One mti kilima Club
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Episode 13:
Nathan and Haley are in marriage counseling.
Dan has brought Jamie nyumbani kwa this episode.
Jamie’s grateful to Dan for rescuing him. NL release their frustration/anger on him in a brutal physical altercation. Haley expresses her fear to her therapist that she is being too overprotective of Jamie.Peyton changes her mind about selling her car.Brooke picks up Jamie from school.Nathan/Haley reconnect after a long time apart. They kiss and become intimate again towards the end of the episode. (um, sex)Lindsey is back in NY debating about Lucas’s book. chanzo
There is a scene where Peyton takes a Sales sign down from the Comet
Expect limited screentime for Lucas in this episode. Moira (Karen) is not supposed to be in this episode. chanzo
Brooke is meeting with Patricia, who is from an adoption agency. In the end Patricia lets her know she wont recommend her for adoption due to the fact she is very young and also that her mother (Victoria) alisema she’s be a terrible candidate. chanzo
Nathan is trying to be a better husband. He is saying all the right things and Haley is breaking her ukuta down. Expect a very nice ‘bonding’ scene. (Credit to AmeliaBeck @ FF ) Haley has three scenes in the episode. And kwa three scenes, I mean actual scenes, not just that Haley is present among the group. The first one is with Jamie, the sekunde is with the marriage counselor, and the third is with Nathan. (Credit to AmeliaBeck @ FF)
In the Nathan and Lucas scene with Dan, Lucas actually plans on killing Dan. Nathan eventually come’s in the right time to save Dan, after Lucas has beaten him. The scene is a MAJOR scene, on a closed set, filming Friday. chanzo
There is some dialogue that implies Nathan is not living at nyumbani up until this intimate scene. But it could just be that Nathan and Haley are not sharing the same bed. (Credit to Rebecca FF)
Filming Reports
There definitely is a time jump between 12-13 and it’s actually about a month.

Some extras will be used as airline passengers this week.

Lucas has scenes with other characters besides Andy. He has scenes in mti Hill, not only on Andy’s yacht. One is at the NH house.

tomorrow, wednesday, they film something at Tric chanzo

We saw Paul Johansson and Jackson, and when I was coming in, I saw Chad, but didn’t see him the rest of the siku so he’d probably done a scene before I got there. I also saw Michaela once, when I first got there also. The only ones really in the scene were Jackson and Paul, it was at Jamie’s preschool. The only extras they really used were the kids, and their moms, and then these two people who were the teachers.

Of course, I would’ve rather gotten to do something, but it wasn’t too bad, got a good lunch, got paid for it, so I won’t complain. We had high winds start to pick up in the middle of the afternoon yesterday, I think that may have been why they decided against using us, I think we were supposed to just be like people walking past on the sidewalk au something.

We were at St James Parish, it’s Jamie’s preschool.

Source: Lauren711 @

Some zaidi info regarding Michaela being on set
Credit: JJJoy23 S @
That’s what I was wondering too. At first I thought maybe she was just visiting Mark au something, but then they were doing her make-up and fixing her hair.

Filming today, Thursday:
Credit: WilmyK8S @
Filming update… Apparently they are filming at C/B today because I was downtown last night & they had the parking spaces in front of it and the spaces in the parking deck (where they park the trailers) blocked off for today.


“We saw Paul Johansson and Jackson, and when I was coming in, I saw Chad, but I didn’t see him the rest of the siku so he’d probably done a scene before I got there. I also saw Michaela once, when I first got there also. The only ones really in the scene were Jackson and Paul, it was at Jamie’s preschool.” (Credit to Lauren711 @ othforums)

Side Summaries

Scene 20: Parole Office. Dan’s parole officer, Sam, is giving Dan his instructions; he must not leave the state without permission for the first six months, and he must get a job. Dan jokes that running for Mayor again probably wouldn’t count. Sam continues that Dan can have help if he needs it. Dan then shows Sam a picture of Jamie, and asks Sam if he has children, to which Sam responds he’s Dan’s case manager: “This isn’t The View.” Dan responds that he just thought it might be nice if they got to know each other, as he hasn’t spoken to many people for a long time. Sam then gives Dan an envelope containing his prison earnings from the past four year: $3,437. Taking $100 from the envelope, Dan hands the rest back to Sam; Dan is trying to pay Sam to talk to him. Settling himself in, Dan begins to talk about Jamie. Flashback to…

Scene 21: School Playground. Dan visits Jamie. When Jamie asks if wewe can really go to jail for not cleaning your room, Dan responds that wewe can’t - but he did know someone who was in jail for not eating their peas. Jamie doesn’t believe him.

Scene 23: Peyton is speaking to Max the record store guy. It sounds like the store is doing poorly, au may have closed. Max asks Peyton how long she has been home. She majibu that she has been back for a few months. Max then asks if she has heard any good muziki lately, and when she majibu yes, he notes that she didn’t get it at the store. Defensively, Peyton responds, “Oh, so it’s my fault.” Max then reassures her that it’s nobody’s fault, he even gets his muziki online now, too. Peyton then tells him the store was worth zaidi than that. Max hopes so: he’d like to think it had something to do with Peyton’s cool new record label. That makes Peyton smile, but the smile soon fades. Perceptively, Max asks Peyton if she thinks about Lucas a lot. She’s surprised, but replies, “Every day.”

Scene 24: Brooke’s House. Brooke ignores her cell phone because she is meeting with Patricia, who is from an adoption agency. Patricia asks Brooke if she is sure she’s ready to be a mother. Brooke responds that she is. When asked why, she majibu that all a child needs to succeed is a loving and salama environment. She can give a child that. Brooke is then asked if she considers herself a success: sure, she’s done pretty well. When Patricia subsequently asks Brooke if her own nyumbani life was salama and loving, she pauses, before saying that it wasn’t. Patricia then asks if Brooke thinks she will ever marry. Brooke isn’t sure… maybe if she meets the right person. Patricia then checks her notes, before asking if any of the men in her notes might be the right person: Owen the bartender? … Chase Adams? … Lucas Scott? Brooke is surprised. End of Act 2.

Scene 25: Start of Act 3. Brooke’s House. Brooke paces while Patricia watches. Brooke doesn’t understand what Lucas has to do with her wanting to adopt. Patricia intuitively notes that Brooke alisema her friend, Peyton, is a mess because Lucas almost got married. Lucas had a relationship with someone else, Peyton is now hitting the bars… maybe Brooke is looking for upendo somewhere else? Brooke is annoyed that Patricia is questioning her reasons for wanting to adopt, and tells her that she’s completely wrong. Patricia then asks Brooke if she has ever used drugs. Brooke says she doesn’t use drugs, but Patricia brings up Brooke’s past lifestyle, the fact that she was arrested for shoplifting, and notes that Brooke recently took a drug addict named Rachel Gatina into her home. Brooke doesn’t understand where Patricia heard all of this, until she finally realises that Patricia must have spoken to her mother.

Scene 26: Andy’s Yacht: Andy asks Lucas if he has spoken to Peyton since the wedding. Lucas shakes his head. He says that Jamie went missing, then he had to deal with Dan, and then he left. He never had a chance to speak to Peyton. Andy then asks what Lindsey was talking about on the altar. Lucas’ book, a comet… Exasperated, Lucas says it doesn’t matter that Peyton’s car is a comet. If the guy in Lucas’ book had seen a white bronco, everyone would be saying that Lucas loves OJ! Andy then asks what kind of car Lindsey drives, to which Lucas responds, “That’s not fair.”

Scene 27: Brooke’s House. Brooke doesn’t think it’s fair that Patricia spoke to her mother. Patricia responds that they always speak to family members. Brooke then goes on to say that everything Victoria alisema is just sour, wamekula grapes because she was recently let go from Brooke’s company. Patricia notes that without a CEO, Brooke will be very busy. Will she have time to look after a child? Brooke tries to argue, but is cut off kwa her cell phone ringing - for the 17th time since Patricia arrived. All applicants are asked to take six months off work to smooth the adoption process, and Patricia isn’t sure Brooke will be able to do that, being a single parent household. Brooke asks Patricia if she was from a two parent household. She responds that her parents divorced when she was 12, and then goes on to ask Brooke about her own childhood - is she from a two parent household? Brooke majibu that she’s sure Patricia already knows the answer to that. When Patricia tells Brooke that she’d like to hear her account in her own words, Brooke majibu that she came from a no parent household. Because of the way her parents treated her, she knows what kind of parent she doesn’t want to be.

Scene 28: Olivia’s Office. Nathan and Haley are in marriage counseling. Haley states that she would rather give some things up than become an absentee parent. Olivia notes that Haley’s attitude towards having to choose may be part of the problem. She goes on to tell Nathan and Haley that they have individual dreams and passions, and that they may upendo themselves more, and resent each other less, if they occasionally act like selfish twenty-two mwaka olds. Nathan argues that he doesn’t resent Haley au Jamie: they’re the best things that have ever happened to him. Haley agrees with that. They are the best things that ever happened to him.

Scene 30: Start of Act 4. Jamie’s Classroom. The scene opens with a close-up on Chester, Jamie’s pet bunny. Jamie says that he has brought Chester for onyesha and tell, and that Chester is his best friend ever; his nanny, Carrie, used to be his best friend, but she tried to take him away and color his hair, so his best friend is now a tie between Aunt Brooke, Uncle Skills, and Chester… oh, and Grampa Dan, who brought him nyumbani when Carrie tried to take him away. From Jamie we go to…

Scene 31: Parole Office. Dan’s picture of Jamie, and a scar on Dan’s hand. Dan tells Sam that he got the scar helping his son, Nathan. Family’s important to him; it’s all he has left. Sam notes that Dan went to prison for killing his brother, but Dan argues that he’s a changed man. Sam tells him that very few of the people he sees are truly changed, and most of them end up back in prison eventually. Dan agrees that he’s still an angry, and potentially evil man, but he wants to use that for good - like he did when he saved Jamie from nanny Carrie. As Dan gets up to leave, Sam hands him back the envelope of money, telling him he can’t keep it. Dan responds that the money should go to charity, before winking and saying “Good talk, Sammy,” as he exits.

Scene 32: Brooke’s House. Brooke realises the interview hasn’t gone well, and as Patricia collects her things, Brooke asks whether she passed. Patricia responds that she’s sorry, but no, she won’t be recommending Brooke for adoption. Patricia tells her she’s very young, and that her mother also alisema she’d be a terrible candidate. Brooke fires back that it’s a shame Victoria wasn’t interviewed before she had a child.

Side for Greg Johnson: Greg and Peyton discuss Peyton’s life and relationships. (I’M NOT SURE THIS IS STILL A SPOILER FOR THIS EPISODE. IT’S BEEN AROUND A LONG TIME AND

Episode 14
I can almost definitely say that Lucas visits Brooke after she finds out she is getting the baby.
Source: Rebecca

Deb is playing nanny to Jamie. I’m not sure if this is before au after NH interview for nannies au not. I think it’s before.

Nathan watches both Haley and Deb interact with Jamie

Haley later suggests that Nathan go work out

Two LP scenes filmed last week for sure: LP at Peyton’s office (at night, I believe) and on the street. No news on the content yet.

I am not sure where the hospital scenes fit in with this ^. (curlyhead FF)

-The manny is played kwa Quentin Kerr
-There is a scene where Brooke, Peyton, and Haley gather baby supplies. Lucas, Nathan, and Jamie are also in this scene which I think takes place at NH’s house. (Taylor FF)

Nathan and Haley interview for a new nanny.

Credit: Curlyhead FF
LP have a lot of scenes in 5.14


Filming Pictures
Filming Spoilers

I can hakikisha that Brooke gets a baby in 414. That is what they filmed at the airport today. The adoption counselor gives her a baby. FF

From: Friday 3/14

credit nbetterbid @ othforums

They’re currently filming at Cape Fear in front of the student center… from what it looks like, they’re filming that hospital scene they were supposed to film yesterday. Their base camp is also set up at kwa the Cape Fear parking lot kwa the Schwartz Center.

credit to jjjoy23 @ othfourms

My roommate just called to tell me they were going to be filming there soon and she alisema it’s a mti kilima airport because there is a sign that says ‘Welcome to mti Hill’

Chad, James, and Paul are filming zaidi scenes outside the hospital this morning.

Sophia films at UNCW today at 2pm.
(credit: Taylor)

The education building at UNCW is set up as an airport.
(from WilmyK8S@ othforums)

From filming on Thursday 3/13: Hospital scene included Chad, James, Jackson, and Paul for sure. Joy was definitely on set, but I am not positive if she was in the hospital scenes au not. Source: curlyhead FF

They are looking for extras that play airline passengers Source

They are filming at Tric and C/B today.

On Thursday, they will film at a baby store, Tric (Peyton’s office), school and the hospital. Sourc

Lucas and Peyton have their first scene together since the wedding. chanzo

Side Summaries:

Scene 31: Nathan and Haley’s House. Nathan and Haley are interviewing a pretty potential nanny for Jamie. Haley holds a pile of resumes. Haley mentions that the candidate knows CPR and used to be a lifeguard; when the nanny responds that she did, Haley then asks if she has ever kissed any of the husbands she has worked for? The girl is confused, while Nathan sags into his kiti, kiti cha uncomfortably. inayofuata we see a pretty blond candidate, whom Haley instantly dismisses, and then a pretty brunette and red head who receive the same treatment. The inayofuata candidate is male, which makes Haley smile. The manny starts to flirt with Nathan, mentioning that Haley told him Nathan likes to watch their nanny swimming naked in the pool. Haley fights back a grin, while Nathan sags back once again, saying, “I guess I deserved that.”


Scene 32: Lucas enters Brooke’s house and finds her sitting on the couch, purple monkey in hand.


muziki Spoilers

“Shine” kwa Anna Nalick is going to be used in 512.

Episode 15:
Scene 13: junk, taka tells Millicent that he and Fergie have to go help Haley set up the party. As they leave, Millicent wonders what’s going on with them both.

Scene 14: Nathan and Haley’s House. With the party in full swing, Haley watches as children, led kwa Jamie, run around the living room. She then hears the doorbell ring, and majibu the door to a clown playing the kazoo. She immediately slams the door shut again. She then proceeds to tell everyone that it wasn’t cool to order a creepy clown, and asks who was responsible. Deb comes up behind her and says that she ordered the clown. He does balloon tricks. Deb then opens the door again, letting in the clown, who introduces himself as Bucko. Leaning in to Haley, Deb says that she has always liked clowns; and besides, look at his big feet! A deflated Haley steps outside the house to find…

Scene 15: Brooke and Peyton arrive with Angie asleep in a car seat. Haley asks how the baby is doing, before picking her up out of the car seat. Brooke warns that if Haley wakes Angie, she’ll leave her with Haley.

Scene 20: Skills considers some of Peyton’s advice. Peyton tells Skills that she’s sure he misses him, before Skills follows Peyton’s gaze towards Lucas. Skills responds kwa saying, “Yeah, wewe too.”

Scene 21: Bucko creates a balloon rabbit for Deb. A flirty Deb tells Bucko that she thinks a tiger might be zaidi appropriate, and he responds kwa telling her he’s just getting warmed up. He then blows up another balloon, and with blatant sexual innuendo, Deb tells him that his balloon is impressive. She then laughs, before answering the door … to Dan.

Scene 22: Deb steps outside the house to speak to Dan. She asks him what he’s doing at the party, and tells him he can’t come in. Dan proceeds to mock Deb, telling her that even though she looks awful, he’s barely seen a woman in five years. He then tells Deb that he just wanted to wish Jamie a Happy Birthday. Not missing a beat, she tells him that it will be a happier siku if he leaves. Dan then mocks Deb again, telling her that he’ll find her some pills if she steps aside. At that moment, Bucko steps outside and asks if everything is okay. Dan asks, “Who’s this clown?” Bucko then steps right up into Dan’s face, but Deb tries to pull him back, warning that Dan has done time in jail. Bucko still doesn’t back down. Dan finally gives up, pushing a gift bag at Bucko’s chest, and asks him to make sure Jamie gets it. Deb then leads Bucko back inside, slamming the door on Dan.

Episode 16:
Brooke and Lucas are at Dr. Copeland’s office. He comes in and introduces himself. The doctor says he wants to go over Angie’s procedure again. He asks if she’s familiar with it and Brooke says no, she has a hole in her moyo right? He says yes and then explains the procedure. Brooke asks if there’s another way to do it because it seems dangerous. The dr says no if she doesn’t have it she only has a mwaka au two left. Dr. Copeland says try not to be nervous, it’s a great thing Brooke is doing for Angie and he’ll see them the inayofuata week.
One Tree Hill
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lucas scott
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One Tree Hill
lucas scott
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One Tree Hill
lucas scott
peyton sawyer
One Tree Hill
peyton sawyer
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added by Makeupdiva
One Tree Hill
peyton sawyer
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One Tree Hill
peyton sawyer
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One Tree Hill
peyton sawyer
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One Tree Hill
peyton sawyer
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peyton sawyer
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brooke davis
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brooke davis
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brooke davis
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brooke davis
One Tree Hill
brooke davis
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brooke davis
One Tree Hill
brooke davis
added by Makeupdiva
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One Tree Hill
brooke davis
One Tree Hill
brooke davis
lucas scott