dragoni Club
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added by MKlovesBoog
1. Say "reptile" in front of one.
2. Pretend to roast a marshmallow in the dragon's flame.
3. When wewe get up from the couch, rub your backside and pretend its bruised.
4. If a dragon invites wewe to lunch, ask if wewe are the main course.
5. When riding, say "giddyap."
6. Tell the dragon that its most prized treasure is a forgery.
7. Say "we're off to see the lizard" when being taken to meet the rulers.
8. Pretend to look for shed skins au scales
9. Find a bald spot
10. Try to use logic. I guarantee they will correct wewe before wewe die.
11. Tell them Einstein was wrong.
12. Poke one in the eye
13. Give...
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added by kingcesar67
added by Satenik2013
Source: dragons, fantasy, legends, mystica, creatures
added by Satenik2013
Source: dragons, fantasy, legends, mystica, creatures
added by micketo
added by Lizijana
added by spyzero
added by MKlovesBoog
added by phoebe16802
Source: glaedr
added by micketo
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by Lizijana
added by MistyBlue6225
added by TheMightyDrago
added by ShadowNightwing
added by johnjohn8802
added by calli1369
added by elainskiejane
added by elainskiejane