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posted by AnyaPetrovic
"I will not work for the present no more, I am working for the future"- alisema Nikola Tesla in a press conference in New York City. One of the numerous Tesla’s biographers, Margaret Cheney, alisema that he was ’a man out of time’. Many of Tesla’s inventions, like The Philadelphia Experiment, the experiment with the Arrow car company and the well known experiment on Long Island, still seem like science-fiction today. Tesla was not understood because at that time the frequency of human consciousness was not developed enough to follow the work that he was doing. He was also repressed because his own investors worked at discrediting his inventions when they realised that they would not be able to charge for the energy that would be transmitted through Earth and be available to everybody.
“The siku science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make zaidi progress in one decade than in all awali centuries of its existence.” stated Tesla. The ingenuity of his inventions was based on the holistic integration of science and spirituality. This is becoming a tendency towards which the contemporary science is now inclining.
Let’s explore the non-material. Anya Petrovic is coming from far away Australia. She is the founder of an alternative healing modality called Tesla Metamorphosis. Anya, would wewe please explain, what is Tesla Metamorphosis and what is the connection between this healing work that wewe do and Tesla?
Tesla Metamorphosis has two aspects: Tesla Healing Metamorphosis and Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis. Tesla Healing Metamorphosis is the healing modality that has amazing results. Our clients ripoti healings from many diseases that are considered incurable in orthodox medicine, even from birth deformities, and in a very short period of time. It is recommended to have three healing sessions because usually, after the third session it is obvious if there are significant changes, and most of the time, three sessions are enough. Most people receive their healing. Sometime it happens that people receive healing even after the first session.
Tesla Metamorphosis uses Tesla energy waves which become stronger with distance. Those waves are different from Herzian waves which we are familiar with. wewe can find out zaidi about those Tesla waves in the makala The Secrets of Tesla’s Coils written kwa scientist Goran Marjanovic. All functions in our body are of an electro-magnetic nature. It is scientifically proven that every living cell radiates light. Healthy and young cells radiate strong, vibrant light, while with ill and old cells this light diminishes. Those Tesla healing frequencies of energy bring the human (and any living being’s) cell to the perfect balance of light, and this is how the healing takes place. Light has intelligence. Prof. Velimir Abramovic states in his makala The Age of Science as a Religion:”It was Tesla’s opinion that the electrified state is a fluid-state, based on the substance having the properties of perception and elements of consciousness.” Tesla Healing Metamorphosis is zaidi than just energy healing, here we have information; there is some higher intelligence at work. I have done healing work for almost two decades (11 years as a Reiki Master and 8 years as a practitioner and assistant on Dr. Eric Pearl’s seminars) and since I have been using Tesla frequencies I am receiving feedback about achieved healings zaidi often than ever before and I started noticing light around client’s bodies during the session, which has never happened before.
There is something which, I personally believe, is even zaidi important than the healing itself. This is the process of Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis which purifies soul and initiates the consciousness evolution, and evolution on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The frequencies of energy, light and information that are used in Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis stimulate the reconstruction of broken DNA strands. Science calls the remains of those broken strands “junk DNA”. It seems that humans once had 13 DNA strands. DNA strands hold our genetic code and the code of information and light. So, to illustrate this, could wewe imagine if wewe had 13 TV channels, and suddenly wewe only have one? How much information and light would wewe be missing? According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, DNA strands are producing proteins which are needed to enable us to receive and mbele information and light. The process of Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis directly affects the process of consciousness evolution and evolution on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual..
According to Tesla, the whole Universe is an indivisible organism and our planet Earth is alive. “Even matter called inorganic, believed to be dead, responds to irritation and gives unmistakable evidence of a living principle within... The energy that runs the universe directs life… Thus, everything that exists, organic au inorganic, animated au inert, is susceptible to stimulus from the outside. There is no gap between, no break in con¬tinuity, no special and distinguishing vital agent,” he stated. Through the process of Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis DNA strands are reconstructed and stimulated to be in resonance with the frequency of the planet Earth’s DNA strands and the DNA strands of the Universe. That is why I believe that this process is even zaidi important than healing, as it is related to the evolution of human consciousness which is crucial in this period before 2012. There is, amazingly, a lot of scientific evidence that an evolutionary leap of human consciousness can be expected in this period and that the Mayan prediction is not without foundation. These Tesla frequencies initiate the reconstruction, transformation, initiate metamorphosis on all levels. That is why in the name of this modality we use the word “metamorphosis”.
How do you, actually perform this healing? Do wewe use some instruments based on Tesla’s inventions to produce those frequencies?
There is no need to use any instruments. On numerous occasions Tesla stated that there is an inexhaustible chanzo of energy in the Universe and everywhere around us, available for us to use it directly, even for the work of machines. Didn’t wewe mention the experiment in Arrow car industry where they took out the engine and the battery, Tesla installed four tubes, and the car could run at 100 km/hour just using the surrounding energy? Dr. Prof. William A. Tiller, Ph.D. explains: “There are many energies involved in light. There is, of course, electromagnetic light, which everyone knows about. The coarsest level of the human body is all about electromagnetic energy.” It is also known that Tesla radiated light from his body on the stage in a few occasions. In an makala published in 1907 it is written: “One sees the experimenter (Tesla) standing … his whole body enveloped in a mass of phosphorescent streamers, like the tentacles of an octopus.“ It was assumed that this was the result of Tesla’s oscillators he used for the wireless transmission of electricity, but a journalist who had spent a whole siku in his laboratory, after that published how Tesla confided to him that he was still keeping the essential details confidential, as “the nature of the energy could not be disclosed at this stage”. Later Tesla talked about “active medium” au “vacuum” and kinetic Radiant Energy from the omnipresent ether. It seems that, with Tesla Metamorphosis we can be connected directly to this energy. I use only my hands and it seems that my body is used as Tesla’s coil. On Academia NOIA’s website wewe can find the illustration kwa Boris Petrovic which shows the parallel between the human energy system (chakras) and Tesla’s Coil. The field is created and both, my client and I, become the part of this field during the healing session. I still don’t radiate light as Tesla did. It was a joke, but I do believe that we are all going to radiate light (become light beings) and be capable to use the surrounding energy when zaidi of us get connected and start using Tesla’s frequencies. That is why I teach seminars, so that other people can do that what I am doing. We need to reach “critical mass” to achieve the collective consciousness evolution. I am not a wizard who creates miracles. I am just a small spark of light which got the task to gather other little sparks like herself. My role is minor, I am absolutely aware of this. Tesla, who had the mind of a genius and an inborn ability to visualise, did not attribute his genius inventions, of which some are still an enigma for modern science, to himself; he used to say that he „just brought them from the world of ideas to material world.“ So, how could I say that I am doing something special?
wewe mentioned some scientists and physicist from Serbia. Did wewe have any communication with them? What do they think about Tesla Metamorphosis?
When “Tesla happened to me”, to be honest, I was quite confused, as I did not know about Tesla as much as I know now, and I could not connect Tesla with healing. So I decided to start kwa setting an appointment with Mr. Marjanovic who wrote a very serious makala about Tesla’s ‘nonherzian’ waves. I was pleasantly surprised (as I had prejudices that scientists underestimate alternative medicine.) when he agreed to meet with me and even suggested that Prof. Velimir Abramovic, who is known as the best expert on Tesla, jiunge us! They were not surprised with my story, and they unveiled to me Tesla that I did not know; Tesla’s spirituality, Tesla’s metaphysics, Tesla the philosopher... I learned that Tesla examined how different frequencies of energy and electro-magnetic field could affect the human body. There was so much information we wanted to exchange and we were all surprised when we realised that we had spent seven hours in conversation together. This all happened in the last week before I left Serbia last year. I continued collaborating with Mr. Goran Marjanovic and Velimir Abramovic and I am limitlessly grateful for their teaching and support in this process which was not always easy. Additional information and explanations I received in a channelled text I received from Katarina Petrovic. wewe can find zaidi about it on my website, on the page Messages from Castellation Grus.
Would you, please, explain, what do wewe mean kwa „ Tesla happened to me“?
On 25 June 2009 many ‘coincidences’ happened and they forced me to understand that I was expected to take some action. Dr. Deepak Chopra calls it „synchro-destiny“. It started in the morning. I was looking through the window, waiting for a client to arrive. All of a sudden two white doves flew straight into the window, in front of me, knocking the glass with their beaks. They then both flapped their wings on the spot, in synchronicity, like two ballerinas following the same choreography. They then turned around, and flew away. I laughed. This episode filled me with joy. I did not understand why, but I felt that something significant had just happened.
The client came, we started the session, and approximately half way through I ‘heard a thought’ in my head:"Tesla Healing. wewe need to reconstruct. Tesla Healing." I was pretty shocked. Of course, I knew who Nikola Tesla was, but, he was a scientist, he was constructing machines, he was not doing healing work, not as far as I knew. This message did not make sense to me. "To reconstruct?" I thought, "I am not an engineer au a physicist. How could I 'reconstruct' something he invented?" The message came again, but I still could not find logic in it.
The same day, in the afternoon, when I returned home, I found an e-mail from one of my clients who had recovered from lupus after having sessions with me in the awali year. She had made a very intriguing statement; that Tesla was also working with the frequencies that increase the intensity of energy with distance. She attached an makala of a scientist, Mr. Goran Marjanovic, to back up her information. This was quite shocking information for me. I have been giving public presentations of Reconnective Healing, having interviews on TV, radio programs and in numerous magazines, and on all those occasions I used to emphasize that, ‘according to scientists, the frequencies of the energy used in this healing modality were for the first time on our planet’, and the main argument for this statement was the fact that they were getting stronger with distance. I had to face the fact that, because of my ignorance and my lack of information, I was imparting incorrect information!
Then I remembered – the doves! Tesla loved doves! There is also a story about him being in upendo with one white dove. The doves that came to my window in the morning, may be they came to announce the message that followed. At that moment the telephone rang. It was marina who had attended one of my talks. I heard her excited voice: "How come wewe state that those frequencies are on our planet for the first time? Our Tesla had been working with frequencies which get stronger with distance! Our Tesla was also bathing himself in the healing frequencies!" I felt completely defeated. Everybody knew about Tesla and the Tesla frequencies which get stronger with distance, everybody but me.
The inayofuata morning, when I got up, I was rushing to find a way across my mother's bathroom which was being renovated and the floor had been painted with a sticky weatherproofing material. I had found an old calendar. I tore two pages and laid them down on the floor. On one page there was a man with a light-bulb in his head; on the other there was a familiar face and a thunderstorm. Tesla again! The whole 2006 calendar were paintings from an exhibition of prominent Serbian artists, which was dedicated to 150 years since Tesla’s birth!
I started understanding that I needed to do something about it. But what? I was having my breakfast when I heard a bang on a window. Two doves again; flapped their wings in synchronicity on the spot, like two ballerinas following the same choreography. They then turned around, and flew away. There were too many coincidences. I decided to start from contacting the scientist, Mr. Marjanovic.
wewe hold Tesla Metamorphosis seminars in Belgrade in September. Could everybody learn to do the healing wewe do?
Yes, people from all walks of life who have a personal au professional interest in health, consciousness evolution, spirituality and the growth of human potential have equal possibilities to master this work; teachers, farmers, doctors, plumbers, Reiki masters...
Tesla Metamorphosis seminars have 3 levels. In Metamorphosis I students are empowered to do healing on others, on themselves and on others kwa distance. In Metamorphosis II they learn to apply a special method that helps them to establish the telepathic connection with conscious, subconscious and integrative, universal mind of the client during absent healing. In Metamorphosis III seminar students learn to activate energy flows and centres in the human body to initiate Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis. Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis is a very important process before the predicted changes in the planet Earth’s electro-magnetic field in 2012. That is why it was decided that the completion of Level II is not a prerequisite to register for Level III; after Level I some students can chose to go directly to Level III. Detailed information can be found on my website
Following the seminars in Serbia there are seminars in Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, South Africa and USA. I will live out of my suitcase for four months. These are pioneers steps. Tesla’s time is coming. Tesla Metamorphosis is just a miniature segment of this process.
What makes wewe say that Tesla’s time is coming?
I did a lot of research on Tesla in the past year. Quite a few new vitabu about Tesla have been published recently. Numerous scientists around the world started confirming things that Tesla proclaimed and that I experience in practice. Tomas E. Barden, scalar electronic scientist, in his interview in December 2009 stated:“Nikola Tesla discovered that “medium” is active and that the electro-magnetic energy can be used freely form active medium. His passionate unfulfilled wish was to give this to humanity.” On his website one can buy CDs Tom Talks Tesla. Dr. Richard Gerber explains that the 21 century energy medicine and scientists and physicists accept Tesla’s concept that all the matter contains light energy which vibrates on diverse frequencies. “Now”, states Dr. Gerber, “we have this ability to elevate the vibratory frequency of human body to the level of higher potentials.” Otto Warburg won the Noble Prize for discovering that every cell in the body has a tiny battery in it. Dr. Masaru Emoto became maarufu for discovering that water is alive; Tesla stated in the 19th century: “Even matter called inorganic, believed to be dead, responds to irritation and gives unmistakable evidence of a living principle within... The energy that runs the universe directs life… Thus, everything that exists, organic au inorganic, animated au inert, is susceptible to stimulus from the outside. There is no gap between, no break in con¬tinuity, no special and distinguishing vital agent.” The Dr. Bruce Lipton’s theory which fundamentally changed the scientific view on DNA and genetics entirely coincides with Tesla’s idea of a man as an “automaton of cosmic forces”, he actually uses Tesla’s exact wording in his presentation. Dr. Lipton received the Goi Peace Award in 2009 for this revolutionary theory that was based on Tesla’s theory from 19th century. Dr. Lipton discovered that our DNA is a layout for producing proteins which are necessary in the process of receiving the information (outer stimuli) and for the live cell’s ability to adapt. In other words, it is not true, as science believed before, that, for example, cancer is genetically programmed. What genes will be activated, depends on the influence from the external environment. This means that we can create our life and our health, therefore we need to take responsibility.
There are many other examples where contemporary scientists are discovering Tesla. Tesla’s time is coming.