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Korean netizens react to Taemin releases solo teaser for 'Danger'

ongeza maoni
Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Taemin releases solo teaser for 'Danger' ~ Netizen Buzz
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Monday, August 11, 2014  danger, shinee, taemin  157 comments
Article: "Where did SHINee\'s maknae go?" Taemin\'s masculine transformation breaks expectations
1. [+1,569, -190] He\'s improved so much, I\'m looking forward to it..
2. [+1,194, -314] Yah, Lee Taemin, I seriously, I seriously ah, like you. I love you,k I really love you. Taemin, wow, I really like you, really, really like you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
3. [+1,023, -153] Wow, this is driving me crazy
4. [+950, -137] Looking forward to it ㅠㅠ The concept\'s jjang jjang
5. [+749, -102] Taemin-ah, fighting on your solo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Proud that you\'re releasing a solo of your own now ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
6. [+665, -92] The few seconds I heard was great, the music video will kill me ㅜㅜㅜ Can\'t sleep because I\'m so excited
7. [+637, -92] It\'s looking like a daebak!! Wow
8. [+594, -80] Huk... Taemin looks cool..
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as usual, i looked wihtout expecting too much because im not into shinee but holy molly asjdgajkhdsjka the beat sounds so awesome so i will look the MV when its release
truth be told it sorta looks similar to jaejoong's just another girl
Apparently it's not 'SHINee style' but the teaser gave off just that? Was that just me or?
Anyway fighting Taemin! I hope he does really well. Mind you, he used to be the dancer of SHINee and now to come all the way from that to of the vocalists. He really has a passion for music and was born to be an entertainer. I'm 100% behind him in his debut.
he's a weird looking dude but it looks like sm made an effort
I don't doubt it. This sounds as Jonghyun. Master of PR.
That's what I was thinking! Glad I'm not the only one who was reminded of Jaejoong.
that's what it is. i was getting deja vu and couldn't place it
Love Taemin so much! OMG the teaser was seriously amazing. He will knock out all competition for sure :D But one thing that is bugging me is those that raves about his body. His body is great for sure, but definitely not the hottest body in K-pop [my opinion of course]. He is fit for sure but definitely not a body that makes me go gaga over it or have nosebleed. LOL
Isn't this so Jaejoong style? The blonde hair, and eye makeup, leather jacket...
My reaction was the same as this. I love you, Lee Taemin. I hope you see this one day and tell me you love me too *delusional mode on*. Then we can get married and have pretty babies that look like you. They have to have my hair though. I'll be waiting for your call
I feel like #2 described what all Shawols were thinking when it came out. XD
Meanwhile Winner already slayed the charts right after their debut
Waiting for netizenbuzz to make a post about them ;D
I don't doubt the level of truth in this though LOL
I think that too. SM is forever JYJ 1st fanboy anyway. Song may be different but they like to use concepts and styles that have been produced and used by JYJ before. It happens all the time and I am a bit sick of it. Seriously Taemin should be given something more special instead of being force to be jaejoong's clone.
I'm so excited! And so pumped to see so much positivity. But then again, SHINee is a generally well liked group. Taemin fighting!!!!
SM been trying to make him jaejoong 2.0. I know u know.
Omg that is so true! LOLOL No wonder, I was like this look like someone.... LOL but taemin does work it well though:)
[+1,194, -314] Yah, Lee Taemin, I seriously, I seriously ah, like you. I love you,k I really love you. Taemin, wow, I really like you, really, really like you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
its funny cause winner was like 100x more popular then both xd
Ever since his debut honestly. SM tried hard to channel the flower boy androgynous look that they made JJ have in early DBSK years.
As much as I love Winner, I doubt they have a chance to win against Taemin. Taemin already had established a large fandom thanks to Shinee. While Winner just started so it would be quite difficult. But I can tell Winner is definitely making a name for themselves. They are definitely monster rookies!
Come on now, they're both Big 3 artists. Taemin is not some nugu now...
To me Taemin doesn't fit this masculine concept, he has the baby face...
He looks like jaejoong. Anyways... CANT WAIT!!!
I can already tell I'm going to prefer Bangtan's Danger over this, but good luck to Taemin too
Kinda surprised that Jonghyun is not the first from Shinee to get a solo debut.
It's kinda weird when Shinee first debuted I would have never thought that taemin would ever be able to go solo but now here he is.
a bit rich coming from the same company who media played about a war of the girl groups but moved 2NE1's comeback twice to avoid actual head to head competition with SNSD
You could isolate several elements of the concept (blonde hair, eyeliner, grungy carpark setting &more) and it wouldn't be too similar but SM decided they liked the whole package! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
Still laughing over how dispatch released "Late-night dating site of EXO Kai and SHINee Taemin" yesterday. Like idk how to feel.
but they did have head to head competition? lol and 2ne1 slayed them digitally
1. [+1,569, -190] He's improved so much, I'm looking forward to it..
This reminds me of one time in one event when Taemin really looked a lot like jaejoong lol
so excited for this I can't even sit still. I've already played the teaser over and over again <3
I'm not sure what I think of his blond hairstyle. it looks great here but looks hideous in that runningman teaser
It's BEYOND flawless. I'm so damn hyped.
what's with this make up and why is it becoming more and more popular?
I don't see the Jaejoong similarities at all unless you mean a flower boy with blonde hair and smoky eye makeup but that's literally half of kpop.
"Masculine" transformation? ಠ_ಠ Are we looking at the same pictures Korea? Because his styling got a whole lot more feminine.
I don't really see it actually besides maybeeee in the last pic tbh.
Lol he looks like a mini jaejoong, but the song sounds good so far
I will understand if he only has the blonde hair and eyeliner since most of the kpopidols have been rocking the same style. But seriously grungy carpark setting? Half naked teaser picture? Dark underground feel complete with psychotic, zombie looks too? Can they be more obvious? I still remember last year in one of shinee's mv, SM is basically making him wore the fluffy dark jacket with no shirt underneath just like what jaejoong has wond during his concert and in mine! Way to make it more obvious.
He is all grown up (mighty fine) and it makes me even happier for him. Hope this solo is going to be good ^^
I love how Inner Circles(holy shit that sounds so awkward) were pressed about B.I & Bobby composing Empty but it ended up being arguably one of the best songs on the album.
It is not that obvious at first during debut but after Jaejoong left and around 2010 (?) he started the transformation, first with his style.
Well, I doubt he has much say in how much makeup gets put on him. It's all up to the stylists. But yeah, he could like the makeup.
Seriously SM should stop making him jaejoong 2.0. I am pretty much sure he is capable of rocking different styles. Both his and jaejoong's fans won't really appreciate it if he is forced to be jae2.0.
I heard the choreography is by Ian Eastwood! It got me excited even more.
omg sorry totally irrelevant but Robin williams died omg i'm soo sad :'( i loved his movies
His concept is dark like Jae Joong. Look forward to it.
Same! News of his solo debut completely shocked me- I'm excited It's happening though!
and SM the same company who make a controversial music video for attention
I love Taemin more than all of you here put together, but I'm sure if it was a female idol doing this exact same concept with the skin showing, etc. the comments would be the exact opposite
I will understand if he only has the blonde hair and eyeliner since most of the kpopidols have been rocking the same style. But seriously grungy carpark setting? Half naked teaser picture? Dark underground feel complete with psychotic, zombie looks too? Can they be more obvious? It is rip off of jae's just another girl mv and WWW teaser pics. I still remember last year in one of shinee's mv, SM is basically making him wore the fluffy dark jacket with no shirt underneath just like what jaejoong has worn during his concert and in 'mine'. Way to make it more obvious.
Not feeling the concept but I'm still really excited for this.
Just because I think YG media play too much doesn't mean I approve of that MV's controversy cause it's SM.
I am so looking forward to his debut, this looks so good <3
Wait, no hate comment? I thought KPop fans hate the idols going around stripping, even for a little bit? :(
Maybe because I havent followed Shinee after their Lucifer promotions... butt I still see Taemin as that kid with the bowl haircut who needs a burger lol.
Look at how these netizens are loving the 'masculine' Taemin, even saying it looks cool but when girls show skin, they're called sluts.
and he is also known for ABDC (mos wanted crew)
I love Taemin but I always feel awkward when I see Taemin go shirtless.I was like dude put the shirt on when I saw the teaser pics
Why must everything in Kpop have a conspiracy theory? Taemin's all grown up and going solo. Just let him enjoy it without making comparisons about everything!
Is it just me? but The song has an Excuse me Miss, Evil, and Nightmare vibe to it? hahaha! but the song is catchy for me i like it ^^
Winner will probably do better in digitals but in physicals Taemin will win
Jjong doesn't seem inclined to go solo.If he wanted I doubt SM would have stopped if he wanted it
Edit: my comment below was supposed to be in response to this one.
He honestly has improved a lot. He was not at all impressive when Shinee first started. His charm then was that he was Kpop's maknae. 'Cute' was what he was known for. But now his voice is very strong and powerful. He must of trained very hard to reach the talent he has now.
Jonghyun had SM the Ballad stuff.. so maybe they think that his voice isn't suited for a Solo
It's more for this MV. It's like Jaejoongs MV he released awhile back. It was called 'Mine'. The pictures for Taemin in this article remind me of that. But that's just mo.
And mino's I'm him, been jamming to that song. I seriously raped my replay button on my ipod
2. [+1,194, -314] Yah, Lee Taemin, I seriously, I seriously ah, like
you. I love you,k I really love you. Taemin, wow, I really like you,
really, really like you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
if you check jonghyun's twitter he calls taemin his fairy prince lol
I'm really suprise it's not jonghyun or onew the first one to make a solo debut but taemin. My forever bias. He seriously improve so muchhhhh <3 All the best happen to him <3
Yikes, I was watching Dead Poets Society yesterday
Onew should get a solo too, his voice is heaven.
supposedly he's coming back with a full album..?
Even though WINNER has gained a nice fandom, I don't think they have a chance against Taemin. He's like 6 years into his career and has a much larger fandom. They're going to do well regardless.
Well, tbh his voice is not very strong and powerful. The boy worked hard for this, i know. But i think it's still early.
This is more similar to jaejoong's just another girl.
IKR? I personnally couldn't stop shaking my boobs while listening to it x)
" [+1,194, -314] Yah, Lee Taemin, I seriously, I seriously ah, like you. I love you,k I really love you. Taemin, wow, I really like you, really, really like you. I love you, I love you, I love you. "
Shawols knew of taemin's solo thing since last year but this is funny XD
Yeah, I definitely got the SHINee vibe too, especially sound-wise. But I guess it's hard to judge off a few seconds.
I'm not a fan of him with a dark "manly" concept, but I hope his solo does well~
When will there be an article on the real news of the day, Winner?
he wasn't "forced" to do anything lmao this is what he actually likes, he pm picked everything
you'd know if u watched any of his other solo stages
jaejoong didn't invent ~grungy style~ sorry to say
but the different is the tattoo..thats make jaejoong more sexy for me lol
this is what taemin likessss stop being silly
LOL, these comments are so cute. I almost wish I was a Shinee/Taemin fan so i can join in the spazzing!
Really really looking forward to this, Taemin be looking so good with his Dracula concept these days that I want him to bite me.
Can't help but notice the difference between these comments and the f(x) ones especially since they look like similar dark concepts. Could be down to the fact that boy groups are more loved in general or because the comments are coming from people that weren't so vocal/didn't care/didn't comment on f(x)'s concept.
Haha, ME TOO. I do that for Kai as well. I see them pulling their shirt off and I'm like, "no its fine leave it on"
Not true because first of all lately he's actually been being recognized for his talents and being shirtless is the only thing we're seeing do far female idols do so much more ridiculous shit with their sexy concepts you don't see him spreading his legs and crawling on the floor or anything.
Dead at you shaking your boobs if that's not autocorrect making your life harder lol.
"I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."
My friends were screaming so much I couldn't even hear properly but it's such a jam from what I heard. I think I'll like the rest of the album too, seems like Winner will be more my style than Big Bang.
I'm glad Taemin is getting a solo because he improved his voice and worked hard throughout the years. I love how him being shirtless/going for a dark concept is getting praise while f(x) was being called weird for their concept, like cmon people?
I'm surprised it's getting a lot of mixed reactions but i love it, it's so mellow and nice :3
excuse me anyone can wear that jacket without trying to be jaejoong -__-
He genuinely likes this style though... I mean Taemin.
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