Couldn't log into the new account I JUST CREATED, now I Lost everything and had to make a new one. It's me, Dragon-88. Still trying to find out how jiunge the Birdo fanclub. I'm using an Iphone 7.
ilitumwa miezi 11 iliyopita
wewe know.....reading through my incomplete fanfictions has made me realize three things:1. I upendo to write stories, especially cute ones like those. 2. I am really considering finishing them much zaidi than I ever did before. And 3. I am highly considering making them into comic book form, simply because it combines my upendo for uandishi fanfics and also my upendo for drawing. I just wonder if I'll be able to make it so wonderfully wonderful like my mind and moyo is imagining to be.....
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
Hmmm.....debating whether I should continue my stories on here.......I don't see why not, but it would obviously take time like it always has....
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