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NOTE: This story was written as a gift for a friend. I wanted to let wewe guys know on this. Please enjoy.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a small village out in the open meadow and was circled kwa the tallest mountains in all the land. Although she was a princess, many felt bad for only one reason- because she lived in a very small, old cottage when she would be living in a large, great castle. The problem was that castles didn’t exist yet. Despite this issue, it didn’t bother the princess at all as she was very happy. Although the village was rich and peaceful, there was a serious problem that everyone faced. On juu of a certain mountain, a big cave stood on the peek which was the lair of a very greedy dragon. Originally a guardian, something happened that caused the beast to attack anyone who would try to leave the village. As long as the villagers and the princess stayed within the area, the dragon wouldn’t attack. It became a little problem because all of the crop gardens that the villagers grew were not very far and that they wouldn’t even leave to go check their crops. mwezi after mwezi and mwaka after year, their crops would grow right and then they would die. This was enough to get the entire village in a state of anger. They would get together to discuss their plans on how to solve everything. Their only solution was to get rid of the dragon. However, some of the villagers disagreed because it was killed this meant that they wouldn’t have a guardian. They were filled with concerns but couldn’t figure them out.

Meanwhile, not far away from the heavily guarded village, another cottage stood in the middle of a forest. This particular place was the nyumbani of a prince. His entire cottage was filled with swords, shields, knifes, bows and arrows, and other various weapons. This clearly meant that not only was he was a prince but also a blacksmith. For every weapon au defense structure he made, it was all his. Like castles, strong-armed blacksmiths didn’t exist at the time. For anyone who wanted a weapon they would have to make them on their own. After putting the finishing touches on another sword, he decided it was time for a little break. He left the cottage and decided to take a stroll through the forest. He made his way through the thick trees and stopped kwa a flowing river bank. Along with being a blacksmith, he was also able to survive in untamed lands. He was a great hunter, fisherman, and expert in finding the best sights and locations. Even though he was able to care for himself, there were times when he wished he could share his lifestyle with someone. Being alone for years showed a great deal of sadness inside his heart- despite the fact he never showed it. As his father always told him, “Never let your emotions get to wewe and always be on alert.” Taking his advice seriously, the prince would get through everything without as much as a heap of emotion. After hanging around at the river for an hour, he decided it was time to get back to work in his cottage. Through the rest of the night, he worked his hardest in making zaidi weapons. The work was enough to make him very weak. Putting the finishing touches in his newest sword, he decided it was time to take things easy. After blowing out his candle, he slowly dozed off.

Although they weren’t close, the prince and princess did share a lot in common. Not only did they live alone, but they also felt the same signs of emotion. The chances of them ever meeting were slim, but anything was possible. The morning arrived as the sun slowly peeked through the mountain tops. The villagers were already up and out doing their usual tasks. The princess was still sleeping, unaware that morning had just started. She was dreaming a very wonderful dream that involved a brave, noble prince who not only rescued her but the villagers as well. She realized even though it was all just a dream, she knew that one siku soon it would come true. After another hour, she finally awoke. Looking out from the window in the main room, she smiled while staring at all of the villagers who were walking around. She decided to do her part in helping out and came from villager after villager helping them with whatever they needed. Although she was a princess, the villagers thought it was considerate for her to assist them in everything. From delivering chakula to the market place, to washing the cottage windows, she helped them with everything that needed to be done. Even though they had nothing to give, the villagers gave her a lot of upendo in which she was delighted. As the dakika went on by, the princess took a walk through the area. Although there was nothing new to see, she didn’t mind for taking a stroll made her happy. She walked through the village for a little zaidi until something caught her eyes. Close to the entry way from the village, some wild flowers stood. If there was one thing the princess never seen before, it was wild flowers. maua, ua seeds were very difficult to come kwa in the village and that is why not many of them thrive in the area. The beauty of the flowers was enough to put her into a trance. Slowly, she walked out. One of the villagers noticed and tried shouting to her. The constant shouting wasn’t enough to get her to return as she was already out of the village. Realizing the outcome, the villager quickly turned and raced through warning everyone. All of the people gathered as they tried to get the princess to return back. Even the large crowd wasn’t enough. She slowly plucked a maua, ua as she smiled and sniffed it. Meanwhile, up on the peek of the mountain, the dragon started snarling as it realized the princess was out of the village. With its large wings, it flew out from the cave and quickly swooped down. It captured the princess who was still admiring the beauty of the flower. The whole crowd of villagers screamed and moaned in panic as they were worried for the fate of the princess. Shortly after her capture, the villagers gathered for a big meeting. They were trying to discuss a plan on how to rescue her without harming the dragon. Plan after plan, they were out of hope. One of them however had an idea. The plan was to get a heroic prince to come and rescue her without harming the guardian monster. Most of the villagers agreed, but others thought it wasn’t good as finding a prince was impossible. Even though it would be difficult, they hoped that one would onyesha up soon enough. For a week, the villagers sat patiently hoping that one would arrive. To their dismay however, it was an unlikely situation. Before long, the villagers realized their mistake- they forgot to send out signals in the sky. When help was needed, they would send out smoke signals into the air to alert those were in the area and closer to their village. They worked hard in bringing a small bomb moto and started creating signals from the sky that read: “Tragic Troubles! Need Help Now!” The words could be seen from a few miles away. From the deep forest, the prince continued to build zaidi weapons. Before he continued, he noticed the smoke signals that appeared from the sky and quickly read them. Not wanting to distract himself, he grabbed whatever he could and quickly left the cottage while making his way to the direction of the signals.

The weather shifted from peace to darker and cloudy. Lightning flashed from the skies dakika after dakika followed kwa the rumbling of thunder. Although these conditions were enough to frighten the creatures that lived in the area, the prince wasn’t stopping nor was he afraid. From seeing the smoke signals, he knew it was critical and that it couldn’t be ignored. Even the stormy weather wasn’t enough to keep him from continuing his quest. Walking through the grassy terrain for a while, he finally arrived at the small village. The villagers were praised with delight as they knew their plan would finally take its toll. The prince arrived inside the border and was surprised kwa the large crowd. They began explaining the situation regarding the princess and the village guardian. They pointed the location of the dragon’s lair, which stood way up high in the tallest mountain structure around the perimeter. The prince agreed into rescuing the princess, but was also told to not kill the dragon for it was their guardian. Understanding their advice, he quickly made his long, dangerous journey to the juu of the mountain. Along the way, he had to face off a few dangers such as bears, wolves, and bobcats. After making it to the top, he was staring at the darkness of the dragon’s cave. With his shield and sword in both of his hands, he was all ready for whatever came his way. The interior of the cave was very moist as the river that flowed on the mountain tops would often cause water to leak inside. It was also very humid as the prince ventured farther and farther inside. He was sweating a lot even his clothes were soaked. But as always, he would not let the humidity get to him. He was on the urge of rescuing the princess and wouldn’t want to leave the villagers upset. Walking through the darkness a few zaidi hours, he finally heard echoes that were coming straight ahead. He carefully listened and realized that they were the sounds of the princess who was crying for help. He quickly dashed towards the area of the echoes and after making a few turns, he saw her trapped in a cage that was made from bones. He quickly ran to her and explained himself while telling her everything was going to be alright. This was enough to make the princess calm and happy. Suddenly, a loud roar was heard not far away. This meant only one thing- the dragon was nearby. The prince knew what he had to do while also not forgetting about the advice the villagers gave him. He couldn’t kill the dragon, but he had to do something to keep it from getting himself and the princess. With his mind at work, he started thinking of a plan.

After a moment of sizing each other up, the dragon decided to take the first songesha and tried lunging at the prince with its mouth. While the beast had no teeth, its jaws were powerful enough to crush anything. This continued for a while as the prince himself kept out of harm’s way and also tried avoiding his sword from impaling any part of the beast. All what the princess could do was watch with anticipation. Both the prince and beast made their way towards the entry way to the cave and walked out into the snowy terrain in a small space that was surrounded kwa a cliff that looked downward to the other slopes and the village which stood far downward a few miles away. kwa this time, the prince begun to wonder what to do next. If he wasn’t able to slay the guardian dragon, there had to be another solution. Observing the cave entrance for a moment, he suddenly discovered something- on the left side of the rockwork, a small sculpture of the dragon stood on juu of a small boulder. What he realized was its head was turned around and if he was able to turn it back to the normal position; the dragon would do away with its villainy and return to being the protector. Of course in order to get there, he would have to quickly avoid the beast’s jaws. His plan came into place as he quickly performed a cartwheel dodge jump and made it to the sculpture. With all of his strength, he was able to turn the head into the right direction. Before long, the dragon started glowing as it was a sign that all of the evil stored in its body was floating up into the sky never to be seen again. Once it all was gone, the beast was put into a deep slumber which gave the prince the opportunity to quickly dash back into the cave, freed the princess, and returned to the village. The villagers had a big celebration ceremony in honor of not only the prince’s daring rescue, but for also helping in getting their guardian to return. The truth behind the dragon was that it was a friendly, noble creature that didn’t only pay respect for the villagers but any friendly forces that treated them properly. The prince and princess got the chance to learn about one another as well as becoming a perfect couple. Months later, they got engaged and lived in the small village. Along with the villagers and the dragon guardian, they both lived happily ever after.