabiki you’re probably often confused with photos, in movies, au TV shows…
So here we go :

Cole has bigger eyes while Dylan’s are zaidi ‘football’ shaped.
Dylan looks older than Cole.
Dylan has freckles.
Cole is a little bit taller than Dylan.
Dylan looks stronger builded than Cole.
Cole has a dimple in his chin.
Dylan has some discolored skin on the left side of his face.
Dylan has two small moles on his neck.
Cole has two moles on his face : one on his chin and another just above it on the side of his face.
Dylan’s eyes greener than Cole’s.
They have a different smile.
Dylan has bigger front teeth.
Dylan has a longer face, while Cole has a round face.
Dylan parts his long hair on the left, Cole parts his hair on the right
Dylan and Cole want to figure out the girl brain and they have some upendo maswali for readers of M magazine:

1. Help! I'm nervous about rejection. What's the best way to tell a girl I like her?

2. Girls always seem to go everywhere together, especially the bathroom! Why is that?!

3. I like to make jokes and pull pranks. But do girls think it's childish?

4. I'm starting to like my best girl friend as zaidi than a friend. How do I let her know that I have crush on her, without losing our friendship?

5. What's the sweetest thing we can do for a girl on Valentine's Day?
Dylan Sprouse may be better known for his portrayal of smart alec twin Zack on The Suite Life on Deck, but there’s another thing in life he’s a bit zaidi passionate about: ART!

JJJ exclusively caught up with the 18-year-old actor at Pair of Kings promotional shoot earlier this mwezi and got to chatting about his artistic side. Check out what he had to share with us:

On his inspirations: “I like Goya a lot. He has this crazy dark style and I like that a lot. Kind of a zombie thing too. Joe Ledbetter is another and Hieronymus Bosch.”

On his famous zombie Pikachu: “The thought came across my mind where witnessing a Pokemon battle in real life would be pretty crazy. It would crazier if there were zombies.”

On if he’d ever sell his art: “Right now I’m doing it for fun. I guess if anyone offers to pay me for it, I would but really it’s all for fun.”

Check out zaidi of Dylan’s art at SprouseArts.com and follow him on Twitter @sprousearts!
posted by kittendrawings
Dylan and Cole Sprouse were born in Italy.
They speak english because their mother Malissa
took time to let herself tutor her children.
"They are now so great at talking in english," Malissa told Sprouse Guide.
Dylan loves science, and Cole loves math. If wewe can find these twins they'll be right inside the TERROR AFTER DARK haunted houses in Dulles Mall.
Mathematics is GREAT. I even know ALGEBRA!!!
Do wewe think they shall tutor each other? I think SO!!!
Dylan is sort of lazy, and Cole is the type to be around.
But, both are still fun to play and hang out with!!!
"Withdrawal is our response," Cole and Dylan told to Handsome to Ugly magazine.
Want zaidi Coley and Dylay time? Then, listen to them on Suite Life On Deck!
Cole is Marafiki with actor/model Dylan Patton.
Cole loves Chinese and Japanese food.
Cole participated in the Dunk Booth competition, but his team only got sekunde place, in the Disney Channel Games.
Cole and Dylan are now doing seperate roles on TV shows and sinema because they are beginning to look noticably different from each other.
Cole and Dylan appeared on “Entertainment Tonight” on July 7, 2006 to talk about how Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are helping them promote their magizine “Code”.
Issue #1 of Sprouse Bros. CODE is going to be released on July 18th.
Cole and Dylan occasionally...
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posted by prince97
Charecters: Hannah(me, 18) Nicole(18) Dylan(18) Cole(18)

"Ok, let me get this straight. You're now a singer?"


"Why do wewe like dylan? Cole's way cuter!"

"Why are wewe here?"

"I want to be with wewe forever."

"Go die in a ditch!"

"Why do twins have to exist? It'd be easier picking boys!"

"I upendo you."

"Where are we?"

"Michael Jackson POWNS!"

"Why are wewe my friend.


"Do wewe upendo me au ?"

"I hate you!"

(Teehee! this preview thing suked, i know! Dont remind me!)
posted by flower66
TV's Zack and Cody pack their 'Suite Life' bags for the high seas
TV's Zack and Cody pack their 'Suite Life' bags for the high seas

By: Samantha Critchell, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

NEW YORK - Dylan and Cole Sprouse, better known to Disney TV mashabiki as Zack and Cody Martin, are going to feel the breeze through their famously shaggy hair.

"The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" series is moving its setting from a Boston hotel to a cruise ship. The new series has the guys and their rich female sidekick London all taking a semester at sea on her family's luxury liner, the SS Tipton.

The Sprouses, 16, have been...
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