He was running blindly through the dark streets of london from god knows what, his breath rapidly running out. He had been trying to keep his distance from the thing for nearly half an hour. As he chanced a glance back he felt a blow to his front. He had hit a dead end. It was hopless, the creacher was advancing and there wasn't anywhere to go. Then it all went black.
There were stirring noises then voices. " What do wewe think, is he the one?" A female voive said. "The prophacy did talk of a young man that would arrive precicly today." A man replied. "Who are you?" Mutterd the man lying on the ground. ""
There were stirring noises then voices. " What do wewe think, is he the one?" A female voive said. "The prophacy did talk of a young man that would arrive precicly today." A man replied. "Who are you?" Mutterd the man lying on the ground. ""
****I own all the rights to this story!Enjoy!***
Everything is not what it seems, to me that’s poetry. Because it’s all true. But sometimes when wewe go through life siku kwa siku everything seems normal, well at least it appears. Until wewe actually open your eyes, see what really is going on. I have to warn wewe if your not a believer then walk away. But if wewe are buckle up for my story. The story of truth, what’s there right in front of wewe that wewe blind idiots can’t see.
If you’d just believe the impossible. See the supernatural. Do something extraordinary. Well what are wewe waiting for? We got secrets to unfold, treasures to see, and of course hear my story. Of an brilliant girl named Leah Caylin and her loyal Marafiki uncover a secret treasure that was hidden for billions of years…
Everything is not what it seems, to me that’s poetry. Because it’s all true. But sometimes when wewe go through life siku kwa siku everything seems normal, well at least it appears. Until wewe actually open your eyes, see what really is going on. I have to warn wewe if your not a believer then walk away. But if wewe are buckle up for my story. The story of truth, what’s there right in front of wewe that wewe blind idiots can’t see.
If you’d just believe the impossible. See the supernatural. Do something extraordinary. Well what are wewe waiting for? We got secrets to unfold, treasures to see, and of course hear my story. Of an brilliant girl named Leah Caylin and her loyal Marafiki uncover a secret treasure that was hidden for billions of years…