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posted by ttmrktmnrfn0830
Explanations...Random Movie and Music...

At StarClan...

The StarClan Cats sat there in their seats, crying as 2012 end credits played on their TV.

"That...was beautiful!" Yellowfang sobbed.

"It was depressing!" Swiftpaw groaned. "It was like...dying all over again!"

"I know!" Bluestar agreed. "It's like dying for the tenth time!"

Everyone who wasn't a leader stared at her awkwardly. Bluestar just sat, eating her popcorn. Then, she looked at all the faces.


They looked away. Mosskit enters the scene.

"Mommy!" she squealed, tugging at Bluestar's fur. "Why couldn't I watch the movie? Stonefur watched...
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added by riversnow25
posted by silverheart
 Dovewing with her newborn kits
Dovewing with her newborn kits
I didn't want it to happen. I never even dreamed of it but it did. I was laying down in the nyasi in agony. It wasn't my fault! Was it? I couldn't think of that now tho i had to get to safty. Somewhere no cat would think to look. Then the idea popped into my head.

I ran au in this case dragged myself into the cover of a large kichaka where I caught birds frequently. Then I felt a huge pain. I layed on the ground and pushed as hard as I could and then all of the sudden the pain was gone. I looked down to see four lovley kits trying to get to the fresh scent of milk.I pushed them up to me so I could...
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added by theWOLFPACK15
Source: Barnes &
Another sad AMV kwa AlliKatNya with Graystripe and Silverstream. With song My Immortal, kwa Evenescence
added by TDITrentgirl6
Source: Google picha
added by Spottedleaf13
added by Spottedleaf13
posted by TDITrentgirl6
 Defensive Scorchpaw
Defensive Scorchpaw
Scourge sat in silence as he heard the story. How could anyone be so cruel? Especially her own mother?! Why blame her for what her father did, then she killed her own son, and practically sentenced her other daughter to her death! Scorchpaw ended when she collapsed. She cut off with a whimper, Scourge licked her cheek in an effort to comfort her. She blinked gratefully at him. When a rusty purr sounded. "How sweet." The 2 Cats wheeled around to see a light brown cat with black rings around his tail. Scourge arched his back. "What do wewe want?!" The loner purred. "Nothing much. A place to sleep,...
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added by sonicgirl9
Source: Sonicgirl9
A/N hujambo guys! This is my first Warriors fic, so please be nice! I am also accepting OCs. I'm at The Power of Three: Eclipse, so I'm almost done with the series.

For many moons, FireClan, IceClan, NightClan, and StormClan had been dying. Twolegs were building nests and poisoning Cats and prey. StarClan were not inaonyesha any signs of what they must do.

Duskflower, a beautiful red, brown, and black she-cat, sat in the nursery with her clanmates. "I don't know what we're going to do!" Birchwing said. "Our kits will die!" another Queen exclaimed. Duskflower was about to say something when they heard...
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posted by ttmrktmnrfn0830
I was listening to that Graystripe video My Immortal kwa Allikatnya one day. I then had an idea to voiceover a different song over the video (I didn't make a different video, it was the same video. I'll explain.) What I did was I muted the Graystripe video and opened up another Youtube tab, au looked for a song on my ipod. I then played the song and the video at the same time.
For this video, I muted it and picked the song Hush, kwa Automatic Loveletter. What I did was I paused the Graystripe video at 18 seconds. Then, I played the song, Hush, and the video at the same time, and watched it. It is a very easy process, and it all sounds really good.

wewe could also try that with the Scourge and Firestar video (Let the Bodies hit the Floor, play at 15 seconds) (Sweet Sacrifice, Evanescence; play both at the same time.) If wewe have a problem, send a message.

Overall, it sounds good, in my opinion.
added by WolfHeart6050
added by lionblaze469
added by whitespot95
Source: tada
added by ChocoTaco100
added by hedgie13
posted by Dawnmist
I walk swiftly through the forest Lost in thought. So much has happened after the Dark Forest Battle. Firestar and Hollyleaf died, Squirrelflight became deputy, and Brambleclaw, now Bramblestar, became leader. And to juu that off, Cinderheart had announced to the clan four moons zamani that she was expecting my kits. I needed a break from my clan. What was I going to do next?
You might have known that I'm Lionblaze. My mate is Cinderheart and she is going to have my kits.
I soon found myself at the lake. The sun was just setting over RiverClan territory, right at the perfect place to stare at for...
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added by maddiegreen11