Young Justice Club
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posted by Skittles98
 changed into a nice red dress with a green shawl, ukanda and earrings. I put on some mascara and red eye liner and strawberry lip gloss. I brushed my hair and flew out of my room, down the hall.
changed into a nice red dress with a green shawl, belt and earrings. I put on some mascara and red eye liner and strawberry lip gloss. I brushed my hair and flew out of my room, down the hall.
I rubbed my eyes and looked at my watch. 7:01 in the morning. Watch me the first one up. I changed into a nice red dress with a green shawl, ukanda and earrings. I put on some mascara and red eye liner and strawberry lip gloss. I brushed my hair and flew out of my room, down the hall. I went to the lounge and looked around. Wally was up and talking with Robin. Wally’s eyes widened when he saw me enter and Robin turned around. I smiled, ignoring their shocked looks.
“Merry Christmas!” I exclaimed. They still didn’t say anything. I walked over to them.
“What’s wrong? Are wewe injured?” I asked with concern
“Um…uh…duh…” They both managed. They were staring at my dress.
“Oh! Right, I’m in a dress. Forgot about that. Wait, doesn’t Megan wear skirts all the time?” I remembered
“You look nice” alisema a voice from behind me. I turned to see a strange man in dark shades walk in.
“Um, who are you?” I asked
“Batman” he replied
“Yeah, okay. Batman wouldn’t take off his mask on duty” I pointed out
“I’m not on duty. And if wewe wish to have proof, in grade eight, wewe nick name was-“
“Stop! How did wewe know that?” I demanded
“I already told you. I’m Batman” Bat’s replied
“Fine. Merry krisimasi Batman and thank wewe for the compliment. Apparently, these two have never seen a girl in a dress before” I rolled my eyes. Bat’s laughed and turned on the T.V. to the channel of the burning logs. We all sat there and waited. It was 8:00 when I gave up on waiting. I walked back down the hall, Wally and Robin on my heels.
“I’ll take Artemis and Megan. wewe guys pick who wewe want to wake up.” I said. I walked into my room and grabbed a pillow. Then, I went to Megan’s room. I knocked on the door. No answer.
“Megan? wewe awake? It’s me Alex” I whispered. Still no answer. I opened her door and walked to her bed. I threw my mto at her head and she bolted up.
“Alex? Is that you? She asked. I flicked on the lights and she groaned. I heard shouts from inayofuata door and Wally ran in, hiding behind me. Connor followed, a scowl set on his face. I laughed and flew out of the way. Wally ran out. Connor laughed. I heard a scream. I flew out and flew to Artemis’s room. Wally was standing over her.
“Well, I would say ‘get a room’ but apparently wewe already have one!” I laughed. Kalder and Robin ran in and found a red faced Wally and Artemis.
“Do I want to know?” Kalder asked. I shook my head, laughing.
Hey, my name's Jozyl Jocoti but most to all civilians like yourself would know me as Shayde. That's right I called wewe a civilian, if you're getting the hint here that means I am most likely a superhero au supervillian (Mwhahahaha! Just kidding) au maybe I could be neither au maybe both? I dunno I haven't picked a side yet.

Well anyways I've decided to write my life down in this very article(s) wewe dear civilian are reading. And if wewe are kusoma this I advise wewe to read with caution, this is a tale of extraordinary events of a not so normal girl along with her definitely not normal friends,...
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***these are rachele_X's OC's, I'm just too lazy to sign out and sign back in as her, so I'm posting them from this account.***

Name: Thunderblade
Secret ID: Jackson Adrian Cohn
Age: 12
Appearance: Jackson has longish messy blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles. He wears red glasses, a red t-shirt, a blue jacket, khaki shorts au pants, and sneakers.
Powers: Jackson can communicate with metal, and therefore has very high swordfighting abilities. He also has limited magnetism.
Speed: 40%
Strength: 85%
Agility: 85%
Intelligence: 80%
Personality: Jackson is shy, semi-quiet, slightly awkward, and kind of a...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow lay on her kitanda locked in her room crying her eyes out in her pillow, her and Wally just had a yelling spree and they broke up. Willow wiped away her tears as a knock was heard at her door, " Willow its Phoebe why are wewe crying?" Phoebe yelled through the door, " cause my hearts broken!" Willow screamed in to her mto as zaidi tears came, Phoebe opened the door and closed it behind her, Becca was out crime fighting with Robin for the night and it looked as though she had to be Willows " Becca" this time. " I feel as though im nothing to Wally.. all he does is flirt with every girl on...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Trust me his weakness is if me touch him i flet some of my power coming back" Becca said, " no wonder he wont let us near him!" Lucas said, everyone turned to Douglas his eyes glowed light blue, " rush him!" Andrew yelled, everyone ran at him but he shot a sizmic wave knocking them all back. Willow got on her hands and knees and looked at Douglas with anger, " Meagan link us up!" Willow shouted, Meagan nodded and put everyone into mind link, " what do we do he wont let us near him " Blossom said, " he cant hit what he cant see right " Becca said, " of course!" Robin said, everyone turned...
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posted by robins-gfriend
 'butterfly dodge'
'butterfly dodge'

"Robin, is everything in order now?" Batman’s voice echoed down Robin's ear piece. "Don't worry everything is back in order the police are just finishing up!" alisema Robin, "Good I need wewe team back here ASAP I have some news, Batman out" and their conversation ended. He turned around to see everyone was recovering from killer ice and icicle Jr’s attack. "Batman need's us back to base now he says he has news for us" informed Robin. "Yeah but batman’s type of news is just telling us bad we did!" replied Kid flash brushing snow of his shoulder...
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posted by Mariannebier
Eyes of Artemis
chapter 1
Artemis POV:
It was her first siku at her new school, and she wasn’t quite .. comfortable. No. she was frightened of the fact she didn’t belong here. She fought with the Joker, Poison Ivy, but still she had a feeling in her stomach that wouldn’t stop. She looked around again, waiting for her guide to come. She saw the people starring, looking at her, as she imagined their thoughts:[i]”who is she? what’s that doing here?[i] But she needed to stay tuff. She needed to, her musing was roughly interrupted. It all happened in a few seconds, she heard a click, and...
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posted by Robin_Love
“PATY!” Wally shouted.
He opened the bottle water he held (he'd been banned from all caffine in an attempt to calm the already excited speedster) and took a big drink. Artemis shook her head, standing close to he mentor and friend. Several people were there including Cyrus, Becca, Gray (Gravity Boy), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler of the X Men) and Elie (Eclipse). Not to mention the entire Justice League. The lights had been hacked into disco lights, the cave had been decorated, and chakula had been made kwa Megan. With help from Becca. muziki started playing and the party was going. An saa into...
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posted by emilypenguin55
*fangirl momment* okay this is the first part of the first episode of the shabiki fiction i was challenged to write kwa Robin_Love. i was challenged to write about wally's epic failness. sorry if its kinda short, but ENJOOOOY! oh and i apologive before hand for misspellings and grammer errors.
Beep Beep Beep Beep, the alarm clock alisema in its usual monotone voice. “UUGGGH”, Wally groaned as he desperately tried to find the snooze button, in which he gave up on finding it so he just...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The twins got the keys kwa making them float to them, it sounds weird but when they put their minds together on something they can make weird things happen, As the keys floated to the cage and put were put in the lock and twisted in thin air. The cage door opened for the twins and they walked out at the exact same time. Wally looked shocked, " Why didnt wewe just do that in the first place!" he yelled angrily, " Wouldnt have" " been fun" alisema the other twin finishing the others sentence. The twins began to giggle. Finally the keys floated over and Wally grabbed them unlocking his cage door then...
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posted by MegGraysonYJ
I'm currently uandishi a YoungJustice/TeenTitans crossover fanfiction. The main pairing is Robin/Starfire, with bit of Wally/Artemis, BB/Rae, Cyborg/Bee, Supermartian, BMWW (Batman/WonderWoman), a tiny smudge of Flinx, I think that's it, I can't remember, anyways....

Summary: Young Justice has been formed kwa the world-famous Justice League for undercover covert missions, then, aliens come to Earth in the tafuta for a Lost Tameranean prisoner. Koriand'r.

It starts with Starfire, before introducing BB, Cy and Raven... Main focus is around Robin. I'd probably have Slade and The Joker in there somewhere eventually.

I'd really upendo to know your opinion (I upendo getting detailed reviews :D, they make me happy)...


Megs xx
 Robin would come and caress the baby.
Robin would come and caress the baby.
I woke up fealing really sick,I was in the bathroom throwing up.
I herd Robin enter.
Ro-Robin?I don`t feel that good today.
"Yeah I know,here take this and read the instruccions take 5 then tell me what it says got it?"
Yeah,I think.He gave me some pregnancy tests I took all five of them and they all alisema Positive.
Robin Im pregnant I whispered.
"What?!Let me see them."He looked at them all with a shoked expresion.
Robin maybe it was wewe know last night?
"Probably,How are we going to tell Batman and The entire Teams the 2 of them?"
Thats a horrifingig thought.
"Yeah but we can`t tell them until your...
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 It was a black dress and high socks also balck with my hair tied back and a pink bow.
It was a black dress and high socks also balck with my hair tied back and a pink bow.
*Slam*Dude its 9:00am why slamming doors?
"Shut up and follow me!"
Robin dragged down the stairs and sat me in front of the T.V.
"Babe look get dressed they`re gonna give wewe the key to the city!!!"
WHAT!!!!!!!!!did I do something?!
"Yesterday wewe protected everyone and Risked yourself like a real superhero and did`nt cost anything what wewe did!"
Woah!!Batman is it that easy winning the key to the city?!
Batman smiled and sat inayofuata to with three cups of coffee in his hand one for Robin one for me and One for Miko.
"Come on lets get wewe dressed for succes!!"
Okay!Robin gave me a Black...
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There was only one thing running through my mind at that moment: running away and screaming "Stranger danger!" but kwa the way Batman was looking at me told me otherwise.
So instead I said, "Oh, hi." I turned around and started shuffling back toward the house when he grabbed my arm.
"Does anyone else know you're the Avatar?" he asked abruptly.
I stopped in my tracks. "How did wewe know that?" I whispered.
He ignored my question. "Answer it!" he ordered.
I sighed and shook his arm off me. "Only my mother knows." I looked up at him. "Am I in trouble?"
He looked like he was deciding my fate for...
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 I walked the streets of Gotham.
I walked the streets of Gotham.
We were at a mission room and Batman started debrefing:FireBlaster you`ll patrol the sky`s of gotham and the rest of the team will be there with wewe but they shall not help wewe if wewe get in some sort of trobule.Now go!

Okay I took my car and of course I fixed it and its voice commanded so I rode in it and patroled but nothing suspicios,hmm.
The Bioship was behind me in camoflauge mode.
I landed on a Wayne enterprices roof juu and jumped I was bored out of my mind when I saw a bank robary.
I mumbled Azerath Metrion Zinthos! everything turned black and started floating the a huge bird black to be...
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posted by FunGameFan
Today we will be talking about a hero that I made up but I think will be perfect in young justice. These are a few things about her.

Lidia McClay is her real name and she has gone through a lot of superhero names that we will get to. When she was a very young girl about the age of 5 to 9 she was a spy with cat- like instincts and she was known as agent cateyes. When she was 9 years old her parents died in the circus when they were on a mission. They knew some one was planning on destroying the acts so they went undercover as a trapeze act. At that moment she was known as Vennessa Starworthy,...
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posted by ecoelo
"Okay ladies nice job. A few zaidi horrors to go then we are finished!" the director put his koti, jacket on and sighed. "Just sick of this crap" Arsenal stormed up to him.
"How can wewe cancel YJ? I just don't understand?!"
"Yeah and I haven't been on screen yet!" Damian whined and did his puppy face. Dick patted his back and sighed.
"Its just how it is..." and walked away with Damian without looking back. The team glanced at each other.
"We do have millions of viewers. Why more?" Conner stepped in.
"Its not enough!" the director turned around with an angry look on his face.
"How much do you...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
how i think jade reacted to Artemis death.

You're a good girl..... Aren't yah?...yes." Jade alisema in the goody goody baby talk as she played with her baby girl. Lian giggled as she held her mother forefinger listening to the her maoni and watching her make a thousand kissy faces .
She grab hold of her mother wide black locks and Jade gushed out,"Awe! Lian that's my hair." She quickly remove the child's tight grip from her hair. She rubbed her head as she held Lian with one hand, balancing the child on her lap.
"Dada," Lian said, as her mother look back at her.
"He''ll be back in sec...." Jade...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
Dick had worked a few hours and already knew that this was the worst job ever. He had mixed up a bunch of orders, experienced his first lunch rush, cleaned the bathrooms which wasn’t pretty, spilled a few drinks, and right now he was dealing with a register that had a mind of its own.
“Okay so that’s one chilli burger and” He pushed a button when the register opened hitting his stomach.
“Ow. Don’t open yet” He told the cash register. He pushed it back in.
“Let’s try again. One chili burger” He said. The register opened again. Dick backed away before it hit him again.
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I was bored.
1. Point to bila mpangilio people and announce that they are “definitely not whelmed”.
2. In the middle of a conversation, run away screaming “I hate monkeys!!!!”
3. Whenever they ask to make plans with you, tell them that you’re too busy moping about the hiatus.
4. Take the prefixes off of words they say in conversation.
5. Then, if they ask what you’re doing, say you’re improving the English language.
6. Whenever wewe realize something, slap your forehead and say “Hello _____(your name)!”
7. If your “friend” is of the opposite gender, tell them that their biceps/abs/whatever...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
The team ran in the training slash confrence room . Batman was about to leave.
“wait!” everyone yelled. Batman stopped and turned to them.
“Batman we have received some new information on the mission” Aqualad said.
“You have a protégé” Wally yelled. Batman raised his eyebrow under his cowl. Megan stepped up and gave Batman the sunglasses. Batman inspected them.
“Do wewe recognize them?” Meagan asked. Slowly Batman raised his hand to his head.
“I…remember. Robin? Robin. I have a s” Batman stopped himself. He was about to say son.
“protégé” he continued. “What happened”...
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