this is the cover of the book

Nose bleed from chest
REASONS WHY explination:
The reason why is beacuse anime boys are perverts.
even when they son't want to be one they are.So anyway they get noebleeds for two main reasons.
Reason 1:the first reason is if they see a girl naked.
Reason 2:They see a realy pretty girl and think perverted thoughts.
Those are the two main reasons but theres many zaidi such as finding a girl in ur bed.Or even seeing a pretty girl.Also it could be like in Naruto when they read perverted books.perverts could be just if they see a big chested girl.And it And wewe know they always get beatup after being perverts (which as a girl i would beat them up too!)Well i hope this answerd that swali which i know zaidi than half of wewe already know.

nosebleed from naked girl

L from Death Note, who ranks #1 on the list

We are The World~

Disgaea The Animation Wallpaper.
Storyline: 8/10
uhuishaji 8/10
Action: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
ujumla, jumla enjoyment: 8/10
It's a pretty good anime that deserves to be enjoyed kwa the anime Gaming community.
Laharl, Etna, Flonne.

Disgaea The Animation, Laharl, Etna and Flonne.

Blue Reflection Ray 96% score.
(for beginners)
step 1: take a paper, a pencil and a eraser.
step 2: draw the sketch of your character.
step 3: outline the sketch.
step 4: draw the details (tits/ass/abs/wtfiswrongwithme).
step 5: erase the sketch.
step 6: color the drawing.
step 7: finish the drawing.
step 8: be proud af.
step 9: take a look at wewe anime character (lol nope).
step 10: cringe 10x.
step 11: burn the drawing.
step 12: give up on drawing for like an hour, then start again.
i hope that it helped.
(for beginners)
step 1: take a paper, a pencil and a eraser.
step 2: draw the sketch of your character.
step 3: outline the sketch.
step 4: draw the details (tits/ass/abs/wtfiswrongwithme).
step 5: erase the sketch.
step 6: color the drawing.
step 7: finish the drawing.
step 8: be proud af.
step 9: take a look at wewe anime character (lol nope).
step 10: cringe 10x.
step 11: burn the drawing.
step 12: give up on drawing for like an hour, then start again.
i hope that it helped.

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi
Misaki's mother. She appears to be somewhat sickly, but does her best to support Misaki and Suzuna kwa working as a nurse at the hospital. Although she is grateful that Misaki is helping her with their financial problems, she also wants nothing zaidi than for Misaki to have zaidi fun and go out zaidi often as a high school teenager. She becomes acquainted with Usui at the train station in chapter 35 and sees him as a very gentle person and the exact opposite of her husband. Usui has stated that she is open minded.

Son Goku

Bleach Live Action Movie.