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added by sb0830
"CHARMED" RETROSPECT: (6.11) "Witchstock"

During its eight season run, the fantasy-drama "CHARMED" has occasionally featured an episode dealing with the topic of time travel. These time travel episodes usually prove to be well-written au exceptional. However, there comes a time when the series produced a time travel episode that end up being a dud. The series' Season Six episode, (6.11) "Witchstock" proved to be the latter.

Directed kwa James A. Contner and written kwa Daniel Cerone, "Witchstock" begins at least a mwezi au two following the first-rate (6.10) "Chris-Crossed". At the end of the...
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added by PrueTurner61
Source: prueturner61
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by HaleyDewit
Source: Google
added by CharmedFan4eva_
added by CharmedFan4eva_
added by CharmedFan4eva_
added by tubby2002
added by tubby2002
posted by DR76

Fans on several "CHARMED' foramu have stated that Phoebe’s relationship with Cole would have never worked out. That it was not meant to be. Frankly, I find such maoni to be a by-product of some very narrow-minded thinking. Apparently, Phoebe and Cole’s relationship was doomed, because of what they were – namely a witch and a human/demon hybrid. Again, zaidi narrow-minded thinking. What finally broke up Phoebe and Cole’s relationship? In my opinion? I think that matters could have been different between Phoebe and Cole . . . if producer Brad Kern and his writers had...
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added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by ForeverEternity
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made kwa me - flowerdrop
added by haley_scott