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posted by sapherequeen
Moon Signs, in some sense, define how we see ourselves. They express the unconscious side of our character and explains why we do the things we do in the ways we do them (sorry if that was confusing). Our moon sign is where we can gather our child memories, comfort, and peace in life. Our moon sign may also possess our fear, anger, jealousy, and hatred.

The Moon Sign's influence on our senses depends on its' position in our birth charts.

The Moon Sign is usually different from your Sun Sign, and this tends to be one of the reasons why we may feel different from our sun sign (Another reason is your Ascendant, which I'll post another makala about in the future). Your Moon sign may end up being a zaidi accurate description of you.

Lastly, on points where your Moon Sign and Sun Sign are compatible, they will work together and help wewe through some hardships in your life and help wewe achieve your dreams.

Now, to describe each Moon Sign;

-The Moon rules the emotional self, so when the Moon is in Aries, watch out! Aries Moon is not known for restraint. They are impulsive and enthusiastic. If an idea strikes them, they are the first on the bandwagon to make it reality, without stopping to think about any obstacles that may be in the way. Spontaneous and determined, they let their moyo rule their head.

Moon Sign Aries is happy, optimistic, and impatient. They live for the moment, forgetting all else. Instant gratification is their middle name. They are passionate and have no qualms about sharing how they feel. At the same time, they can be very independent. They don't like to take no for an answer. They have the self-confidence to put themselves out there and they want to make a strong impression. Subtle does not describe this Sign. They are well-suited to meeting challenges that may destroy lesser people. They are clever and often approach their situations with a novel angle. Occasionally there are the few who may blame everything on other people.

Aries Moon takes everything personally, but they don't hold grudges. If they feel slighted they will burst out angrily and let those responsible know about it. Their emotions can rapidly change, and they can throw some spectacular tantrums. These emotional outbursts are usually over as quickly as they started. They don't normally take any time to consider the consequences of their actions. They seem to be able to just shrug off anything that goes wrong and keep going. They tend to calm down as they get older.

Moon Sign Aries gets bored easily. They have been accused of causing confrontations just to keep things interesting. If wewe live with a Moon in Aries person, keep this in mind. It may make it easier to deal with the drama that is bound to occur. They like to get their own way, and can resent any authority besides their own. At their worst, Aries Moon can be overconfident, aggressive, self-indulgent and foolhardy. At their best, they can be inspiring, kind, sympathetic, generous and tireless for a cause.

Moon Sign Aries has a problem differentiating between a need and a want. If they want it, they feel they need it with all their being. This can be a problem for overspending au other vices. They are charming, even when they are in the midst of a personal crisis that has all their Marafiki scrambling to help. In the middle of these frequent "crises," they seldom feel any concern over the needs of others.

On the good side, the Aries Moon isn't likely to sulk if they don't get their way. They also play it straight… they don't go for manipulating others through guile au deception. They have an aura of innocence around them. They can achieve what many other people want, but don't take the chance to get. They like the idea of having power, and will probably handle it fine, if a little heavy handed.

-Taurus Moon likes the familiar instead of the exotic. They will be prepared to put up with just about anything to preserve this familiar sense of security. Strong-willed, they are set in their ways. They want to create a solid, comfortable existence so they feel secure and happy. Moon in Taurus is steady, and makes those near them feel comforted. They can be very conservative and set in their ways. Sociable, Moon Sign Taurus loves companionship. They are emotionally balanced, and like to finish one thing before starting another.

They don’t like unpredictable au messy situations au emotional outbursts. They take their time before committing to anything, but once they do, they are reliable and persevere, no matter what it takes. wewe can usually trust their instincts. They analyze every songesha first to find out what is the safest course. They can become predictable and slaves to routine, since this gives them a sense of security.

The Taurus Moon Sign is very romantic. They are affectionate and are faithful and unwavering, warm and sentimental. They are sensuous and upendo the good life. They will stand kwa their mates even through the worst of times. Their loyalty is a quality to treasure, although they have been known to test their relationships to see if they will survive a challenge. They are gentle, thoughtful and kind. They like quiet reflection, good muziki and gourmet food. Possessions are important to Taurus Moon… they may become a collector of antiques au other valuables. The urge to collect usually begins when they are very young. They have the ability to get a bargain au a lot for their money. This may give others the impression that they must keep up with your lifestyle to be your friend. They prefer people who offer the same level of energy and sincerity than those who may be well-connected financially.

They have a serene quality that tends to calm those around them. It takes quite a lot to rattle them. When their favored routine is interrupted, however, they may not be the most adaptable one in the crowd. They can be stubborn and are seldom spontaneous. They have a talent for speaking before they think. Taurus Moon loves the pursuit of pleasure, although they will not follow this if it threatens their sense of security. They like material comfort and may become too concerned over social status. They may appear proud au unapproachable because they are so contained within themselves. If wewe break a promise to a them, be prepared to pay… they have a long memory. Slow to forget, they are also slow to forgive. While they are demanding of their Marafiki and partners, they hold themselves to the same standards. They are not very familiar with the concept of compromising.

Taurus Moon is self-reliant and independent. They like to spend lavishly at times, but can be rather miserly at others. There is no middle ground. They are charming and diplomatic, and make unselfish parents.

-Witty and charming, Gemini Moon is fun and pleasant to hang out with. Their twin aspect also makes them moody and irritable, though. If wewe can put up with the constant switch from one to the other, wewe will find that they are very interesting people to be around. They like to have a hand in everything, are usually well-informed and are the basis for the saying "curiosity killed the cat." Their inquisitiveness is all-encompassing. Like other air signs, the Moon Sign Gemini is adept at saying what they think is expected before they have a chance to think about it. They may also imitate others' behavior if they think it is zaidi acceptable than just being themselves.

Gemini Moon needs a lot of stimulation to keep their interest. They are either, talking, kusoma au thinking… they never stop. They bore easily. wewe may notice they are somewhat restless, and may worry incessantly au appear to be perpetually nervous. Since they are zaidi likely to reason things than feel them, they are capable of handling anxiety, worry and sorry better than others.

Sociable and friendly, Gemini Moon has a talent with words. They have a great imagination and always have way too many irons in the fire. Some may tend to pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing and forget what they needed to take care of. They often have artistic talents if they can be persuaded to stick with it and develop them. They may pick up one interest, only to drop it a week later for another. No matter what they end up doing, they need an outlet for creativity. They also need contact with others. Social interaction is needed like they need air… they can't survive without it.

Gemini Moon is a great organizer, even though inside they may be unsettled. While they are very open-minded, their ability to make a decision suffers for it. Even so, the versatility and adaptability that they have is an exceptional trait. Monotony is their worst fear. They prefer change and adventure. If they have a problem, they want to talk it out. They like to analyze their problems, which can make them look detached. In fact, they may feel zaidi comfortable talking about their feelings than experiencing them. Because of this, it is common for this Sign to often feel misunderstood. If wewe have a friend with a Moon Sign Gemini, they will want to help wewe solve your problems in the fastest, most clever way they can manage. Be prepared to be peppered with maswali so they can get all the facts.

When in a relationship, they are loyal and loving. Their problem is that those they may be attracted to physically may not stimulate them intellectually, and vice versa. While they don't like being tied down and demand a certain amount of freedom, once they have made up their mind to commit, they're in it for the long haul. Unfortunately, even to those who know them well, the Moon in Gemini person comes off as fickle.

-Cancer Moon has a knack for being in touch with their feelings, as well as those of others. They may be so in touch with their feelings that they become very self-absorbed. At the same time, they are so in touch with others' feelings that they can see through any superficial statements of well-being. They have a terrific memory, especially for emotional things. The Cancer Moon Sign looks for familiarity and security. They tend to cling to their home, their family and friends, and their possessions. They really appreciate peace and quiet, and they are not big mashabiki of change.

Devoted and accommodating, they do not like superficiality. When they have feelings of insecurity, they may attempt to create a sense of it kwa accumulating things around them. While others have moved on from a hurt, those born under a Moon in Cancer may tend to keep dwelling on them. They may tend to feel taken for granted, and they don't like to confront others, so they may leave hints about their unhappiness to get your attention. They can become very manipulative in some cases.

They have a delightful sense of humor that borders on the loony and can be amazingly funny. At the same time, they can be moody, which can confuse those who don't know them well. They may behave erratically at times, but they have a unique angle on life. They are also very affectionate and protective.

When they feel understood, they return the feelings of tenderness and warmth in abundance. They are very dependable, mood swings and all. They are creative and sensitive. If they don't have their own artistic talents, they have a fine appreciation of the arts. They are vulnerable to the influence of those they spend time with. It may be difficult for them to express their own opinions, rather than just reflect those around them.

Cancer Moon may be a bit awkward socially, being shy with strangers au when they are in unfamiliar situations. Once they feel zaidi comfortable, they will be zaidi outgoing. They may lack motivation, and be sloppy au disorganized. They don't like to throw away anything, including unhappy relationships. They do like to get their way, and they often set personal goals for themselves.

Cancer Moon can be very nurturing. They may express this through philanthropy, au through hospitable and compassionate behavior. They are quick to make everyone a part of the family. Emotionally, they can become their own worst enemy. They are prone to be vulnerable and dependent. This may cause them to be overly possessive of their partner. Indifference hurts them deeply, even when it was unintended. They are likely to bottle it up inside, however and not tell anyone.

Domesticity comes naturally to Cancer Moon, and they usually excel at gardening, culinary arts and nyumbani decorating. They may be rather finicky eaters, and when upset may use chakula as a comfort measure. They like to be reassured that they are making the right decisions and when they feel secure and on juu of things, they are unbeatable.

-Leo Moon likes to be the center of attention… when they are comfortable in the situation. They may do a lot of entertaining at nyumbani and they have a great sense of comic timing. Those born with the Moon in Leo are talented organizers, and may bring that out to the point of trying to organize and control their Marafiki and family. They want to create and entertain… although they may end up being too lazy to actually put things together as often as they would like. Their natural bossiness helps them be good at delegating chores to others, although deep down they really want to treat others fairly.

Leo Moon needs a lot of upendo to do well in the world. They can be overly dramatic if they feel slighted, and they are prone to sulking. Luckily, they prefer to perform their scenes in the privacy of their home. Public displays may hurt their image. They would rather appear dignified in public, since social status is everything. They may be a bit vain au snobbish, but they are very loyal.

They are usually maarufu and sociable, and they have a lot of integrity. Their sense of justice is strong, and they are usually easy to reason with. They are passionate, but may tend towards exaggeration. They can get so caught up in a moment that they may do au say things that later won't be remembered. They can be generous to a fault; in fact, it can become overwhelming to the recipient at times. They can't stand ingratitude, so if wewe are the one being showered with generosity, express your thanks.

Pride is Leo Moon's downfall. Their ego pushes them to take charge of everything, which may make them appear domineering. They are attracted to power and status. Stubbornness is a trait that helps them get what they want. At the same time, they can be very idealistic and make great personal sacrifices if they believe in a cause.

They are protective of their own and others' freedoms. In a relationship, they may be on the jealous side, even if they are not really possessive. When they go through a break-up, they may feel zaidi pain to their ego rather than their heart.

The Leo Moon Sign may be graced with artistic ability, au they may just be interested in the arts in some fashion. They have a natural air of authority coupled with dignity. Leo Moon is not a big risk taker unless they know they'll come out on top. They don't like to fail in front of others.

Those born under the Moon Sign Leo do not take advice well, though they are happy to give it. They have a lot in common with the cat… they feel they are always right and no one should tell them what to do. They may be materialistic, but they accept responsibility with grace and honor. They can face adversity without falling apart, and when fortune smiles upon them, they are always willing to share.

-Virgo Moon looks to the little things in life for their happiness and security. They may deny it, but they actually enjoy activities like running errands, taking care of details, and so on. They may complain about it, but as long as they feel appreciated they will do their best to not only take care of themselves, they'll take care of you, too. They will usually be the first to volunteer to help someone else.

They may be a bit low in self-esteem, but many are very happy to have a normal, pedestrian life. Simplicity is their mantra and they feel most at nyumbani when they can go through life without a lot of public attention. Because of this, they may be accused of being an underachiever au not setting their sights high enough. In reality, they are easily stressed, and they are much happier when they stay within their comfort level.

Virgo Moon Sign loves routine. They are very unhappy without one, au at least feeling they have a job that is necessary. They may appear fussy au be labeled as a complainer, but they really can't function well without their routine. They do best at jobs that require a lot of detail au micromanaging.

They will onyesha how much they care in small, practical ways like putting away your laundry. Open affection may cause them to pull back a bit, and they are often shy when meeting new people. Once they are comfortable, however they are happy to be themselves. They are trustworthy and reliable and are good sources of advice au help in just about any situation. Their practicality makes them very useful to keep around. They make excellent counselors, as they are very talented at comforting others and making them feel better.

In a relationship, Moon in Virgo can be shy and possibly intimidated. They are very aware of themselves, and when combined with low self-esteem, it can really interfere with forming a normal, healthy relationship. They can end up being too critical of themselves. Once they gain self-confidence, they can be a wonderful partner with a lot to contribute. They tend to keep their own feelings bottled up, which can cause health issues in the long run. Others may see Virgo Moon as cold au unaffectionate, which in most cases is not true. Moon in Virgo is a born skeptic. When faced with blind faith, they can't help but pick at it. They can be frustrating because they insist on finding the practical application to everything. Virgo Moon is full of curiosity, yet seems apathetic at the same time. This can confuse some people. While they can dish out the criticism, they are extremely sensitive to receiving it themselves.

Virgo Moon likes to stay busy, and they are happy as long as their life feels under their control. They may put up invisible barriers to others, whether they realize it au not. They hope that others will put forth the extra effort to get to know them anyway.

-Libra Moon does not like to be alone… they thrive in a partnership. Many will get married young au choose to songesha in with someone. In order to facilitate this, they may make a lot of concessions to their partner in order to keep the peace. They are social, sympathetic and they upendo a rousing debate. They need someone they can feel an intellectual and emotional rapport with.

Libra Moon wants someone with them all the time… even for that little trip to fill up the gas tank. They believe there is strength in numbers. Charming and attractive, they are often found flirting. They are usually very gentle and refined in their manners. They make Marafiki easily, and may be fickle.

Even if they don't want to, The Libra Moon Sign person will see flaws in their relationships and everything around them. Even worse, until it is fixed, it will continue to gnaw at them. Although a natural diplomat with acquaintances, they will argue with their partners until they win… even if it takes a long time. Having the last word is important to them. wewe may feel like they've got wewe on trial all the time and you're getting grilled, though they're great to have on your side when they're supporting you.

Moon in Libra likes to have their way and will accomplish their goals with the support of others. They make excellent planners, but they would rather delegate to others the actual hands on work. They are good at paying attention to details, problem solving and strategizing. They tend to lean towards overindulging, impracticalities and inconsistencies in their personal life.

They are often uncertain. Their moods change from moment to moment, not only from up to down and back again, but waffling back and forth as well. They are even-tempered throughout all the changes and usually cheerful. They are transparent… it is hard for them to hide their feelings. At the same time, they can change their personality to fit who they are spending time with. This is skill, not a trick. This allows other to feel comfortable around them, though it may be confusing at times. Intellectual stimulation is a must.

Indecisive, Libra Moon must weigh each side of a decision over and over to make sure they are choosing correctly… even on what to have for lunch. At the same time, they are concerned with balance in life. If they sense things are out of balance, they will do what they must to redress this fact, even if someone has to lose out once in awhile.

They upendo their family and home, though it may not be openly apparent to all. They are affectionate and encouraging to those around them. They seem to attract zaidi than their share of good and bad situations with legal matters, life-changing decisions and partners. They like the arts and have very aesthetic tastes. Libra Moon may be a bit forgetful, and they don't cope well with violence au aggression.

-Scorpio Moon lives for emotional intensity. They have the ability to see through anyone right to their innermost feelings. This can be disturbing to some people and intriguing for others. They have a need for change and rebirth. Their life may be full of drama and upheaval which they feel is out of their control. But if their life begins to feel "normal" they are the first one to create some test for someone in their life just to create excitement. Emotional drama fulfills them.

Scorpio Moon wants it all… they don't do anything halfway au waste their time with meaningless relationships. They want commitment. They may also expect their partner to give up something for them, although they have a deep fear of betrayal. They may test their partners, even if they don't mean to. They come off as being suspicious, although once they have committed themselves to a partner; they are extremely loyal and protective.

Scorpio Moon has a great presence, even when they are shy. They need to spend a lot of time learning to control their emotions. They are very intuitive, but they may be inclined to use it for their own gains. They are passionate and fearless. Those with a Moon in Scorpio in their charts are excellent astrologers, au they may just have a strong interest in the occult and the unusual. They make good psychologists because they are good at understanding the intricacies of the mind.

Moon Sign Scorpio can be intimidating and are difficult to scare au shock. They have the ability to size up a person au a situation in a matter of seconds. Their powers can be used for good au evil, as the saying goes… and many times it depends on how they were raised as children. Those who were manipulated au deprived will not open up to others, while those raised in a nurturing environment will most likely be mild-tempered and easy to get along with. They can be jealous, possessive and self-indulgent. They can also be rather destructive, both to themselves and others. On the good side, they can be vulnerable, intelligent and ambitious.

Scorpio Moon is tenacious, and once they want something, they are like the dog that won't let go. Their stubbornness can stand in their own way at times, au it can help them overcome bad habits. They tend to be emotional, materialistic, sensual and secretive. They are also very creative. Their fighting spirit is strong and it is difficult for them to admit defeat. They can be fiercely competitive, especially with those of their own sex. With the opposite sex, they can often be wrapped around the other person's little finger, wanting to indulge that person's every whim. They could use a little balance in their life in this area.

Charismatic, Scorpio Moon attracts many, and must exercise caution so they are not tempted into multiple relationships. They don't like to be criticized. They are seldom mainstream in their ideals and don't always conform to all of society's rules.

-Sagittarius Moon is happy-go-lucky and free-spirited… as long as they aren't cooped up. They need space and personal freedom to be happy. They upendo to be physically active. Travel, sports, socializing… it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is active. They upendo open spaces, indoors and out. Optimistic and cheerful, Sagittarius Moon is always upbeat, even when they've disappointed wewe for the third time because they once again forgot the lunch tarehe wewe had planned.

They are competitive and upendo the outdoors. They are usually natural athletes, au if not, they appreciate athleticism in others. They abhor routine, and feel the need to escape. If things get tough, wewe better lock the door, because they will be looking for the fastest road out of town.

Sagittarius Moon has an ability to simply believe that everything will work out for the best. They don't make detailed plans; they just like to play it kwa ear. As such, they are very adaptable when the need arises. Idealistic and romantic, they don't look before they leap. While this makes them lots of fun sometimes, this aspect coupled with their generosity can leave them vulnerable to be taken advantage of. This same quality, however, can make them successful where those who were zaidi cautious tend to fail.

Moon Sign Sagittarius is impatient. They don't like to spend the time that may be required to develop a relationship au any other benefit. They can be too candid, especially at times when they really need to use some tact.

Power and status impresses Sagittarius Moon. They also like to leave an impression on others, and may resort to boasting au exaggerating to do so. They are creative and talented; many go into the arts au design. They also can be successful in sales, education and jobs where they must rely on communication.

They have a dual personality, so they can appear to be two very different people. They may appear independent, and at the same time, they may seem irresponsible. This dual nature also causes them extreme highs and lows. One dakika they may be the life of the party, the inayofuata they are utterly despondent. They are highly driven, and can often be very successful, especially at professions that allow them freedom and travel opportunities. They upendo to learn, and will be restless intellectually if they are not stimulated kwa their activities. They are always searching for something.

These natural adventurers are impulsive and enthusiastic. This is partially why they are so great at teaching… they are enthusiastic about sharing their passions and are good at explaining what makes the subjects so fascinating for them. Unlike some of the other Moon signs, the Sagittarius Moon Sign is not really materialistic. They prefer having an incredible experience, even though it is fleeting. They tend to wax philosophical at times, and are naturals with language. When needed, they are a champion of justice if someone dear to them is affected… it will become their new mission to make sure the end result is fair.

-Capricorn Moon needs to feel useful and productive. They are competent and collected, even when their emotions are churning beneath the surface. They want realistic goals and clear boundaries set. They are not risk takers. They much prefer security and safety and plan ahead for every eventuality.

Capricorn Moon does not deal well with all those messy emotions… they are frightened of dealing with them. While they can have some mood swings and can dip pretty far into the darkness themselves, they don't like to delve into this side. The Capricorn Moon Sign person is their own worst critic, and they can be really hard on themselves. They often hide their own sensitivity behind a sarcastic demeanor. They are painfully aware of their faults and weaknesses, and try very diligently to compensate for them.

Moon in Capricorn may come across as cold and calculating, but in reality they just don't feel comfortable letting their feelings hang out in public. They prefer to be organized and efficient; practical to the bone. Those born under this Moon Sign have a strong need to feel worthwhile. They want to be respectable in the eyes of others. Patient and able to endure quite a bit, Capricorn Moon has a big sense of duty. They jump to take responsibility on the job au at home. They may feel that they give zaidi than they get, and it takes a lot for them to learn that others are giving back to them. They need to learn to give affection… they may feel it; they just tend not to onyesha it very well to those they love.

In a relationship, they are often unable au unwilling to see what their partner wants au needs. They tend to worry and find it difficult to relate to those who have different values and opinions. They have a hard time discussing their own problems. It is rare that they feel relaxed and content within themselves. They fear rejection. Unless everything is outlined clearly, they feel insecure. It may take them a long time to find someone to trust and love. They mellow with age as competition isn't so important and can genuinely be a lot of fun as they get older.

Capricorn Moon likes to get their own way. They can be ambitious and strong of will, especially as it helps their own career. They like the spotlight, and do well in public positions. Often very intelligent, they have a great respect of knowledge, and they know how to use it to their benefit. They do have a problem with holding anger and resentment deep inside, and can actually cause illness au depression within themselves because they don't deal with their feelings.

Moon in Capricorn is dignified and tenacious. They are able to concentrate well, and do not like to be idle. They can motivate others. When they do lose control, wewe might as well be standing in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius. Luckily, this doesn't happen very often.

-Aquarius Moon is very observant. They upendo to study human nature and analyze why everyone around them acts the way they do. They are often shy themselves, and may appear a bit detached. If wewe sit down and talk with an Aquarius Moon, they will probably tell wewe that they always felt "different" when they were growing up. While they can be sociable, at moyo they would rather be on their own.

They may have a strong ego, and they"ll do their level best to be unusual. It is not their lot to be mainstream au "fit in." They can be idealistic and progressive, but they pretend that jealousy, fear and possessiveness don't exist… that they are somehow above such petty emotions. This may make them appear distant and emotionally unavailable.

They can be very stubborn about getting their way. As they get older, they learn to handle themselves better. They feel a strong need for independence at any age. They take great pride in their family, and will often brag of their accomplishments. With their desire to shock those around them, if they grew up in a zaidi conservative household, they will be bragging about how they changed that.

Moon in Aquarius may be prone to temper tantrums when young, even though as they grow they end up feeling that emotions are "messy." While they can be so good at understanding others' motivations and behaviors, they often lose touch with their own. This happens because they get too caught up in what they want to achieve rather than what is reality.

Aquarius Moon Sign person is kind and compassionate, though it may tend to be shown zaidi as a broad philosophy rather than in actual actions. While they may seem aloof, in fact they enjoy the eccentricities of those around them, and they feel confident in giving their partners a lot of freedom. Their optimism and friendliness helps them attract lots of friends. When they are unhappy, they tend to focus on their activities to such an extent that those around them have difficulty figuring out that something is wrong.

Aquarius Moon is an intellectual that is both intense and intuitive. They upendo all aspects of freedom, both on a personal level as well as in the wider sense for humanity. They can work long hours to support a cause they believe in. Playful and childlike, they can have a great sense of humor, but they must be cautious they don't inadvertently hurt an other's feelings while trying to be funny. They are great dreamers, preferring to keep their head in the clouds at times.

Aquarius Moon can be unreliable about the little details in life, but they are seldom flaky. They are usually loyal and trustworthy and make terrific friends. Criticism can make them stop in their tracks and dig in their heels like a donkey. They expect to be accepted just as they are, even when they are wildly unpredictable. Their charm makes it difficult to remain angry with them for.

-Those born with a Pisces Moon will often have strong psychic abilities. They find it easy to walk a mile in someone else's shoes and are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this capacity also makes it easy for them to lose themselves in others' problems. They are natural romantics, and never forget a gift on Valentine's siku au someone's birthday.

They have a wonderfully silly sense of humor that some may find a bit off-base. Pisces Moon appears to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easily amused. They may be labelled as "spaced out," but they are deeper than most people think. They are easily misunderstood since they often get Lost in their dreams. Without the time to drift, Pisces Moon can become overwhelmed with reality. They can easily become despondent kwa those around them if they are not careful.

Moon in Pisces is sweet and soft-hearted. They genuinely care about others and are an easy touch for a hard luck story. This Moon Sign sees themselves in everyone, so they empathize with almost everyone in one way au another. They need to learn not to absorb what others are feeling, as they can be overwhelmed with the emotions they sense around them. They have an uncanny ability to understand things they have not actually experienced, which makes them very talented performers if they choose that line of work. For those who are too shy to climb up on stage, Moon in Pisces can be a talented writer, musician au artist.

If they don't take care of themselves, Pisces Moon can get walked on. To prevent that, they need to recognize when they need a break to recharge themselves. While they need companionship, solitude is equally as important. They are very sensitive, and can easily be hurt kwa insults, rejection and criticism. These soft-hearted people can get a bit of help from a religion au philosophy that will give them zaidi strength than they have themselves. This Moon can find a lot of fulfillment kwa being involved with charities au spiritual causes. They are romantic and creative. Being very imaginative, they can be farsighted au impractical, depending on the situation. They may develop anxieties during their lifetimes. They make loyal Marafiki who appreciate beauty in all its forms.

Pisces Moon Sign tries to avoid the mundane details of life. They are curious, almost to the point of recklessness. As a child, they can easily be bullied into going along with the crowd. This sensitivity needs to be nurtured rather than stomped on. When they feel unappreciated, they can retreat into a ndoto world that is may be hard to let go. They are easily discouraged and may fall into self-pity au a preoccupation with what can go wrong. It is important for them to have a meaning to their life. They are not attracted to material possessions, but they do like to onyesha their emotions.

Now to the swali wewe may be thinking of right now;
Which Moon Sign is mine?

Just go here;

I hope wewe enjoyed this makala and learned many things about your Moon sign and yourself from this :)