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Shannon grew up without a mother and lived her early childhood years alone with her father. At the tender age of 8, Shannon's father married a woman kwa the name of Sabrina Carlyle, and along with Sabrina was her 10-year-old son, Boone Carlyle. This resulted in Sabrina becoming Shannon's stepmother and Boone becoming Shannon's stepbrother. Shannon never had a good relationship with Sabrina, but Shannon's and Boone's relationship blossomed as the years dragged on. ("Do No Harm") ("Abandoned").

Shannon became a ballet instructor at the age of 18 along with her best friend, Nora. After wrapping up a class, Shannon received a call from Sabrina saying that they need to meet at St. Sebastian's Hospital, as Adam had been involved in a car accident. At St. Sebastian's, Jack is visible for a brief moment as he walks into the doctor informing the family about Adam's accident. The doctor then proceeds to inform the family that Adam stopped breathing at the scene of the accident and they were unable to revive him. Shannon was devastated, and from then on, tried to distance herself from Sabrina as much as possible. ("Abandoned").
Shannon and Boone at their father's funeral. ("Abandoned")

Shannon and Boone reunited after a long time apart at Adam's funeral. Shannon was relieved to have a familiar shoulder on which to cry and immediately turned to Boone. Shannon told Boone that she had applied for a prestigious internship at the Martha Graham Dance Company in New York city. Shannon assured Boone that she may get it, even though the odds were not on her side. Boone agreed but still showed some doubt. ("Abandoned")

While having breakfast at her apartment, Nora walked in with an envelope in her hand; it was the reply for her internship entry. She had been granted the internship. Shannon then received a call from the bank and was told that her checks were bouncing. Nora found this unbelievable as she knew that Shannon was wealthy. ("Abandoned")

Shannon reluctantly turned to Sabrina for help. Shannon told Sabrina about her situation, and Sabrina's reaction was extremely cold. When Shannon asked about the money that her Father had aliyopewa her in his will, Sabrina stated that no money had been left to Shannon. Shocked and angry, Shannon asked why this was so, but Sabrina responded indirectly: "Maybe he wants wewe find your own way." Sabrina left without giving any help to Shannon. ("Abandoned")

Shannon asked Boone if he could somehow get the money from Sabrina. Shannon found out that Boone had failed at receiving the money when he turned up in her apartment, empty handed. Boone assumed that it was because she (Sabrina) knew why he asked for the money. Shannon asked if she could stay with Boone at New York, when another bombshell was pelted at Shannon: Boone was leaving New York. Boone offered some of his own money, but Shannon's temper rose as she refused. She pushed the envelope into Boone's hands as a sign that he was unwelcome to give her anything. ("Abandoned")

After returning from her job as an au pair, Shannon began to routinely con money out of her stepmother and/or Boone in an attempt to get the money that she felt was owed to her. Boone alisema he had paid off 3 men to break up with her. Shannon's most hivi karibuni attempt to get money was kwa faking an abusive relationship with Bryan, the man she was living with in Sydney, Australia. When Boone found out that Shannon was lying to him, Bryan assaulted him. Shannon begged Bryan to stop, allowing Boone to escape back to his hotel. She later showed up at Boone's hotel room, drunk and upset. Shannon told him that Bryan took all of the money. She shocked Boone kwa telling him she knew that he loved her, and uninhibited due to the alcohol, she began to kiss him. Boone didn't stop her, and they had sex. Shannon severely regretted her and Boone's actions afterward, and told Boone that she wanted things to return to normal once they got home. They boarded Flight 815 the following morning.("Hearts and Minds")

According to Boone, Shannon had been married once, but was separated. ("Hearts and Minds")

*****Flight 815******

Shannon is then seen in the waiting area sitting down and doing a crossword puzzle. Sayid asks Shannon if she can watch his bag and says that he'll be back in a moment. Shannon, who is irritable and hungover, replies, "Sure, whatever." She later walks off with Boone, leaving the bag on the chairs unattended. Shannon initiates an argument with Boone over why he failed to purchase first class seats on the flight instead of coach seats in the middle of the plane. Boone contends that Shannon cannot take care of herself and that she needed him. To prove her independence and cunning, she informs a security guard that "some Arab guy left his bag in the chairs downstairs and then just walked away," inaonyesha Boone that she is capable of things that he never expected. ("Exodus, Part 1")

In the airport, prior to boarding, Nikki and Paulo were interrupted kwa Shannon loudly complaining about a lack of seating in the café waiting area and Boone being responsible for them not getting first class tickets. Boone politely asks Paulo for their extra chair, and he agrees, but Shannon pulls Boone away, accusing his "flirting with bila mpangilio guys" of delaying them. ("Exposé")

Shannon and Boone are briefly seen aboard 815 right before the crash, as Charlie stumbles over them in order to escape from Cindy. ("Pilot, Part 2")

Shannon sat in kiti, kiti cha 9F, Business Class, inayofuata to Boone, who was sat in 9E on the plane. ("Exodus, Part 2")

****On the Island****

Season 1 (Days 1-44)

Shannon and Boone were only able to survive the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 due to the fact that they were denied seats in first class, the area of the plane in which nobody survived. After the crash, Shannon screams at the crash site where a man tells her to watch the gas. Shannon wanted little to do with everyone else and refused to help build camp, believing that they'd soon be rescued. She was offered a Candy bar kwa her brother, which she flatly rejected, stating that she wasn't going to give up on her diet, because they would be off the Island soon enough. Regardless of their circumstances, Boone's and Shannon's petty war continued. ("Pilot, Part 1")

The inayofuata day, Shannon sunbathes and talks to Claire, finally interacting with the others. Later Shannon guiltily cries over the dead body of the crewman who refused to put her into first class, effectively saving her life. When Boone callously criticized her for not helping out, she went on a jungle trek with Sayid, Kate, Charlie, Sawyer and Boone to prove to him that she wasn't useless. Her assistance was vital in translating the French distress signal that Sayid received on the radio from the cockpit. ("Pilot, Part 2")

On the way back to the beach, Boone lifts the gun from Sawyer, who awakens. The group fights and Shannon tells them that Boone doesn't agree with guns. When they arrive back to the beach, Shannon complains that Edward Mars is dying too loudly. A few hours later, Boone gives a pair of sunglasses to Shannon. ("Tabula Rasa")

The inayofuata day, Shannon and Boone argue over caring for others and catching food. Shortly after the argument, Shannon uses her charm to get Charlie to catch her a fish. After Charlie catches the fish, Shannon shows Boone the fish, telling him that she told him she could get a fish. Just after they begin to argue again over using people. ("Walkabout")

After Boone left her in charge of their part in triangulating the signal, he ran to the caves to help Jack after he fell victim to a cave-in. Although distracted, she succeeded in letting off the signal bottle rocket on time. ("The Moth")
Later, Shannon began experiencing asthma attacks, which was unusual since many of the other survivors' physical ailments ceased after the crash. To compound the problem, Boone could not find the extra inhalers that he had brought in his luggage on the plane.
"I am so not moving to the rape caves ("Raised kwa Another")
As Shannon's attacks became zaidi life-threatening, Boone began to suspect that Sawyer was hoarding them with other items he confiscated in the luggage. Sawyer refused to cooperate with the investigation, which led to him being tortured kwa Sayid. It was later discovered that Sawyer did not, in fact, have the inhalers. ("Confidence Man")

While Shannon sunbathed, Boone told her that Hurley and others made a golf course in excitement. Boone and Shannon went to the golf course and watched everyone play. ("Solitary")

Shannon considers moving to the caves with Boone, but when Hurley is collecting everyone's information she expresses her doubts about the caves' safety after hearing that Claire was attacked. ("Raised kwa Another")

After Claire was kidnapped kwa Ethan, Shannon tells Boone not to go out into the jungle to find Claire; however, he goes anyway. At night in the caves, Shannon approaches Kate and expresses her worry about Boone. Kate tells her that Locke and Boone have not returned yet. ("All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues")

After Sayid returned from his encounter with Rousseau, he asked for Shannon's help in translating the French uandishi on the maps. Shannon reluctantly agreed and had trouble at first, becoming frustrated with Sayid and herself. It was during her work with the map translation that Shannon began to develop feelings for Sayid. At night Shannon tells Sayid about Laurent repeatedly watching a movie featuring the song "La Mer". Realizing the connection between the song and their current situation, Shannon then begins to sing it. ("Whatever the Case May Be")

Shannon's attraction to Sayid grabbed the attention of Boone, who was visibly displeased. Boone explained to Locke, "You don't know Shannon. She's smart and she's special in a lot of ways". Locke drugged Boone, sensing he might tell Shannon of their secret trips to uncover the hatch.

Under the influence of the hallucinogen, Boone heard Shannon screaming in the jungle and saw she was tied up to a mti kwa Locke, while the Monster is heard. Boone un-cuts her and runs and hides from the Monster in a mangrove trunk. As they got out of the mangrove trunk, the monster was gone, and as they walked through the jungle Shannon questioned why Locke tied her up. Eventually, Boone told her about the hatch and why he tied her up, leading to zaidi questions. A few dakika later, the Monster is heard again and it viciously attacked Shannon. Boone searched for Shannon, but when he found her bloody, crumpled body lying kwa the stream, he realized it is too late. That night, Boone approaches Locke in the caves and attacks him for indirectly causing Shannon's death. Boone, however realizes that Shannon is alive and well and chatting happily with Sayid. Locke tells Boone it was a vision and Boone admits that he felt free from the burden of caring for his step-sister. ("Hearts and Minds")

The inayofuata day, Shannon and Sayid explain Rousseau's map to Jack. Michael interrupts them, telling them his idea of making a raft. Shannon dismisses the idea, "I get really sea-sick". When Claire arrives back at the camp, she asks Shannon why everybody is avoiding her. She then tells Claire about the death of Scott. ("Special") ("Homecoming")

Shannon and Arzt argue with Kate about the case of guns found in the waterfall. When Boone later talks to Sayid, causing him to temporarily reconsider their relationship, Shannon heads to the jungle to quarrel with Boone, but only finds Locke. In their conversation, Locke tells Shannon that everyone gets a new life on the Island, and advises her to start hers. She accepts John's advice and is determined to begin her own with Sayid. ("...In Translation") ("Exposé")

After falling in the drug smugglers' plane, Boone was seriously injured. While Boone was dying, Shannon was on a tarehe with Sayid on another beach, pwani and tells Sayid the truth about her relationship with Boone. As Shannon and Sayid happily holding hands come back, Jack tells her about Boone. Shannon goes straight to the caves and cries over Boone's body. ("Do No Harm")

After Boone's death, Sayid asks Shannon if there is anything he can do, but Shannon doesn't reply. At the funeral, Shannon does not say anything, instead Sayid gives a speech. After the funeral, Shannon sits at the beach, pwani in silence. Locke walks over tentatively, and offers her Boone's belongings. Locke tells Shannon that Boone was brave, and that he knows how it feels to lose someone wewe love. Shannon was distraught and looked for someone to blame. Shannon became convinced that Locke was responsible for her step-brother's death. Back at Sayid's tent, Shannon reminds Sayid that he offered to help her. The only help that she wants is revenge on John Locke. However, Sayid doesn't kill au hurt Locke and tells her he is telling the truth that Boone's death was an accident. After hearing from Kate about the Halliburton case containing guns, Shannon aliiba the key from Jack and took one with the intent to kill Locke. Kate, Jack and Sayid ran off into the jungle and found Shannon with a gun pointed at Locke. Sayid intervened and saved Locke, but caused Shannon to turn away from him. Eventually, she did manage to forgive him. ("The Greater Good")

Right before Walt headed off on the raft, he gave Shannon the responsibility of taking care of Vincent. Walt told her he was good company when his Mother died, and that he might do the same for Shannon after Boone's death. When the raft, slab leaves, Vincent jumps into the sea to follow Walt, making Shannon go into the sea to get him. ("Exodus, Part 1")

Before going to the caves, Shannon tried to bring Boone's suitcase full of clothes, but Shannon falls over dumping out all of Boone's clothes. Sayid helps her and she leads the group with Sayid to the caves. After Claire was attacked kwa Rousseau, Shannon was the first on the scene with Sayid and Charlie. At the caves, Sun tells Shannon about being punished on the Island. When Sayid came back, Shannon ran back into Sayid's arms when he arrived from rescuing Aaron. ("Exodus, Part 2")

****Season 2 (Days 44-48)*****

Shannon tried to find Vincent when he ran off into the jungle, as she felt strongly that it was her responsibility to do so. Because she is still exhausted from not sleeping since Boone's death, Sayid attempts to dissuade her, but when he fails, he goes with her into the jungle. When the pair becomes separated, Shannon falls then begins to hear whispers and then sees a vision of Walt standing in front of her, dripping wet and speaking backwards to her. However the vision is gone kwa the time Sayid returns to her with Vincent. After returning to the caves, Shannon insists on recounting her vision of Walt and hearing the whispers, possibly of others, a prospect which upsets Claire, Sun and the rest of the group. When Jack returns from the hatch, Shannon asks him if he saw the others. Charlie rudely yells at her, telling her there are no "Others". ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
When Claire finds the message bottle from the raft, Shannon became the sekunde to know about the sekunde raft, slab being destroyed after Claire told her.

Shannon and Claire also tell Sun about finding it. Later Shannon shares her chakula with Vincent. ("Everybody Hates Hugo")

While feeding Vincent, Sayid came up to her and told her he has something he has to onyesha her. Sayid built Shannon a new tent to live in, which they eventually made upendo in on the same night. Moments after, when Sayid stepped out of the tent, to get water, Shannon had another vision of Walt. She screamed at the juu of her voice, making many people awaken. When she told Sayid what she saw, he did not believe her, saying that it was only a dream. Shannon once again felt that no one takes her seriously and left Sayid in frustration. ("Abandoned")

On siku 48, Shannon was determined to find Walt. Shannon asked Hurley and Rose where Walt's clothes were, so Vincent could pick up Walt's scent and lead her to him. Shannon tells the dog to "find Walt." Vincent then leads her directly to Boone's grave, where Sayid finds her and assumes she's there to mourn her dead step-brother. Shannon sets off into the jungle, determined to find Walt. While looking for Walt, Shannon told Sayid about the bottle and ran off again. Sayid caught up with her and tried to apologize for doubting her. Later, Shannon once again saw Walt, but this time Sayid did too. Sayid then told her that he believes her and loves her. As Shannon ran toward Walt, she was shot once in the stomach kwa Ana Lucia Cortez, who thought she was one of the Others. ("Abandoned")

After Shannon is shot dead, Sayid places her body on the ground gently, and tries to attack Ana Lucia. While Sayid is tied up, Ana Lucia talks to Shannon and tells her that she is sorry for killing her, and that it was a mistake. Later on, Sayid carries her body back to camp to be buried. ("Collision")

Having had her grave dug kwa Sayid, Shannon was buried inayofuata to her brother, Boone, who had died seven days earlier, and the others in the graveyard the inayofuata day. Sayid professed his upendo for her when he gave her eulogy. The Tailies, Eko, Libby and Bernard attended the funeral, paying their respects, but Ana Lucia refused to. ("What Kate Did")

When Ben was captured kwa the castaways, it was Sayid's upendo for Shannon and his grief over her death that pushed him into torturing the captive, after Sayid didn't feel that Henry's testimony of burying his wife was believable, exclaiming "You would remember!" ("One of Them")

While they were trekking to Henry Gale's balloon, Sayid eventually forgives Ana Lucia for her shooting, claiming she was just protecting her people - blaming Shannon's accidental death on the Others. ("Lockdown")

According to the Oceanic Six story, her brother survived the intial crash, though she never made it out of the plane. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1")

During the Island's time-shifting, the survivors found themselves back on the siku of Boone's death and Sawyer witnessed Aaron's birth. Sawyer was clearly shocked kwa seeing both Kate and Claire and Locke asked him if he saw anyone - citing Shannon and Charlie as examples. ("The Little Prince")

* On the Season 2 DVD special, Lost: On Location (Season 2), Damon Lindelof comments:


"We knew that Shannon was going to die before we started Season 2. Shannon's death served a number of story purposes, the most important being, that we wanted the tail section people, and our core group of castaways to be sort of forced to merge under incredibly uncomfortable circumstances."
0ther inf0rmay!0n

* Shannon has appeared in 4 episodes since her death: "The Other 48 Days" in a flashback, "Collision" and "What Kate Did" as a corpse and "Exposé" in a flashback.
* During an interview about conceiving the idea of Shannon, producers stated that Shannon was based on Paris Hilton.
* Shannon was the fourteenth character to have a flashback and the last of the original cast.
* Shannon was the only main character not to have a centric episode in Season 1.
* Shannon is the only main character never to have visited a DHARMA station.
* Shannon's episode count so far is 29. She died on her 26th (Sayid & Shannon's POV) and 27th (replayed but in the Tailies POV) appearance. In her 28th she was only present with her corpse and in her 29th appearance she returned via flashbacks.
* Shannon has never met Ben, Juliet, Desmond, Daniel, charlotte and Miles. However, she's met the rest of the main fuselage-survivors.
* Died 6 days after her brother Boone.
* Maggie Grace was billed as a special guest nyota in "Collision" and in "Exposé".
* Shannon was the sekunde main character to be killed.
* Shannon was the first main character to be killed at the conclusion of their flashback episode. The pattern seems to follow on with Ana Lucia, Mr. Eko, Nikki and Paulo and Daniel.
* Maggie Grace, who now has brown hair, wore a blonde wig to shoot her flashback scenes for Season 3.
* Of the 14 original main characters, Shannon is the only one neither seen au referred to in Season 4.
* Shannon is one of three characters portrayed kwa principal cast in Season 2 never to appear in the swan (the other two being Walt and Claire).
* Shannon survived on the Island for 48 days. There were 48 survivors of the front section of Flight 815.
* Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand physicist, is known as the father of Nuclear Physics.
* Sayid, Bernard and Jin are the only surviving characters to have witnessed Shannon's death. Ana Lucia, Eko, Libby and Michael are deceased and Sawyer was unconscious at the time.
* Shannon is mentioned for the first time since Season Two kwa Locke in "The Little Prince". He asks Sawyer who he saw in the jungle "Charlie? Shannon?"
* Like when Brian Porter told Michael that Walt was "Special" and Emily Locke told John he was "Special", Boone also told Locke that Shannon was "Special".
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