Damon & Bonnie Club
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It's apparent that there are many Delena mashabiki out there who like to run around and claim that Damon Salvatore is strongly in upendo with Elena Gilbert. We all hear that all the time and every time. But the truth is, I'm uandishi this makala to prove all of the people who say such a thing, wrong. The blunt truth is, Damon has never been in upendo with Elena Gilbert. He has never loved her and there has never been any real feelings for her on his part. I'm sorry, but passion and desire is not love. It is not what upendo is. That is LUST, my friends. And never mind that, Damon's feelings for Elena go beyond an unhealthy obsession. I know that Damon's connection with Elena is not love, because everything that has been written in the TVD novel series has suggested the opposite. Damon sees Elena as a piece of property. She is a prize to him and she is a possession to him. No matter how much L.J. Smith tries to kiss the Delena fan's asses about how Damon really does have feelings for Elena, the proof is in her own writing. I'm sorry but fantasizing about someone biting your neck au dancing passionately in dreams, au dreaming about biting a girls neck is not what I would call real true love. And it has nothing to do with Damon being a vampire. This has nothing to do with vampirism. This has to do with something much deeper then what's on the surface. The major reason why Damon even wants Elena au wanted Elena in the first place is to get back at his younger brother. He wanted to steal Elena from Stefan, because he knew that it would really harm and hurt his brother in every way imaginable. Damon knew that if he won Elena over and made her his "Princess of Darkness", he would feel like he won something over his younger. ELENA IS A COMPETITION TO DAMON. And it beyond bothers me when many TVD fans, simply cannot see this. Damon sees Elena as a prize to be won. Sure, it may seem like this has changed in the hivi karibuni books, but in reality, it hasn't and it never will. Even if wewe read the sneak peak for Phantom in Stefan's Diaries, wewe can still get the sense that Damon still looks at and sees Elena as his possession and his prize. How he was talking to her in Elena's dream was proof of this. Damon was basically trying to enforce into Elena's mind (again, this is why it's an obsession) that he and Elena are meant to be together, that he is hers and she is his. It came off as nothing zaidi than controlling on Damon's part. Damon wants to control Elena. He doesn't treat her as an equal. Even though Elena is this strong, independent and passionate person, he sees that Elena is way below him. That is why he talks to her the way that he does. But when wewe look at Damon and how he ultimately treats Bonnie, it is completely and totally different than how he treats Elena. Even though Damon initially thinks of Bonnie as a child who is immature, childlike and has a lot of growing up to do mentally, emotionally, Damon still treats Bonnie as an equal. He communicates with her, he believes in her, he believes in her potential. I see none of this with Elena. Even though Damon's ego constantly tries to tell Bonnie that she is not at his level mentally, emotionally, physically, Damon's essence/being/soul are telling him the complete and total opposite of this. Damon's essence knows that Bonnie is a woman, not a child, not a girl. In fact, I strongly believe that Damon knows deep down within himself that Bonnie is much zaidi of a woman then Elena is, although Damon is not going to express such thoughts outwardly. Because again, Damon lives in incessant and constant denial when it comes to Bonnie.

I have already alisema this in my awali makala before this one. Damon denies what he feels for Bonnie because it is indescribable to him. Damon chases Elena because it is what he is used to. It's not that Damon has ever denied his feelings regarding anyone else. Look at all of Damon's feelings towards all of the other many characters in the novel series. For example, Damon openly admits to not liking his brother all of his life and he has had no problem with expressing this, although I do know for a fact, that he does upendo and care for his brother deep down. I mean, Stefan is his blood and that is unconditional family love. What about Elena? Damon doesn't deny his feelings for Elena au what he thinks of her openly, because in all truth, when it comes to Elena, he's got nothing to hide. He's got nothing to deny. The reason for this is that this only proves that Damon in fact doesn't have deep, complex feelings for Elena to begin with. Damon's connection with Elena is purely in his mind and in his conscious. It is nothing zaidi then an obsession and a mission, a competition. But like I said, Damon is open in regards to what he thinks and feels about Elena. What about Meredith? Damon openly admits that Meredith scares him and that she is a strange person to him. There is no denial of what he feels towards Meredith because he admits to himself that she scares him. And then there's Matt. Damon openly admits and displays that he can't stand Matt whatsoever, kwa his actions and even to himself. He calls him "Mutt" and admits to himself that Matt is an incompetent idiot whom he doesn't care less for. But.....what about Bonnie? Why is it that Bonnie is the one person whom he can't openly admit his feelings about and consistently stop denying whatever he feels about her? To me, this only proves that Damon has some pretty deep, strong, intense and passionate feelings for Bonnie hidden deep down within himself. Otherwise, why would Damon be denying them and not admitting them openly. Damon can't being himself to admit his feelings for Bonnie for some unknown and odd reason yet he has no issue with having strong opinions and feelings about all of the other characters in the books. This is how I strongly know that Bonnie is strongly and greatly special to Damon. That Bonnie is the most important person in Damon's life. Damon has strong opinions about people and for the most part, he lets wewe know how he feels about you. This is apparent when it comes to Stefan, Elena, Meredith, Matt. But for some strange reason, this is not the case for Bonnie. I think the major reason why Damon denies the feelings he has for Bonnie is because Damon denies himself. Like I alisema in my last article, Damon feels unworthy. He could care less about "feeling worthy" in Stefan's eyes, in Meredith's eyes, in Matt's eyes, even Elena's eyes. Because in Damon's conscious mind, Damon feels completely and totally worthy of Elena. He feels and thinks that Elena would choose him over his brother Stefan. This is what tells me that Damon's connection to Elena is a mental/physical connection. Damon on the ego level, knows and thinks he's drop dead hot (in which he is) and because Elena is beautiful physically, he feels that he is worthy of her, because he thinks that because they are both physically strong and beautiful, that they would match each other. But, even though Damon may think that he is beautiful on a physical level, Damon doesn't feel beautiful on a spiritual level. This is why Damon openly chases Elena but denies his feelings for Bonnie. While Damon has a mental/physical connection to Elena, Damon has a spiritual/soul/essence connection with Bonnie. But when it comes to Damon as a person, Damon is run kwa his mind, his ego and his conscious. This is how Damon has been living and operating for over 5 centuries. So when Bonnie comes into Damon's life, this brings an overwhelming "shock" to Damon, because Bonnie is basically the very first person whom he's encountered that has had the power to tear down Damon's invisible walls and also, tear down the overpowering ego which Damon has been living under for centuries. Damon doesn't know any better then kwa living in the ego. This is why Damon acts the way that he does and this is also why Damon has no issue with chasing and obsessing over being with Elena. Because when it comes to Elena, he feels worthy, but it's not a worthiness that is at a deep level. It's a worthiness that is at a shallow level. Damon has always used his physical appeal to attract the opposite sex because he has never felt that he has anything e;se to offer. He has never felt like he can offer anyone anything deeper then what he looks like on the outside. Damon is inhumanely beautiful and because of it, he relies on that strictly to attract the opposite sex, to attract tons of women into his life. But even then, Damon still feels unworthy, he still feels empty and lonely. Damon has no doubt had lots of women, lots of affairs and he has gone through women like they are nothing. Damon basically uses women and sex to hide his self hatred. This is why Damon was a Don Juan/womanizer in his human life as well as his immortal life, because Damon ultimately hates himself; he hates his essence, he hates his entire being. Damon feels totally unworthy as a spiritual being so therefore, he has closed off his spiritual being. Hence why Damon can't come to terms with admitting his feelings for Bonnie. Like I have alisema before, Damon denies his feelings for Bonnie because he doesn't feel like he is worthy of Bonnie whatsoever. Deep down inside of himself, I know for a fact that Damon loves Bonnie so much but he also is conflicted because he knows that if he lets go, Bonnie might not upendo Damon. Damon ultimately thinks that his feelings for Bonnie are some kind of trick. And that Bonnie caring and loving and trusting and forgiving Damon unconditionally is some kind of joke. Because Damon deep down inside of himself is asking "Why does Bonnie even upendo me? Why does she care about me so much? Why does she keep forgiving me the way that she does? Doesn't Bonnie see that I am not worthy?" But that's the thing, this is what Damon's mind constantly tells him. That he's worthy of Elena, but for some strange and unknown reason, he doesn't feel worthy of Bonnie whatsoever. Doesn't that mean something to any people who have actually read these TVD novels thoroughly? That just because someone openly admits to wanting to be with wewe au that they openly admit to having feelings for you, doesn't make the feelings and the upendo that the person saying it, true? Just because someone openly admits something and says t out in the open, does not make the feelings real and true. This is the case for Damon and Elena in the books. Let's take Elena. We all know that Stefan is Elena's SoulMate and her ultimate fate/destiny. But because Elena has always had a problem with her ego, she feels drawn to Damon because of it. She feels like she can relate to him on that level in a sense that she can't relate to Stefan. Because ultimately, Elena's selfishness and vanity is her ego/outside personality, it is not her SOUL PERSONALITY. Her soul personality is the being that comes out when she is with Stefan. THAT IS THE TRUE AND REAL ELENA. Elena is not denying whatever feelings she has for Damon on a deep level, she's trying to convince herself that she doesn't upendo Damon on a MENTAL LEVEL. The fact that Elena doesn't communicate au think of Damon at a much deeper level, makes it all the zaidi obvious that Elena's connection to Damon is nothing zaidi then a physical/mental connection. Most people don't admit what is in their moyo and their soul, but most people admit what's in their MIND. This is because most people within society live in the ego/mental consciousness. This is why we act the way we do in today's society. This is why he display greed, lust, anger, jealousy, etc. Because we never really follow our hearts/souls and subconscious. If we all did so, then we would all be content and happy in this world. Well, this is how Damon has been living and operating for over 5 centuries. Five centuries of living in the ego while trying to shut off your moyo and subconscious will ultimately put wewe in a disillusioned and dark place. Damon is the way he is because this is how he has chosen to live. He doesn't want to bring forth anything from the heart/soul/subconscious level, because if he does attempt in doing so, he will ultimately see right in front of him what he has always felt deep down within himself all along: UNWORTHINESS. So this is why Damon says he "loves" Elena, because in his mind (not his subconscious), he feels worthy of her, he feels that he deserves her because of his looks and his charisma and his bad boy image and charm. So therefore, he has no issue with being open in what he feels about Elena and how much he desires her and how much passion that he has for her. This inly displays that the connection/feelings that Damon has towards Elena are ultimately shallow and all surface. There is no depth and there is no complexities. But on the other hand, if wewe look Damon and his feelings towards Bonnie, he struggles to bring himself to admit that he openly cares for her, because the feelings that he has hidden deep down inside of him are real; they are highly deep and very intense. But he has chosen to conceal them deep down within his moyo and soul because of fear. Damon is so scared when it comes to Bonnie. This is why I say that Damon/Bonnie have such an interesting and complex dynamic and relationship. Damon consciously tells himself to suppress his feelings for Bonnie because it's all fear. And the fear stems from Damon feeling extremely unworthy of Bonnie in every way imaginable. What's interesting is that while Bonnie happens to be the one person in this entire series whom he constantly denies his feelings for, she is also the ONLY person whom he openly saves and rescues zaidi then anyone else in the series. So, Damon can openly and directly save Bonnie's life but at the same time, he just simply cannot bring himself to admit his deep feelings for Bonnie? Doesn't that really tell us all something? Yes, it does. THAT ACTIONS SPEAK SIGNIFICANTLY MUCH LOUDER THEN WORDS. This is why I strongly stand kwa my belief that Damon hasn't, doesn't and never will upendo Elena Gilbert. The fact that Damon openly admits to wanting Elena, doesn't mean in any way that Damon really, truly loves her.

wewe would think as a reader of this series, that Damon would feel like he is easily worthy of Bonnie, because she doesn't embody everything that Damon wants in an ideal mate. wewe would think that Damon wouldn't be so "intimidated" to openly express what he feels for Bonnie. Well, this is not the case whatsoever. wewe would think that Damon would believe he is worthy of absolutely every single female on this planet because in his ego and his mind, he is an Adonis who is God's gift to women. But for some odd reason, one girl whom he supposedly thinks of as a woman-child au simply....as a child, he doesn't feel he is worthy of au that he deserves her. I don't know about anyone else, but that to me is extremely powerful. Damon displays his unworthiness when it comes to Bonnie kwa constantly denying what he feels for and I don't think Damon himself realizes this. Because it is all in the his subconscious and Damon doesn't live in the subconscious. Damon lives in the ego and the conscious only. But the thing is, the sooner that Damon starts to come to terms with his feelings for Bonnie is when Damon will begin to ultimately "shift" his consciousness, which is from the ego/conscious to the spiritual/subconscious. Until then, Damon is going to continue to let his ego get the best of him. There are times in between during the course of the series where Damon has let his ego down without even noticing it, and this has only happened when he is with Bonnie. This is Damon's real and true self coming out and coming up to the surface. Damon's subconscious comes out naturally when he is with Bonnie and Bonnie brings out this side of Damon effortlessly without her even noticing that she's doing such a thing. And this is what real and true upendo is. Let's take an example from the series itself outside of Bamon. The exact same thing happened between Stefan and Elena in the beginning of their relationship. When Stefan first met Elena, he was strictly living in the ego/conscious level. He wasn't listening to his subconscious. Because Stefan was living in his ego, due to the many centuries of living in darkness and living in the shadows, his conscious and ego were basically trying to shut Elena out and his connection with her. He constantly ignored her and denied his strong feelings for her in his mind. Telling himself that he doesn't care about Elena, that he doesn't upendo her, doesn't want anything to do with her. There were numerous reasons why Stefan was ignoring Elena and denying his connection to her in the very beginning of the series. Stefan ran away from Elena and denied his feelings for her because first of all, his ego/conscious told him that Elena is nothing zaidi then a spitting image doppleganger of his past and first upendo which ended painfully, Katherine. This only caused him to deny his connection to Elena even zaidi and it made things even worse. Again, Stefan denying his connection with Elena because of how she looks physically, this was all in Stefan's mind/conscious/ego. His mind was telling him that it was ultimately wrong to deeply and strongly upendo this stranger whom he doesn't even know, who happens to look like his first upendo whom reminds him of his painful and dark past. So therefore, Stefan consciously told himself that I have no connection with her and no feelings for her, even though this was far from the truth. Stefan's soul was deeply and strongly in upendo with Elena, because ultimately, Stefan and Elena have a strong and powerful soul connection. This is why Stefan was in so much pain in the beginning because the longer he tried to push away Elena, ignore Elena, deny his feelings/connection with Elena, the zaidi painful it became for Stefan. So ultimately, Stefan had to let go eventually and come to terms with his connection/feelings for Elena because the pain that was building up mentally, emotionally, physically and most importantly, spiritually was becoming too painful and too much to stand. The pain on all levels became absolutely excruciatingly painful and unbearable. And because Stefan let go, and ultimately let his ego step aside, Stefan and Elena grew stronger together and they became closer with each other. Because Stefan shifted from the ego/conscious level into the spiritual/subconscious level. This happened earlier for Stefan then Damon, because Stefan is zaidi in tune with his emotions and feelings than Damon. Stefan is significantly zaidi spiritually evolved then Damon is. Hence why it is taking Damon such a long time to let go, and come to terms with his hidden, deep feelings and connection with Bonnie. However, with that being said, Damon is going to have to ultimately let go at some point. Damon can't live in denial forever and he can't constantly deny his feelings for her in the long run. It will become absolutely painful for Damon, the same way that it was extremely painful and unbearable for Stefan in the beginning. There's only so much that Damon will be able to take mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And this may not be apparent right now for Damon in the books, because he hasn't opened up to all of these levels of being. But as soon as he does, after forever of closing all of these levels off for over 5 centuries, things will become chaotic. Things are going to fall apart for Damon in the beginning after he comes to terms with his feelings for Bonnie. I have no doubt about it. It will not be easy for Damon at all. But Bonnie will be there to ultimately comfort him during this time of Damon shifting his perceptions and ultimately, his view on life in general. This includes his selfish immortal life. Hell, I think Midnight already proved that Damon is starting to ultimate view his own existence differently considering that he selflessly gave up his own selfish life for Bonnie. This is why I never believed that Damon really and truly loved Elena. What exactly has Damon done throughout this series to prove that he loves Elena? Everything that Damon has done regarding Elena has been strictly selfish and has had nothing zaidi then selfish purposes. Damon is so selfish when it comes to Elena, that it has ultimately endangered other people's lives because of it. THAT IS NOT upendo AND THAT WILL NEVER DEFINE REAL, TRUE LOVE. And for all the Delena supporters who choose to consistently think that Damon and Elena in the vitabu (and also, in the show) equates to what real, true upendo is, then I suggest that they go and get a clue, seriously. Delena is NOT and never will be real, true love. Let me repeat that again: DELENA IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE REAL, TRUE LOVE. This is why I believe that Bamon is real, true upendo because it is the complete and polar opposite of everything that Delena is.
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