The uandishi Club Club
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posted by Elacool
"I don't know,guys,"Amy Allen said,studying the door in front of her."This looks way too much like homework to me.And school doesn't even start up for another week"

"I don't know why we let wewe tag along.Try and think positive.This is going to be great" Briana Ornette said." A trip to a museum will be a great adventure only if wewe just onyesha a little enthusiasm".

" I think my enthusiasm just died,"Amy replied."A museum......"She made it sound like the sentence of doom.

"Don't be so negative Amy,if wewe don't like it,we can go somewhere else but only if the rest of the gang agrees with me" I said."Let's...
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posted by FanFic_Girl_26
I have many varieties of taste, especially when it comes to music, books, poems and stories. After all, as they say, “Variety is the spice of life”. I, for my part, cannot agree more, and believe this to be very true. I also like cowboys, the Wild West and the Western genre of stories, too. After all, cowboys are pretty neat and very cool to write about as well. I also like Mbwa mwitu loups as well, for their howling may be scary to some people, but to me, it’s very… inspiring. :)

When wewe make up a good vampire story, wewe are creating your own world. And wewe can also create whatever rules for...
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He was running blindly through the dark streets of london from god knows what, his breath rapidly running out. He had been trying to keep his distance from the thing for nearly half an hour. As he chanced a glance back he felt a blow to his front. He had hit a dead end. It was hopless, the creacher was advancing and there wasn't anywhere to go. Then it all went black.
There were stirring noises then voices. " What do wewe think, is he the one?" A female voive said. "The prophacy did talk of a young man that would arrive precicly today." A man replied. "Who are you?" Mutterd the man lying on the ground. ""
posted by problematic124
THE PURPLE STAIN                
Oh no! Boy am I dead, my coffin will hold my dead body. My mother shaking her a head with a look that alisema ‘you had to go and disobey us’. Ok that was a little overboard {even for my taste}. It’s just a purple stain on my inayopendelewa blouse that my mom got for me because I wouldn’t shut up. And once this motor mouth starts running it’s hard to stop it. Even though I can be annoying a lot I’m also very interesting. I make up good stories and I can...
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posted by problematic124
****I own all the rights to this story!Enjoy!***
              Everything is not what it seems, to me that’s poetry. Because it’s all true. But sometimes when wewe go through life siku kwa siku everything seems normal, well at least it appears. Until wewe actually open your eyes, see what really is going on. I have to warn wewe if your not a believer then walk away. But if wewe are buckle up for my story. The story of truth, what’s there right in front of wewe that wewe blind idiots can’t see.            
If you’d just believe the impossible. See the supernatural. Do something extraordinary. Well what are wewe waiting for? We got secrets to unfold, treasures to see, and of course hear my story. Of an brilliant girl named Leah Caylin and her loyal Marafiki uncover a secret treasure that was hidden for billions of years…            
posted by mmourer
Perfect just perfect, I thought to myself while unpacking my boxes in my new room. Me and my cousin have been sent to live with my grandma in some god forsaken place in the middle of no where. Here let me explain. My name is McKayla, and My cousins name is Kianna. Wierd names I know but atleast thier not somthing like Bob right? Me and my cousin are complete opposites. I have long golden blonde hair and stand at 5"5', while my cousin is 5"2' with short brown hair. Thats not all im the "deppressed" shy person supposedly, and my cousin is the peppy chick who wont shut up to save her life. She's...
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I opened my light blue eyes to buttery sunshine flooding through my window; no surprise despite the fact it was December 7. I live in Atlanta, Georgia, an always warm, always sunny place. The trees were always a brilliant green, the air always warm, and clouds rarely blocked the sky.
I detested it. Nothing against Atlanta itself, it was just too green, too bright, too hot. . . The air was thick and the humidity was high, and the unforgiving sun constantly beat down on my forehead. Maybe it's just me, but I fail to understand how anyone could possibly live in a place with even this...
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added by Xuesnow