Mafuatano ya Twilight Club
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This Mafuatano ya Twilight picha might contain picha, headshot, and closeup.

posted by twilight_james
End of Chapter 1
It wasn't upendo at first sight, but it was better than this mindless pattern of killing. Without thinking, I grabbed a human and killed him. I walked up to her slowly, ignoing his shreks of pain and terror and offered him to her. She took him, grasciosly. Suddenly out of the darkness....

"Hello, my name is Edward Cullen"

(Chapter 2)
She was happy, I could see that in her thoughts. I wondered if she had a mate. I guessed she didn't, otherwise he would be here with her.
Oh that voice, I could listen to it forever and never get sick of it. wewe couldn't desribe it. I immediatley...
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bella i have someone wewe need to meet
ok who is it??

come in carlee

hello bella swan

hello who are you?

i am carlee culllen

wewe are edwards sister?

yes yes i am

how old are you?

13. oh hello jasper!

*hugs me* hujambo sis! hi emmet
whats up?! hujambo mom

has bella met the latest family member?

wewe won't try to drink my blood carlee.. will you? will she carlisle

no she is like me
true i am

we can't forget max
max max!!!! come here

who is max?

the inayofuata latest cullen and my new boyfriend

hello bella hello carlee

hi max

i am 14

how did wewe know i was going to ask wewe that?

i can read your mind

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The siku has come and we can all now stop wondering what songs and artists have made it onto the New Moon soundtrack! We are really looking mbele to what promises to be an amazing soundtrack for our listening pleasure!

1. Death Cab For Cutie – “Meet Me On The Equinox”
2. Band Of Skulls – “Friends”
3. Thom Yorke – “Hearing Damage”
4. Lykke Li – “Possibility”
5. The Killers – “A White Demon upendo Song”
6. Anya marina – “Satellite Heart”
7. Muse – “I Belong To wewe (New Moon)”
8. Bon Iver and St. Vincent – “Roslyn”
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – “Done All Wrong”
10. Hurricane Bells – “Monsters”
11. Sea mbwa mwitu – “The violet Hour”
12. OK Go – “Shooting The Moon”
13. Grizzly kubeba – “Slow Life”
14. Editors – “No Sound But The Wind”
15. Alexandre Desplat – “New Moon (The Meadow)”

Covered in vines, sand, moss stood the house. I remembered instantly the last time I was there. It was happier then. I was happier. My 18th birthday. It was the reason for the long scar above my elbow. I turned off the car, and hit my head on the steering wheel.

This was a bad idea on all counts. I opened my door to investigate. I didn't get up to the porch before I realized. I wasn’t the first one to be here. The door was spotless no plants were on it; the windows had some dirt but I saw inside, it was fixed. The kitanda was moved to the wall. I saw his Piano. I nearly Lost it....
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Snack on this Twi-Hards! A new picture from The Twilight Saga: New Moon has come out and has mashabiki howling for Team Jacob. Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart are pictured in character and the chemistry these two actors have is jumping out of the picture and grabbing the attention of the world. Sorry, Robert Pattinson but Taylor is closing in on wewe and your days at the juu might be numbered.

News broke yesterday that Twilight actor Jackson Rathbone was hurt while filming and was rushed to a nearby Vancouver hospital. It is being reported that the actor was filming one of the many intense fight scenes from Eclipse and encountered a "slight and unidentified injury." A spokesperson from Summit said, "As a precaution, he was driven to the hospital and checked out kwa a doctor. He's fine and is back at work on the set of Eclipse today." Ashley Greene even tweeted about Jackson coming back onto set and was happy to see he was doing better.
They were one of the keys to the success of Twilight last year, with their song “Decode” proving to be a chart – topping success at the muziki charts. Now in a new interview with the BBC, Paramore looks back at their Twilight experience.

“I don’t think we had any idea what it would become,” says Josh of the film series. “It’s really cool to look back. We didn’t do it to be this massive thing for us we were just going to have fun on a movie.”

Getting involved opened lots of new doors, not least of all a chance for Williams to interview Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen in Twilight)....
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OMG! The New Moon soundtrack songs & artists have been announced! The highly-anticipated album comes out Oct.13, but here are the artists/ songs featured in it....

1. Death Cab For Cutie: Meet Me On The Equinox

2. Band Of Skulls: Friends

3. Thom Yorke: Hering Damage

4. Lykke Li: Possibility

5. The Killers: A White Demon upendo Song

6. Anya Marina: Satellite Heart

7. Muse: I Belong To You

8. Bon Iver and St. Vincent: Rosyln

9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Done All Wrong

10. Hurricane Bells: Monsters

11. Sea Wolf: The violet Hour

12. Ok Go: Shooting The Moon

13. Grizzly Bear: Slow Life

14. Editors: No Sound But The Wind

15. Alexandre Desplat: The Meadow

Let's hope it's as good as the first one! :)

posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 10
I waited till charlie started snoring and went to matts room we talked and talked I told him about my Marafiki and the teachers………………………….
Till I heard charlie wake up and rushed in an inhuman speed to my room and faked for charlie that I was sleeping I got uop and washed my face and got dressed for school when I went down stairs charlie was gone mayy got ready to and I thineked about a black bmw but not that expensive and it apeared in the drive way
-do wewe like your new car?
I asked matt
-its mine?
-my family cant efford it its yours!
He gave me a hug suddenly...
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posted by anna0789
hujambo guys well i was kusoma another fanfiction that a twilight shabiki gets into the twilight world kwa some miracle so i just thought "what would happened if a twilight hater enter kwa mistake the twilight world in bella's body???
if the girl au boy lol that wrote the other makala about the twi-fan is angry with me for uandishi this tell me and i will stop :D

so here it goes...

my name is lily tucker and i hate twilight i don't get all the hype
i will never read the vitabu i order to myself and went to sleep.

"bella ,bella wewe are going to be late for your first siku of school" someone told me

i open...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 6)
Bella pov
The pain was was to much, I couldn’t understand what was happening , my neck was burning , the burning took over my body it changed dakika kwa minuet it grew it rose I wanted to scream this pain out but that probable isn’t a good option ppl will think I'm weak! I clenched my teeth together wishing I never existed suddenly the burning changed! it left my neck! I was relived that the pain had lessen but a new pain started in my chest my moyo was was ripping its way out of my chest the sound of my moyo filled my ears it was getting on my nerves the sound continued...
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Twilight' and director Catherine Hardwicke make the Guiness Book of World Records
September 15, 10:53 PM
Twilight ExaminerAmanda Bell

She's the hivi karibuni recipient of the Dorothy Arzner Directors Award at the Women in Film Crystal Lucy Awards. She's been alisema to have "prove[n] that woman can muscle in on the blockbuster market too." She's been slated to direct films like Hamlet, If I Stay, The Girl with the Red Riding Hood, and Maximum Ride. Her name is Catherine Hardwicke, and she was the director of Twilight.
Her work on Twilight has, according to Reuters, gained her and the film a place in the...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Hope wewe all upendo this Ha she’s finally fighting back

I stood kwa Embelline door, listening to everything James was telling her.
“Why’d wewe do it Em? Why? wewe knew we still had something. Why?” I felt like a huge ice barakinya, brig was in my throat that second, I couldn’t swallow. What we had? There was something going on between James and Embelline? How could he not tell me? No wonder they both acted funny every time they were near me. Then something came into my mind. Mary had once told me that she was with James. Was James just with everyone? That little cheater. I didn’t want to talk to...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Four: And I Push Aside
I gasped sitting up right in bed, wondering what the hell was going on.
"Hayley, wewe okay!?" Zo's voice asked, coming from the end of the shelter hall.
"What's wrong?" Jake asked, jumping out of the room, beads of water running down his skin, his waist down covered with the towel.
"It's okay...I was laying here, and I had a's fine." I said, rubbing my head.
"You sure?" Jake asked, kwa my side.
"Yes, way sure! Now go back into the room where no one can see wewe half naked man!" I said, and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I got up and noticed that it was time to go do my last 5 shifts in a row. I was so excited but than again, I would be able to rest. I ran out of the house and went into the edge of the woods and phased into my mbwa mwitu form.

Billy's POV
I heard a knock on the door. It's open, I yelled from the kitchen. I was still eating breakfast. It was Charlie with a flier in in his hand. Hey, what's up? I asked Charlie. Billy why are wewe housing a crimal? Charlie asked. What are wewe talking about. Hoping he would think I was telling the truth. Billy, Taylor, the girl who has been hanging out with Jacob is a...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Three: Were Better Off Without You
Later that night, the night was still. The night sky was starry, and everything was normal: Ramens chasing after Bounty, and Bounty running from Ramens...people watching and cheering the Ramens on to kill the Bounty, which they do, and clap and congratulate as they watch the bodies get thrown onto the Pile of Burnt Bounty! I sat on the floor inayofuata to Jake's kitanda with Derek as we both listened to the argument coming from the room down the hall.
"So," Derek said. "We need to talk..."...
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New pictures of Eclipse humans Jack Huston (Royce), Christian Serratos (Angela), and Justin Chon (Eric) around Vancouver yesterday!

And Vamp Daddy Peter Facinelli just arrived back in Vancouver. Apparently at the aiport he talked to a shabiki on the phone for 5 mins, who couldn’t be there to meet him in person! Cute!

Also, Lainey Gossip gives deets on Taylor, Rob, and Kristen, and Eclipse scenes -

The main stars have been hard at work this week. David Slade tweeted on Monday that he shot with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and I can tell wewe exclusively that Kristen has also been working with...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Hope wewe all like this one:)

All was quiet. Embelline stood in back of Laurent crouched kwa the ground.
“You always want to attack from the position that they least expect it.” She demonstrated kwa pinning Laurent to the ground and biting his neck. “See, Laurent expected nothing.” She started laughing. Laurent got of the floor and brushed the dirt of his knee. “You got it Vic?” I looked once zaidi at the hole on the ground, the one Embelline had just tackled Laurent through.
“Yeah. Seems simple enough. “ She stood up as well, towering over me, her blonde hair sticking out in every...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
hi guys, still on that writers block for BloodLust! But not for STORYTELLER 2! I did write the first two to three chapters of the sequel of STORYTELLER 1, but I decided to not use those to rekindle the mystery that the first one held! At first, some people that read the ending of STORYTELLER were...distant! They didn't maoni till like three weeks later! So I just decided to leave it alone, let it die out as I didn't listen to myself: my heart, my soul, and my brains! Nor did I listen to the characters and what they wanted to create themselves along side my creations! (When I say the characters...
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Chapter 6 (Good)

I shook my head unable to believe what reflection was staring back at me, I reopened my eyes, I was suddenly back in the middle of the road- Karen still struggling... Michael murmuring something.
“What just happened?” I alisema turning round to face David.
“What- Nothing happened” David alisema Giving the other two guys a weird look.
I turned away from them... I was running as fast as I could, but no matter how far I would run I would never ran away from myself. I wanted to be me again... I don't want to be this person who enjoys people's suffering it was wrong... and I realize...
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posted by Emmett4ever
I was supposed to post this yesterday but my computer decided to close the internet while i was almost done and i got annoyed and didn't want to write it.But I hope wewe like this and don't kill me.Don't ask why read and find out.

Bella's POV

After school Edward had the passenger door-of my car- open for me.I bet Alice saw me making an escape.I was quiet the whole ride to the cullens house.When we arrived at the Cullens house I groaned.Everything was Pink."I think Alice went over board" Edward alisema when he finally got out of the car."You think" I alisema trying to calm myself.But before I could...
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