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AI meaning "love" (愛藍) - Japanese girl name.
AIKA meaning "love song" (愛佳) - Japanese girl name.
AIKO meaning "child of love" (愛子) - Japanese girl name.
AIMI meaning "love beautiful" (愛美) - Japanese girl name.
AINA meaning "love vegetables" (愛菜) - Japanese girl name.
AIRI meaning "love jasmine" (愛莉) - Japanese girl name.
AKANE meaning "brilliant red" (茜) - Japanese girl name.
AKEMI meaning "bright beautiful" (明美) - Japanese girl name.
AKI meaning "bright / autumn" (明 / 秋) - Japanese unisex name.
AKIHIRO meaning "great brightness" (明宏) - Japanese boy name.
AKIKO meaning...
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posted by grayza_love07
~07 Ghost~

February 3 – Shuri Oak
March 3 – Mikage
July 8 – Hyuuga
September 25 – Kuroyuri
October 15 – Hakuren Oak
December 1 – Teito Klein
December 24 – Castor

~Akihabara Dennou-Gumi / Cyber Team in Akihabara~

March 3, 1998 – Hibari Hanakoganei
May 5, 1997 – Tsugumi Higashijujo
May 15, 1989 – Jun Gotokuji / Blood Falcon
June 6, 1997 – Tsubame Ootorii
July 7, 1997 – Suzume Sakurajosui
August 18, 1993 – Hatoko Daikanyama
September 19, 1990 – Miyama Zoshigaya/Death Crow
October 10, 1510 – Christian Rosenkreuz
November 11, 1997 – Kamome Sengakuji
December 12, 1997 – Uzura Kitaurawa...
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posted by tigerwolf
 this is the cover of the book
this is the cover of the book
this is from my inayopendelewa MONSTER. it's a story about a monster with out a name the story name is the nameless monster.Franz Bonaparta is a characters from monster he wrote the story.that ends up affect Johan and Anna's Liebert life and others. this story is suppose to hypnotize kids and turn them into perfect killers. i hope wewe enjoy it!

A long, long time zamani in a land far away, There was a monster without a name. The monster wanted a name so badly. So the monster left to go on a journey to find a name. But the world was so large that he mgawanyiko, baidisha into two to make his journey. One went to the west...
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posted by ranmaakane4ever
 Nose bleed from chest
Nose bleed from chest
everyone at my school keep asking why do anime boys always have nosebleeds?And im tired of it so in this artical i'll explain.But im pretty sure wewe all know why.

REASONS WHY explination:
The reason why is beacuse anime boys are perverts.
even when they son't want to be one they are.So anyway they get noebleeds for two main reasons.

Reason 1:the first reason is if they see a girl naked.
Reason 2:They see a realy pretty girl and think perverted thoughts.
Those are the two main reasons but theres many zaidi such as finding a girl in ur bed.Or even seeing a pretty girl.Also it could be like in Naruto when they read perverted books.perverts could be just if they see a big chested girl.And it And wewe know they always get beatup after being perverts (which as a girl i would beat them up too!)Well i hope this answerd that swali which i know zaidi than half of wewe already know.
 nosebleed from naked girl
nosebleed from naked girl
 L from Death Note, who ranks #1 on the orodha
L from Death Note, who ranks #1 on the list
The website ranks these characters based on how many "hearts" they receive from members. Here are the juu fifty most loved anime characters, on that website:

1) L from Death Note
2) Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist / Brotherhood
3) Lelouch vi Britannia/Lamperouge from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
4) Hatake Kakashi from Naruto / Shippuden
5) Light Yagami from Death Note
6) Roy mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist / Brotherhood
7) Ryuk from Death Note
8) Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
9) Lucy from Elfen Lied
10) Kisuke Urahara from Bleach
11) C.C. from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
12) Kanade...
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So now this one is a orodha I knew I would end up doing eventually and isn’t really done because anyone really wanted me to au because of a dare. So yeah! This is one Riku is doing completely on her own will after a light suggestion from Wanta. So for all those that know what happens when Riku gets into uandishi something, be prepared.

Anyways, don’t ask me why I was talking in third person. I do that occasionally without noticing. XD This orodha is obviously going to contain my juu 10 inayopendelewa anime characters of all time. Really...
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posted by pumpkinqueen
 We are The World~
We are The World~
This is an makala on why I upendo Hetalia and how it spoke to me, how it moved me, and how I got into it.

I upendo Hetalia, because the character are so put together, the jokes are so funny and well thought up. I upendo the dept of the characters and their personalities. All their relationships and friendship with the other characters really got me into it. It's funny and a good story. I watch it when I'm depressed, so I can see that upendo and friendship is everywhere, that we all jiunge together to make the world. I just upendo the message it gives, the characters, the story, the friendships, the partnership,...
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Now i ask myself this swali many times.So ask yourself right now Do anime characters names fit their personality?Well I say yes it does! so i've doe some research on some names of famous animes.
We all know sasuke is apperantly the hot guy in Naruto (even if some of us don't think so).Not only that but he thinks hes better and stronger than anyone else.Anyway this might explain why they named him Sasuke.Saskue means in jappanese Ninja Warrior which he thinks he is(but isn't just wishes)
Every one knows who the famous half demon boy INUYASHA.Almost everybody thinks...
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 Disgaea The uhuishaji Wallpaper.
Disgaea The Animation Wallpaper.
I thought the humerou in it was funny. And the characters along with the storyline were pretty good. It's a must watch for Disgaea and Anime, manga and Gaming mashabiki alike. So please try this series if wewe haven't seen it yet. I recommend it.

Storyline: 8/10
uhuishaji 8/10
Action: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
ujumla, jumla enjoyment: 8/10

It's a pretty good anime that deserves to be enjoyed kwa the anime Gaming community.
Laharl, Etna, Flonne.
 Disgaea The Animation, Laharl, Etna and Flonne.
Disgaea The Animation, Laharl, Etna and Flonne.
Code Geass is one of the greatest shows of all time. One of the main reasons for that is because of the show's large cast of great characters. Code Geass has so many characters that ranking all of them would be a difficult task, but I've decided to go ahead and rank them all. This makala has been one of the hardest that I've ever had to make. It took days of uandishi and thinking to make, but I believe it was worth it.

Some things to know about my ranking:

I'm ranking the characters based off of my personal feelings. I've been a shabiki of Code Geass since 2015. Since then, I've developed very strong...
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 Blue Reflection ray 96% score.
Blue Reflection Ray 96% score.
Blue Reflection ray Review.
A fascinating show. The surface story is a well designed and plotted magical girl onyesha where the protagonists try to protect other girls' negative feelings from being "consumed" kwa the antagonists for their own use.

But the onyesha subverts anime tropes to create a sense of foreboding, and the way the onyesha plays with the characters' perception of reality makes the viewer swali everything they see. The theme of hundreds of girls and women living with social anxiety, depression, imposter syndrome and other mental health problems is a dark commentary on the mores and...
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(for beginners)

step 1: take a paper, a pencil and a eraser.
step 2: draw the sketch of your character.
step 3: outline the sketch.
step 4: draw the details (tits/ass/abs/wtfiswrongwithme).
step 5: erase the sketch.
step 6: color the drawing.
step 7: finish the drawing.
step 8: be proud af.
step 9: take a look at wewe anime character (lol nope).
step 10: cringe 10x.
step 11: burn the drawing.
step 12: give up on drawing for like an hour, then start again.

i hope that it helped.
Song: All Alone With You
Artist: EGOIST
Album: All Alone With You
Other: Ending Song for the anime PSYCHO-PASS

dareka wo ai suru koto nante
dekiru wake nakutte
dakedo dareka ni aisaretakute
kawaranai kinou ga zutto tsudzuita to shitemo
doko ni mo yuke yashinainda
watashi to KIMI

Loving someone else
is something I just can’t do…
but I want to be loved kwa someone…
Even if the same old thing kept on happening,
we won’t be able to go anywhere…
Neither wewe nor I…

kami-sama doko he itteshimatta no nee
henji ha nakute itsudatte sou da yo
Are wewe still here?

Hey… where did God leave off to?
He has never...
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posted by mitsuki963
onna no ko hajimemashita
tameiki wa vioron no shirabe ni nite
akai mi hajikechatta
mada anata o shiranai

"konna koto hajimete" tte
manazashi wa aku no hana sakimidarete
mori e to tsuzuku basu sutoppu
demo anata wa tsurenai

karameta hada ni myakuutsu
koi no shiruetto
karui mahou
usotsuki na kuchibiru sou kasaneteru dake no

nee kamisama
warui ko ni naritai yo
ii ko ni shiteru kara onegai da yo
zurui koto sasetoite
ii koto shitai nara
sukaato hirugaeshite
sugu kaeru yo
doyoubi wa haresou da

kamisama, ijimenaide

aa koi o hajimetakute
agesome shi maegami no sono nagasa to
ringo ni kakete chikau...
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posted by usuitakumi77
Minako Ayuzawa (鮎沢 美奈子, Ayuzawa Minako?)
Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi

Misaki's mother. She appears to be somewhat sickly, but does her best to support Misaki and Suzuna kwa working as a nurse at the hospital. Although she is grateful that Misaki is helping her with their financial problems, she also wants nothing zaidi than for Misaki to have zaidi fun and go out zaidi often as a high school teenager. She becomes acquainted with Usui at the train station in chapter 35 and sees him as a very gentle person and the exact opposite of her husband. Usui has stated that she is open minded.
posted by rosethorn
The rain came down like hail between the abandened homes and factorys as a young girl of sixteen ran from the place she had called nyumbani for two in a half years. She tripped once zaidi this time slidding five feet across the pavement street. She couldn't breath for a long sekunde and then looking down she saw flashes of the night all the suffering and pitty began. Her face was burnning from the heat of the fire, her father hugging her before she was flung out the window. «STOP!» Her soft sweet voice speaking out loud caused her to jump with suprise. Looking back down now she only saw her long...
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Kira. In the anime community, that word is most associated with killers, and are shown to be so with that name alone. However, only two of the most deadly antagonists in anime have taken this name (As far as I know). Those two are Light Yagami AKA Kira from the thriller anime Death Note, and Yoshikage Kira from the recently released action anime, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. However, which of these Kira’s is the better Kira? Which one could defeat the other. Well, before we discuss that, let’s talk about the two for a moment, and see their abilities. Also, this list...
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 Son Goku
Son Goku
Since I am feeling very lazy at this point I will write one long makala instead of uandishi two shorter ones so I hope that someone has the energy to actually read the whole thing.

To clearify I am not simply going to use "The" main character I will use anyone that can be concidered a Protaganist so if I use a character from "Dragonball" that doesn't mean I have to use Goku, in other words I will use my inayopendelewa out of the main cast of each series.


I think I will start with the Heroes so here is my juu 10 inayopendelewa Male protaganists in animé.

 Ash Ketchum
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posted by NagisaFurukawa-
 Bleach Live Action Movie.
Bleach Live Action Movie.
So i watched the Live action Bleach Movie on Netflix with my younger brother. It is a good movie. I liked how it stayed true to the Bleach story. Other than that,the live action Bleach Movie is spot on. Glad they did not fully mess up with this movie. Hope they make another one.

I feel that Netflix and Warner brothers did a good job on this movie. People out there in the world need to stop comparing anime live actions to the episodes. It's like how Marvel and DC sinema change and is not similar to the comics and cartoons sometimes. And the mashabiki are like that was so unexpected and cool. Yet...
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There's a lot of animes out there. It can often be hard to decide which animes are worth watching. In my opinion, Code Geass is one of the greatest animes of all time.

Here are some of the reasons why Code Geass is worth checking out:

1. It's both brilliant and exciting

Exciting shows and films often have to rely on lots of twists and cameos to throw the audience off-guard. Code Geass is zaidi exciting than the average blockbuster, and it does so kwa having characters, with conflicting goals and complex feelings on morality, fighting against one another.

2. A protagonist that's one of a kind

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