Charlie and the chokoleti Factory Club
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the oompa loompas sing to say how spoilt Veruca Salt is.
Johnny Depp
Tim Burton
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
veruca salt
added by erikadamon
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added by Haley-Lautner
added by Haley-Lautner
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Source: adolwyn on LiveJournal
added by dacota_keck
posted by FanFic_Girl_26
It was February 1, 2005. 12-year-old Veruca Salt, along with her father, Rupert Salt, had come out of the chokoleti factory that was owned kwa mysterious chocolatier Willy Wonka. They were covered in what was three weeks of rotten garbage. It was in their hair and covered their clothes.

Veruca was seething mad. All she had wanted was a squirrel, and not just any squirrel, but a trained squirrel. She had imagined the possibilities — see it do tricks, such as back-flips, front-flips, all kinds of precise leaps, and other kinds of things.

However, Mr. Wonka had denied her what she wanted, as...
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added by carol1022
added by erikadamon
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by Haley-Lautner
added by xXxJDloverxXx
added by FanFic_Girl_26