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ongeza maoni
Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Headcanon is the new reality...
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Harry + Ginny = chest monster…quidditch…red hair…um…interacted in meaningful and relationship building ways a whole bunch of times in all the books so there oh wait well ok it wasn’t in all books but one of them??? all right maybe not THAT MANY but look it they tooootally had enough of a connection to be all crazy in love within the span of the last two books I mean that makes complete sense right am I right WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT ITS THE BASIS FOR A MEANINGFUL AND LASTING RELATIONSHIP YOU DONT GET THAT FROM YEARS AND YEARS OF FIGHTING BESIDE EACH OTHER AND KNOWING THE OTHER INSIDE OUT BECAUSE YOUVE BEEN THERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY THAT WOULD BE FUCKING INSANE GOD GET A GRIP AND LEARN WHAT REAL AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS LOOK LIKE FUCK!
Ron + Hermione = perfectly acceptable because they’re friends and they’ve known each other since they were eleven and they are SOOO on the level about a lot of important things well kind of its more like one cares about house elf rights and the other scoffs about it and thinks it’s a waste of time BUT THATS BESIDE THE POINT because they’re totally meant for each other because they fight A LOT with hurtful insults thrown about in fact it’s a requirement to make significant others question their core values and beliefs and make them cry and abandon them in times of great need because they’re a jealous and spiteful prat but that is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE in a relationship because that’s what girls REALLY WANT and on the off chance that Harry or Hermione even had feelings for each other they should demure to Ron’s feelings because he’s not TBWL and he’s been trapped in Harry’s shadow for too long he needs to “win” the girl so there??
Harry + Hermione = UGH NO they’re friends they’re like brother and sister they’ve known each other since they were eleven what the fuck have YOU been drinking besides that is so fucked up how dare they try to break up the trio because Ron would just be so heartbroken he’d have a fit and have to leave because he wouldn’t be able to take it that his friends could find happiness with each other DONT YOU UNDERSTAND HOW SAD THAT WOULD BE FOR HIM they can’t be so selfish besides they don’t act how a REAL COUPLE SHOULD like respect each other’s opinions and even when one thought the house elf thing was maybe getting out of hand they tried to be a bit more supportive so the other’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt whoa how underhanded is THAT and well whoop-dee-doo they only seem to have heated disagreements over life altering situations and not little things that shouldn’t matter I mean what is up with THAT and they show NEARLY unwavering support in the face of adversity seriously who the hell does that doesn’t Hermione know you don’t follow someone you love more than life itself on a dangerous quest to find needles in fucking haystacks and NEVER consider abandoning him even when he’s walking into certain death she offers to go with him fuck girl she needs to show some respect for herself she deserves SOOO much better than someone who nearly gave up and couldn’t move because he thought she was dead you need to straighten out your priorities if you think those two would work when chest monsters and verbal abuse disguised as romance is ALL YOU EVER NEED
December 3, 2014 at 12:49 AM | Post Permalink | 2 notes
#harry x Hermione #harryhermione #harryxhermione #harry/Hermione #hhr #pumpkin pie #Harry and Hermione #I'll go with you #otps #could I be any more sarcastic #sorry to my followers who like Ron #but I can't stand the canon pairings
proganthony1978 reblogged this from waking-dreams-of-harmony and added:
Hi! My name\'s Ellie. I\'m a 30 year old student from CA who still has no idea what the hell I\'m doing; I adore animals, hope to be a veg-head for life, and love books/movies/TV shows with equal passion. As my url illustrates, I am and always will be, a Harmony shipper. I fell in love with this pairing the first time I ever picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\'s Stone, a deep abiding affection that continued through to the fifth book and it\'s subsequent movie incarnations. In my mind, HBP and DH, excepting the dance scene in the latter film, do not exist in my headcanon; I can only stand their mention in the fanfiction I read that "fix" what JKR broke. I\'m also fascinated by DREW; essentially, I will reblog anything and everything Harmony/DREW related; that said, you can expect to find reblogs of various fandoms, especially for the otp that I love only second to Harmony, and that\'s Cesare and Lucrezia from Showtimes The Borgias. I\'ve fallen absolutely head over heels for this pairing and if it bothers you in the least (being a brother/sister incest ship) then this may not be the blog for you \'cause I\'m planning to relog/post A LOOOT of it...but if it doesn\'t and you love it as I do, then please hop aboard! (^~^) Oh, and unless expressly stated, NONE OF THE GIFS OR IMAGES I USE ARE MINE. Credit goes to those who are far more creative than I. Something else you should know is that I\'m a bit of a gif slut, so if I can use a gif in a post or reblog, I will. If excessive pasting of gifs annoys you, I\'m probably not the blog to follow. (^_^) You\'ve been forewarned :) Welcome!
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