hi made my own song did it in the mitaani, mtaa earned two hundred pounds how cool is the did the like me imba au my song what do wewe think have a guess wewe try it to also bored going to robin wood in three days totz excitd (:)) smiley sideways if wewe were wondering lolololololoolololololololiololololoololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
hujambo guys pllzz send me a message hate my jina la mtumiaji want to be called katyperryfanxtt plz help me i hate my brother ahhh
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
how to become a mermaid step1 get a bowl of water and salt half of any cup drink as much apossable zaidi wewe drink bigger chance it will work say in your head i want to be a mermaid 1 times wait for 10 minets wet your legs and feet dry legs and not feetthen all yohave o do is wait
ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita