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NOTE: The following story was only written for a good friend of mine. I wanted to inform anyone on this in case they are wondering.

The Cruise of Dreams: A Romantic Story
By: Kasey Enloe

In the nyumbani of the Avalon’s, Sakura was still sleeping. The crystal, clear sun beamed through the windows in her room. They blinded her as she slowly rose up from the bed. “What a beautiful morning.” She alisema while opening moving the curtains out of the way. She then looked down at the console on her window and smiled. She was staring at a beautiful, red rose.

What made this pot and rose special was that it was aliyopewa to her kwa Kasey, her one time lover. The story of how she received it happened the other day.

In a flashback, Sakura and Kasey were talking in Kasey’s lab room. Kasey was dusting one of the dinosaur skulls he had in the room while Sakura watched him. Once he finished cleaning the particular skull, he climbed down the ladder and made his way to the right corner of the room. Sakura watched him in confusion.

“I would like for wewe to have this,” Kasey alisema as he approached her while carrying something. “I don’t have the time to take care of it and I know wewe would like it.” Sakura blushed as she awed. What he was carrying was a maua, ua pot and some genuine, red roses were thriving. However, they weren’t blooming much. Gently, Kasey gave the pot to her and chuckled as he smiled.

The flashback ended and Sakura carefully touched one of the roses. “Oh how much I upendo him.” She sighed as she closed her eyes. Her ndoto moment was suddenly interrupt kwa Kero’s constant snoring. She turned to him as she smiled.

Several hours later, in the elementary school, Sakura and Madison were having a conversation together. “Really? A pot filled with roses? That is so adorable!” Madison exclaimed while blushing a tad. Sakura giggled nervously as a sweat drop formed on the left side of her head. “You don’t have to make a big deal about it,” She alisema as she continued giggling. “But it was a sweet thing he did. I really think I owe him something in return.”

Madison’s happy expression remained the same, but changed a little. “Well, what do wewe think we should do for him?” She asked. Not thinking too much, Sakura didn’t clearly know. Class then started and the conversation would return later on.

During lunch, everyone was sitting outside in the courtyard. “Have wewe guys noticed how tired Mr. Enloe seems?” Chelsea asked. “I know,” Nikki respond. “He definitely needs a vacation au something.” In all of this, Sakura and Madison just watched with confusion and worry. Was Kasey really tired and weak? There was only one way to find out.

After hanging with their Marafiki for a while, Sakura and Madison decided to pay a surprise visit with their friend. They walked through most of the hall until they made it to the room. They peeked through the slightly opened door and could tell he was in a lot of pressure.

“This is so sad.” Madison alisema as she leaned against the wall. Sakura couldn’t help but feel worried as well. “What can we do?” She asked. Madison then had an idea. “I think I know what to do! Leave it all to me.” She gave Sakura a little wink for at which Sakura stared with confusion.

Three days later, Madison called Sakura and asked if she could come over to her house. Getting permission from her brother and father, she made her way to the house which was a long trip. After entering the mansion, the maid led her to Madison’s room and after entering her best friend greeted her.

“What was it wewe wanted to tell me?” Sakura asked. Madison then gave a bright, little smile as she pulled out something. They were tickets for a cruise ship. Sakura’s eyes were widen with shock. “What the! How is this possible?” Madison giggled. Later on, they were having chai together in which Madison managed to explain the story of how she got the cruise tickets. “So, wewe managed to get them for free? But how?” Sakura asked. All Madison could do was giggle. It became obvious that it was a super secret.

What was very surprising was how many tickets she managed to afford. There were tickets for her, Sakura, Kasey, Felicia, Li, Melin, Tori, and Julian. That added up to eight tickets total. Poor Sakura just didn’t understood how all of this was even possible. Sense a cruise trip was underway however, it meant that the following weekend would be busy for packing. “We have to make sure to tell everyone else about this too,” Madison said. “Make sure wewe tell your brother and Julian. I’ll handle Kasey, Li, and Melin.” “What about Felicia?” Sakura asked. There really was no need to worry about her sense Kasey would manage to explain it all to her anyway.

With the cruise trip now being planned, there was a lot to do. One thing Sakura needed to do was inform her brother and Kero. Upon returning home, she managed to bring it up over dinner. “A cruise wewe say?” Tori asked while giving her a look that he normally gives. “Well, I’ll have to check my work schedule but I’ll see if I can make it. kwa the way, is Felicia going too?” Sakura looked at him with confusion.

After dinner, she made it up to her room where she brought a plate of pudding, saladi for Kero, who was in the middle of playing a combat video game. Playing for a few minutes, he finally took a break and ate his snack. “So Kero, I have something to tell you.” Sakura soon spoke. She started explaining about the cruise and how Madison was able to get the tickets. All of this made the little beast excited. “A cruise!” He exclaimed over and over while spinning around and flying. Poor Sakura just sighed as a sweat drop formed on her head.

At the hotel where Kasey and Felicia stayed, they were hanging out at the indoor pool. Felicia was practicing her swimming strokes while Kasey was talking on his cell phone while sitting on the beach, pwani chair. “A cruise wewe say? But, why? I don’t need a break. I’m currently fine.” “Don’t try to sneak out of this Kasey,” Madison alisema while giggling. “Sakura and I have come to an agreement that wewe deserved this and we’re willing to do it for you. Think of this as a wonderful gift for everything you’ve done for us.” With a sigh, Kasey smiled as he looked at his phone. “Very well then. I’ll make sure to tell Felicia about it right away. She’s busy practicing her strokes in the pool now but I’ll make sure to inform her later.” Madison smiled as she understood.

“That takes care of them,” She alisema while sighing softly. She then picked the phone back up and started dialing. “Now for the others.” After a couple of seconds, someone picked up the line. It was Li. “Hello?” “Hi Li,” Madison spoke. “I’m sorry to call wewe at a bad time but I must inform wewe about something.” She started explaining everything about the cruise and the whole idea for it all. “Why would wewe and Sakura go that far? I mean, it’s not like he’s in a lot of pain au anything. It’s a total waste of effort anyway.” “I understand you’re concern Li, but you’re not talking me out of this understand? We both think it’s better that he deserves this. Not only him, but Felicia too.” kwa the moment she mentioned Felicia’s name, Li paused. His face started blushing and his eyes stared with sorrow. Melin eventually entered in the room and took notice. “Li! What’s the matter with you? Are wewe fantasying about that Felicia girl again? Li!”

On the other line, Madison overheard her and giggled softly. “It’s up to you, but wewe and Melin are zaidi than welcomed to jiunge us. Just let us know okay? Goodnight.” She then hung up the phone and smiled sweetly as she giggled. She was satisfied kwa her work and finally went to bed.

The following morning, Kasey and Felicia were still sleeping on the hotel bed. Kasey was the first to wake up and after stretching and rubbing his eyes, he moved to the large window in the room and opened the curtains slightly. “It’s a beautiful morning.” He alisema quietly. He turned to Felicia who was still fast asleep. He couldn’t help but smile as seeing her sleeping peacefully was like staring at a holly Angel sleeping on a puffy cloud. dakika later, she finally woke up. “I’m so tired,” She moaned. “Those lessons are killing my leg muscles.” “That shows you’re improving.” Kasey chuckled as he was cooking breakfast. Felicia stuck her tongue out at him in a playful way and closed her eyes while smiling cutely.

After breakfast and washing the dishes, Kasey then remembered something important. “Felicia, there’s something I have to tell you.” Felicia stared at him as she thought it was something serious. “Are wewe hurt anywhere? Is Sakura, Madison, au Li in any danger? What do we need to do?” Kasey managed to calm her down and told her it was nothing too serious. He then started explaining about the cruise that both Sakura and Madison planned. As he explained, the expression on Felicia’s face grew wider and wider. kwa the time he was finished, her pure excitement got the best of herself and started jumping around the room. Kasey meanwhile just stood there, watching while chuckling nervously.

In the apartment complex, Li and Melin were sitting at the dining table. They had just finished breakfast and Melin did the honor in picking the dishes. “You just relax yourself,” She exclaimed while walking away to the kitchen. “I’ll take care of everything.” She gave him a little wink before disappearing. Li, although was happy for his cousin’s will to help out, was a little skeptic- sense she is known to make major booboos. dakika later, he finally managed to explain about the cruise trip to Melin. “Oh my goodness! A cruise for real?? How exciting! We’ve got to go do tons of shopping today! Let’s go Li!” Grabbing his hand, she quickly walked out the door while poor Li was dragged on the ground.

For hours they both went from store to store, purchasing various things. From new swim suits to traveling gear. They were loaded with new things. Melin observed everything they bought. “Are wewe sure this is enough?” She asked. Li wasn’t paying attention as he stared up at the sky while his face blushed a little. It became obvious what he was thinking about. This enraged Melin that she shook him quickly. “Wake up Li!” She kept shouting. Eventually, he snapped back and told her to stop. “You don’t have to shake me like a doll.” He grunted. Melin formed a sad expression on her face as she did what she could to apologize. “Let’s not fight now,” She alisema as she looked back to him and smiled. “We’ve got lots of packing to do now so let’s get back home.” With Li carrying a whole bunch of shopping bags and boxes, they both made their way back to the apartments.

The days flew on until the big siku finally showed up. In the Avalon’s residence, Sakura was in her room packing. Kero helped her out, but there was less he could do. “Sakura, I think you’ve packed enough things.” He alisema while observing her suitcase which barely closed shut. Poor Sakura giggled nervously as a sweat drop formed on the side of her head. “I suppose you’re right,” She alisema while a little embarrassed. “Maybe I should take some stuff out.” She took a few things out and the suitcase then closed with a snap. Both she and Kero smiled big as they then looked at each other while giggling and chuckling. A knock was heard on the door. “Are wewe ready yet?” Sakura’s father asked. “Yes I am,” She responded while staring at the door. “I’ll be right down in a moment.” The one thing she had to take care of was hiding Kero. It was pretty easy to solve sense all that was to be done was put him in her suitcase. He warned her however to handle it gently at which Sakura understood.

Arriving down stairs, Sakura carried her one suitcase with one hand. She was surprised when she realized that Julian was in the room as well. “Hi Sakura.” He alisema while smiling. Sakura blushed a tad as she greeted him in return. Tori and their father were also in the room too. “Now wewe guys be careful okay?” Their father alisema as he smiled. Both Sakura and Tori nodded as they both respond, “Yes sir.” Julian also added that everything would be fine as long as he tagged along. “And Kasey, Felicia, Li, and Melin will be with us as well so I’m sure it’ll be a trip worth remembering.” The father couldn’t help but smile. He knew that everything would be alright because when it came to his two children, everything would turn out wonderful. After a while of cheerful good byes, everyone started making their way.

They made it to the section of the city where the boats were kept together. “Madison told us to meet here,” Julian alisema while looking around. “But I don’t see anyone.” Sakura started wondering whether if they were at the wrong place. However, Madison never lied about destinations and just remained positive. In a few minutes, a vehicle suddenly arrived. Everyone watched as it drove close to them. Knowing this, it became clear who it was.

Madison’s bodyguards all came out from the vehicle. One of them walked to the right side as she opened the back door. Madison then came out, carrying a suitcase. She was wearing a beautiful dress that had mixed colored patterns on it and the sleeves were a little poffy. She also wore a big, red bow on the back of her hair. “I hope I’m not too late.” She giggled as her eyes were closed while a smile filled her face. “No, you’re just fine.” Sakura alisema as she smiled too. Madison then turned to thank her bodyguards for driving her to the dock and bitted them farewell. They did the same to her and all drove away. Madison turned to face everyone as she smiled. “All we have to do now is wait for the others.” She said. Everyone agreed.

It wasn’t very long when both Kasey and Felicia arrived. Kasey was wearing a T-shirt that had some dinosaurs all over it. He was also wearing blue jeans, wore black tennis shoes, and wore a special cap, herufi kubwa that Felicia gave him on his birthday last year. Felicia meanwhile was dressed like a summer girl. She wore a sleeves shirt, along with blue jean-style shorts, had sneakers on her feet, and also wore a cap. Sakura and Madison were awed kwa how adorable they looked. “You guys look so cute!” Sakura exclaimed while blushing a little. “Um, thank wewe I guess.” Kasey alisema as he tried hiding his face with his cap. Felicia wasn’t at all humiliated and gave both her and Madison big hugs. During her hug fest, Tori caught sight of her and started feeling a little uneasy. Even though she declared her upendo to Li, he still had a little romantic crush on her to this day.

“So, are Li and Melin coming too?” Kasey asked as he approached. “They should be heading this way as we know it.” Madison alisema as she looked at her wrist watch. According to it, the time was now 3:30 PM. It was actually a lot later than it looked. Shortly after, Li and Melin finally showed up. “Hi guys! Sorry we’re late.” Melin exclaimed with happiness as she waved. Everyone else greeted them. Except for Tori, who was busy watching the ocean. Li’s face started blushing once again when he caught sight of Felicia. He was shocked kwa how adorable she looked in her outfit. Melin was once again angry. “Listen mister! This is supposed to be “our” time together! Don’t go off being distracted kwa somebody like her!” Though she couldn’t be heard from their distance, they weren’t able to make out what she was saying.

With everyone on time, the ship was well underway to arriving at the docks. Everyone caught sight of the ship and gazed with amazement. It was a large, luxury kind of cruise ship. “It’s so beautiful!” Felicia exclaimed as her eyes were wide with astonishment. Kasey couldn’t help but smile at her happiness. Li also grinned kwa her excitement too. When the ship made it to the inapakia area, they made their way to the stairwell and climbed up to the ship. Before climbing, Madison quickly got her video camera out and filmed the ship from above. While everyone had already entered, she smiled brightly as her plan was currently in the making.

Exploring the interior of the ship was quite an astonishment for everyone. Inside, there was a very large room where people could dance, hang out at the bar, au even attempt to sing some karaoke. Felicia was a hard core karaoke girl and knew that she was going to be spending loads of her time rocking it. Everyone laughed. In the exterior, there were areas where people could get different maoni and sights of the open water. Kasey, Sakura, Madison, and Kero spent most of their time out here. “What do wewe think about all this?” Madison asked. Both Kasey and Sakura respond that they were very happy and that it was the best moment they both could ever experience. kwa this time, Madison made up an excuse to leave while both Kasey and Sakura spent time alone. She also took Kero with him.

“Why are we out of there way?” Kero asked while shaking the back of his head with confusion. Madison turned as she smiled brightly. “We’re going to see if they will hook up.” She respond. Kero wasn’t actually sure what to make of all this but went along with her plan. While they were hiding from a distance, both Kasey and Sakura continued admiring the sight of the ocean. Sakura’s face started turning red as her eyes turned to stare at Kasey. “Why did Madison and Kero have to leave us alone together? She knows I’m going to choke.” Kasey then turned his head to look at her as he smiled. “Got something on wewe mind?” He asked. Sakura quickly gasped as she tried to act normally. Kasey however chuckled as he continued staring at her. “I understand,” He said. “You’re having a hard time communicating with me right?” Poor Sakura was filled with both fear and guilt. She took a little sigh as she stared downward at the water. “I’m-I’m really sorry Kasey…this isn’t easy for me. I mean, I do like wewe but I don’t know if,” Just before she alisema anything as she turned, she felt something pressing against her own lips. She opened both of her eyes quickly and stared with a surprise, blank stare. Kasey was actually kissing her- in the mouth. Madison and Kero, who still stood by, also were surprised. Madison managed to capture the whole scene with her camera. “This is so romantic!” She exclaimed quietly as she pressed her hand against her cheek and blushed. Kero however couldn’t take it and slowly glided to the ship’s floor, passed out.

Sakura and Kasey both shared their first, romantic kiss. While this occurred in the exterior part of the ship, not much activity was going on inside. Felicia continued imba her moyo out at the karaoke area. Li and Melin were enjoying a little beverage and snack together in the same room. Their conversation didn’t go anywhere as Melin pouted over Li’s obsession for Felicia. “Why did she bother coming here anyway?” She asked in her mind as she sipped some of her drink in a pouting way. “Just because she’s with Kasey doesn’t mean he has to invite her.” While this was her problem, it was only the generous thing to do. After imba at lease two zaidi songs, Felicia decided to take a break. She went to the bar and asked for a root bia float. Still staring, Li decided he was going to make his songesha to go and talk to Felicia on his own. He wasn’t able to make his songesha however because Melin leaned on him on the left. “Oh Li,” She moaned. “I’m getting a little dizzy. May we go outside for a while?” Li tried his best to get away but there was no effort. Melin struggled to pull him out of the room. Felicia then turned to the right as she thought she heard someone who was hurt. Realizing that it was just her imagination, she returned to staring at the various wine bottles that stood row kwa row at the bar area. “This is the most magical night of my life,” She alisema in her mind while smiling big. “I’ll have to thank my big brother for inviting me.” As she continued sitting at the bar, Tori and Julian weren’t far. “Why don’t wewe go talk to her?” Julian asked as he smiled at Tori. At first, he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. Julian however got around to convincing him for at which he slowly approached the bar area. Felicia turned and received a surprise from him.

“I’ve been listening to wewe imba for a while,” Tori alisema as he didn’t look at her. “You-have a great voice.” Felicia blushed as she giggled. “Why thank you,” She exclaimed as she turned her head back straight. “I wouldn’t say I’m “that” perfect though. I’ve been practicing imba when I was very small.” Even though he couldn’t look at her, Tori did listen to everything she explained. He even got to learn some things concerning her childhood. A little while later, Felicia went back to signing and both Tori and Julian sat close by, listening to her. “She does have a great voice.” Julian alisema as he smiled. Tori agreed, but didn’t really respond.

While the inside was getting back to action, Li and Melin were slowly walking along the ship’s small hallways. “Where exactly are we going?” Li asked. “We’re going out to the viewing area to create romantic moments together,” She exclaimed as she continued pulling him. “It’s time wewe get that Felicia girl out of your mind. She’s not even right for you.” Li managed to get out of her grasp as a look of anger showed on his face. “How dare wewe say that,” He alisema with anger. “Felicia isn’t just some bila mpangilio girl. She’s very, very special. Also amazing, brilliant, adorable, and beautiful.” Melin’s expression also changed to anger, but tears formed in her eyes as well. “Just like wewe alisema about Sakura too! Only wewe left her. Why did wewe do that?!” Li sighed. “Because she already had eyes on Kasey. That’s all there is to it. I don’t expect wewe to understand.” The tears on Melin’s eyes then dropped to the floorboard. She then turned quickly as she ran away. Li meanwhile just stood perfectly still as he looked downward. His whole face was covered and there was no sign of how he felt.

With drama between them now in progress, Kasey, Sakura, Madison, and Kero were all sitting at a meza, jedwali together that also looked over the open water. “So, wewe both had your first kiss,” Madison alisema as she smiled and giggled. “I think that is just wonderful.” Poor Kasey and Sakura blushed with humiliation and didn’t say anything. “To be honest, I think it was grand.” Kero said. Nobody didn’t really say anything as only the sounds of the ocean waves could be heard. After brief moment of this silence, Kasey soon spoke. “I’m- sorry Sakura,” He alisema as he continued staring at the table. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I just thought that’s what wewe wanted.” Sakura shook her hands from the left and right as she tried to explain herself. Kasey turned to her and grinned a little. “You don’t have to say anything,” He said. “I actually thought it was sweet for us both. We could call it our first kiss if wewe like to.” Sakura’s face blushed as she had no idea what zaidi to say. Madison and Kero just watched as they also smiled.

kwa this time, Li showed up. Everyone turned to face him and noticed his mood. “What happened?” Sakura asked as she got up. He didn’t say anything nor looked at up. He continued staring at the floorboard. “Something must have happened between him and Melin.” Kasey alisema as a look of worry filled his face. “Is that true?” Sakura asked. Still, he didn’t say anything. All he did was continued staring downward while his entire face was covered. Madison and Kero then approached and wondered what was going on. Suddenly, Li ran quickly without so much as a response. Everyone just stood still as they watched him turned to the right and disappeared beyond the wall. “What was that about?” Kero asked as he looked confused. Kasey and Sakura then looked at each other with worry.

About a dakika had passed and there was no word about Li au Melin. Felicia, Tori, and Julian were still hanging at the interior while everyone else was still out on the viewing area. However, instead of happiness everyone was filled with concern. “What do wewe think happened between them?” Kasey asked. Nobody actually knew. Kero however had a thought. “It may have something to do with the upendo pembetatu between him and your little sister.” He explained. Kasey, Sakura, and Madison all stared at him with blank stares. He felt a little uncomfortable. “What makes wewe think that?” Sakura asked. Poor Kero had nothing zaidi to say as their constant staring put a scare into him. Madison then had a thought. “Think about: It is pretty obvious what’s been happening. Li does have his desires to be with her and Kasey is too overprotective of her.” Everyone was surprised kwa how much she remembered. “And I do recall that I never give him the chance to be with her,” Kasey exclaimed. “So, maybe I need to pay my respects and let him hang out with her. I have been too immature over it all anyway.” They all agreed and accepted his idea. kwa this time, a voice was heard from the ship’s loud speakers which it explained that the cruise cuisine was going to be opened in a few minutes. Kasey, Sakura, Madison, and Kero all agreed to go.

The area where the cuisine was served was also in the interior of the ship. It was actually located in a lower level above the party and bar room. Kasey, Sakura, Madison, Tori, Julian, and Felicia all arrived together. Sakura, Madison, and Felicia all gazed at the beauty of the room which was well decorated. Dining tables and chairs stood all around the main floor while the cuisine buffet was on the left portion of the room. “I’ll go get our seats.” Kasey alisema as he ventured to the right. Sakura and Madison smiled as they allowed him to go. Tori and Julian got their servings and sat together. Felicia ended up dining alone, but didn’t mind it at all sense she was closer to Kasey, Sakura, and Madison’s table. “Why didn’t wewe get something?” Felicia asked as she stared at Kasey. He looked at her as he respond, “Because I’m not too hungry. And I needed to get us a good table.” Not thinking much about it, Felicia returned to eating.

Sakura and Madison soon arrived with two plates full of food. Kasey was shocked. “Why did wewe guys get so much?” He asked while still staring with surprise. “Because the chakula here is so delicious,” Madison giggled. “And besides, I haven’t eaten anything all siku sense I wanted to save my appetite for chajio, chakula cha jioni here.” This was also Sakura’s same explanation. Kero managed to sneak out of hiding to gobble some of the chakula too, even though it was all meant for Sakura.

As everyone enjoyed their dinner, nobody was aware of Li and Melin’s presence. Li sat alone in the back while Melin sat a few feet away from his table. They just ate slowly as their faces weren’t shown. As he was gobbling, Kero noticed Li and suddenly choked. Kasey, Sakura, and Madison managed to get him feeling better. “What’s wrong Kero?” Sakura asked. When he managed to breath normally again, he pointed to the right. As everyone turned they caught sight of Li, who was still sitting alone and eating very slowly. “Oh! It’s Li.” Sakura said. “He doesn’t look too good,” Kasey alisema as a concern look filled his face. “Somebody really should go talk to him.” Everyone turned to him and gave him a surprise stare. He wondered what was wrong. “It’s just, this is the first time we ever heard wewe talk about him that way.” Madison said. Understanding what she meant, Kasey decided to prove that he changed kwa getting up and walking to the direction of Li’s table. Upon arriving, he pulled the chair and sat down.

For a moment, there was silence. Li continued eating very slowly while Kasey just looked around and pressed his thumbs together while moving them in a pattern. It was then that he found the courage to speak out. “So, how are wewe enjoying yourself?” He asked as a sweat drop formed on the side of his head. There was no answer out of Li. He continued hiding his face as he slowly but surly put the chakula in his mouth. With a little sigh, Kasey decided to just come out with it all. “Listen Li, I know something’s bothering wewe and I am also aware that we don’t get along too well but as your friend, I really care about wewe and want to help out any way possible. So just come out with it please.” After he was through, Li stopped eating and looked up at him. He didn’t say anything but continued staring. Kasey started feeling uneasy.

The quietness ended when Li took a deep sigh. “I’ve got a problem concerning Felicia and Melin,” He said. “I’m madly in upendo with Felicia but Melin doesn’t seem to understand au care. She just wants me to be with her.” Kasey listened to all what he explained. While it was complex to figure out, he was able to help him out a little. “I do appreciate wewe liking her,” He said. “But if Melin’s really causing wewe issues then wewe should try talking to her about it. Explain to her how wewe feel and that even if wewe fall in love, nothing can ever change between wewe and her. Do wewe understand what I’m saying?” Li nodded. Kasey then smiled as he got up. “So remember: Talk to her. It’ll solve everything.” He then turned and walked back to the meza, jedwali while giving him a farewell wave. Li watched as he walked away and a little smile soon formed. “Kasey…you may be crazy at times, but wewe are very wise. Thank you.” He alisema in his mind.

When he sat down, Kasey noticed Madison was gone. “Where’s Madison?” He asked. Sakura explained that she went to have a talk with Melin. Kasey noticed them talking together and gave a little smile. “I suppose we’re the best of Marafiki to them aren’t we?” He asked while looking at Sakura. She blushed a little as she nodded. A moment later, Madison returned and told them that the talk went great and that Melin would also do her part in making everything better. Eventually, Melin got up and approached to the meza, jedwali Li was sitting. She sat close to him and they got to talking. Watching all of this, Kasey, Sakura, and Madison smiled. Their mission to save their relationship was completed. As they weren’t paying attention, Kero managed to eat everyone’s plate of chakula at which his belly was so huge. Sakura yelled at him while Madison and Kasey giggled and chuckled.

From then on, the rest of the cruise went on normally. Kasey, Sakura, Madison, and Kero continued socializing out in the viewing area outside. Felicia, Tori, and Julian continued hanging in the interior. And Li and Melin returned to their own little reunion kwa hanging around the viewing area as well. “They certainly are adorable together aren’t they?” Kasey alisema as he watched them. Sakura and Madison agreed while Kero had a different opinion. “They look zaidi like the two annoyances if wewe ask me.” He got a good scowl from Sakura. “That’s just rude to say,” She alisema with anger. “They are both wonderful people and I’m happy to be Marafiki with them.” Madison and Kasey agreed. “After all, even if they are experts of the Clow, we should treat them like we do with each other.” Kasey exclaimed. Sakura and Madison couldn’t have agreed more. Kero however still wasn’t sure about changing his opinion.

A little while later, Felicia grew tired of hanging inside and decided to come out to jiunge everyone in the viewing area. She decided to hang out with Kasey, Sakura, Madison, and Kero. “What’s with you?” Kasey asked while looking at her in a concerned way. His reason for being concerned was that sweat dripped off her face. It turned out that she had been having way too much fun at the karaoke area. Everyone laughed. “You do enjoy imba don’t you?” Madison asked. “I so do,” Felicia respond. “In fact, I hope someday, I become a great singer.” Everyone, except Kasey, was surprised kwa what her goal was. The reason why Kasey didn’t share their reaction was because he had already known about this for the longest time. “She told me before how much she was hoping to become a leading singer. She’s been practicing non stop for years.” Sakura, Madison, and Kero were all impressed kwa how much work she put herself through just to get to her dream. “We will support wewe too,” Sakura alisema as she put her hand on Felicia’s. “Madison, Kero and I will do our part to support wewe too. We will all do it together.” Madison and Kero nodded as stared at her with a bright smile. In her eyes, tears started forming as they were a sign of pure happiness.

Then, the loud speakers on the ship were turned on as one of the crew members gave a storm alert. Everyone listened to what was said. “A storm?” Kasey asked with puzzlement. “Who’d thought we would be getting one at this hour?” The truth was that nobody expected this to happen. “We better get inside.” Kero said. As everyone agreed, they all made their way to the interior of the ship. Everyone made it in except for a few passengers. One of them happened to be Felicia. “Felicia!!” Kasey alisema as he gasped and turned to the door. Sakura and Madison overheard him and gasped too. Kasey immediately ran out of the room and turned left as he dashed through the hallways. As he was running, the entire ship started tilting. This became a sign that the storm had just arrived.

Upon making it outside, a scary scene filled his eyes. The sky was pitched black as violent gusts of wind blew through the air, causing the ship and massive waves to collide and move. The heavier the winds blew the zaidi pressure the ocean’s waves moved. Carefully making his way into the viewing area, Kasey kept calling Felicia’s name. There was no response. However, as he got farther into the left, he suddenly heard screaming from down below.

What he saw frightened him. Felicia was in the water, splashing away as she cried for help. Kasey didn’t know what zaidi to do. Then in a flash, something flew passed him which sent shock to his veins. The thing that zipped passed him landed in the water with a small splash. He tried making out what it was that darted passed him but the thing was revealed to be Li, who was doing everything in his will to rescue Felicia. He managed to grab onto her but there was one problem- he couldn’t use his lasin board while being in the water. Both him and Felicia were now doomed.

Kasey continued watching in horror kwa the sight of his two Marafiki being helpless in the raging waves. Sakura then made it and asked what was going on. He turned to her, continuing to have that horror expression on his face. “Li and Felicia- trapped in the waves. No help.” Sakura gasped as she stared deeply into his face. She then observed the water’s below and managed to catch sight of them helplessly tempting to swim together. Sense nobody was around, she decided to unleash her Sealing Wand and try using one of the Clow Cards to rescue them. Before she could summon a card however, the waves once zaidi rocked the ship back and forth and she soon fell off the edge and plunged into the treacherous waters below.

With her now being the victim of the violent storm and waves, there were far less opportunities for Kasey to take. He could either risk his own life to save them au just wait until the storm was over to save them which there was no telling how long it could go for. Moments of critical thinking, he finally made his choice. With a great leap he njiwa into the raging waters like a professional diver. Within seconds, a glowing light suddenly formed underneath the water depths. This was a sign of him using his shape shifting powers. As the glowing stopped, a massive body along with a really, really long neck and small head formed out through the surface. He was now the prehistoric marine reptile known as Elasmosaurus.

Using his tiny head, he managed to grab Li, Felicia, and Sakura carefully as he placed them on his back. After a brief swim to the ship, he then told them to carefully walk across his neck and then on his head to make it back to ship. After they all made it safely, Kasey then used the remaining portions of his power to turn himself into a Pterosaur and flew to the ship. Upon returning to his human form, he passed out. The storm continued for a while but most of the crew members managed to recover the victims and put them in a certain room while they recovered.

Later on, the ship managed to survive past the violent storm. Nothing in it was broken down au torn. For the ones who were recovering from falling off the ship, they were doing much better. Kasey however wasn’t doing too well. He was very weak and couldn’t songesha much. It took both Sakura and Felicia to help him up. Together, they all headed for the place inside where all of the other passengers were gathered. Upon arrival Madison, Kero, Melin, Tori, and Julian all rushed to them as they greeted them. “What’s with Kasey?” Madison asked as she looked at him worriedly. Sakura whispered in her ear that he used most of his powers and that he was weak just a little. Understanding, Madison also pitched in to assist in helping him get to the nearest resting place.

After he was seated in an empty spot, Kasey looked up slowly and thanked everyone for their assistance. Sakura and Madison smiled, but Li was too busy staring at Felicia who he continued to worry. Melin grabbed a hold of him on his right arm as tears filled both of her eyes. She became overly worried the most. Tori and Julian meanwhile just looked at each other and returned to looking at everyone. The climax of the dangerous storm had finally passed on through and the rest of the trip became the same again. However, Felicia refused to return to imba sense she had the fright of her life. Li however did the honors in caring for her and making her happy but was also accompanied kwa Melin. Sakura, Madison, and Kero all sat with Kasey as they watched him rest. “He really didn’t have to use all of his magic,” Sakura alisema quietly. Madison looked at her in a puzzled way. “Why do wewe say that Sakura? If we know him, he’ll do anything to save anyone’s life. Even if it means him risking his own life.” Sakura turned to her and smiled just a little. While Madison was right, she honestly wasn’t sure if it was really something to believe in. After all- if Kasey did risk his life to save hers, then that means the first kiss she ever received from him would be long gone. Kero also pointed out that as a team, everyone looks out for each other. No matter how dangerous the obstacles are.

kwa the time the ship made it to the inapakia dock, every one of the other passengers had just left. Kasey, Sakura, Madison, Li, Melin, Tori, and Julian were the last ones to leave. It was all because of Kasey, who continued to stay weak. However, this was something that didn’t bother them in the lease bit. Once they made it down, everyone gathered in a particular area and shared their last moments of the evening together before leaving. Kasey and Felicia got into a cab together, Madison, Sakura, and Kero all left together in Madison’s vehicle, Li and Melin went on home, and Tori and Julian continued standing in the area as they would be heading nyumbani later. Later that evening, Sakura is seen lying peacefully on her bed. She tossed and turned as she had something in her mind. What it was turned out to be the moment when she and Kasey had their first kiss together. It was the moment she would never, ever forget.

added by Momo_Hinamori
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added by Momo_Hinamori
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added by Momo_Hinamori
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added by Momo_Hinamori
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NOTE: The following story was only written for a good friend of mine. I wanted to inform anyone on this in case they are wondering.

Sakura’s Big Birthday Party
By: Kasey Enloe

It was a beautiful afternoon in the town of Reedington. School was over and as such most of the kids have already headed into town au were on their way home. Two kids in particular were Sakura Avalon and Madison Taylor, who were hanging at penguin, auk Park. “You know my birthday is two days.” Sakura alisema as she turned her head to her friend and smiled. Madison smiled as well as she already knew. “May I ask what you...
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added by AnimeFan66
added by raikagebee
added by raikagebee
added by AnimeFan66
added by raikagebee
added by AnimeFan66
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors