It starts with an A and it ends with an A.....start guessing!

fanpopping tangu September 2008

  • Female
  • Wisconsin, Middle-Earth
  • Favorite Movie: juu fave: The Lord of the Rings......Other good sinema (far behind LotR): Prince Caspian, The Princess Bride, Gladiator, nyota Wars
    Favorite Musician: Howard Shore, wingu Cult, Bright Eyes, The Decemberists, Wilco, John Mayer, Modest Mouse, Ben Folds Five, Eels, Matthew Ryan, Pinback, Midnight Oil
    Favorite Book or Author: The Lord of the Rings
mchoro orodha

Vilabu Vyangu

Dedicated Fan in 5 clubs Dedicated (5) Die-Hard Fan in 1 club Die-Hard (1) Super Fan in 1 club Super (1)

ukuta wangu

LowriLorenza89 alinipa heshima za my pop quiz questions
heshima for your LOTR chemsha bongo maswali ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
Raistlin alinipa heshima za my comments
LotR shabiki :) ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
big smile
moviefreak12 alinipa heshima za my polls
isee u like lotr! me to!!! ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita