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added by BellaGrey444
added by BellaGrey444
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added by RoseLovesJack
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added by milkie
added by milkie
added by milkie
Hi, this is the 17th chapter of My True Love. Some of wewe may have not read it, if wewe havent then please read on, but wewe might want to go and check out the others first (they are all on my page) the next-and last!- chapter will be ilitumwa in a few days so, keep and eye out and I hope wewe enjoy!
Love Twilightsauce

We had all come here for a picnic today, in the meadow, because it was a sunny day. We were all here the whole pack and all of the Cullen’s. The meadow was deserted and it looked peaceful and serene with upinde wa mvua spots dancing around.
Nessie was heavily pregnant and our baby was due...
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Here's Chapter Two...right after Alice's first vision.

Alice P.O.V.

I didn't know how long I had been lying there. But I had watched the moon replace the sun so many times I wouldn't be shocked if I was eighty kwa now. The moon was just coming up again...watching me lying there still. My breaths same out slowly, my chest moving up and down. I wasn't sure how long I could lie here. I was getting thirsty. I put both my hands on the ground at either side of me and pushed myself up suddenly. I expected I would get dizzy because of the speed I'd gotten up at, but I didn't. I felt strong and full of...
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Sorry this chapter has taken so long -my computer brok so I had to re write it!!!- but enjoy!

Running, breathing, living, hunting, fighting and Jake. These were the only five words running through my head right now. We hadn’t been running long and I was still at the front of the mduara, duara with Jake. As we ran I could almost smell the danger approaching us. I knew that the others were trying not to onyesha their anxiety around me but I knew that these newborns weren’t as new any zaidi and were becoming better fighters kwa the day.
“Stop,” I herd Alice call from behind me, “The newborns...
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added by BellaGrey444
added by BetOnAlice
Source: Livejournal