Percy Jackson & The Olympians vitabu Club
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posted by emiehs96
Daughter of Apollo
Ch. 4
The end of Ch. 3 sucked I know. But this one is hopefully better. I also have an important announcement. I (by I,I mean darkling_menace) has thought up a pretty nice plan if wewe ask me. He alisema that if wewe want a character in my story,you could send it to him (description) and he'll send the good ones to me.He'll be sad if wewe don't! But it might be a little delayed,but thats something we can't fix. Anyways,read on...

I wanted to take it back. I don't want to go on this quest. I don't even know what it's about. I thought about this while laying in my kitanda in cabin, kibanda 7. I don't even know who I'm going to choose to go on the quest with me. This is insane. Am I allowed to take back decisions? Thanks for the prophecy and everything,but I changed my mind. I don't think that would go down very smoothly at camp. I've been awake for Zeus knows how many hours. But finally,finally I close my eyes.


   In my dream a guy about 17 au 18 with blond hair and blue eyes was leaning against a red convertible. "Abbeline!" He yelled,jumping off the car. "Nice to see you. I haven't seen wewe since wewe were thissss big." He held up his index finger and thumb and held them an inch apart. 
   "Uh, I'm sorry,but do I know you?" 
   "Call me dad." I raised an eyebrow. 
   "Apollo? Dad?" I was shocked. I mean this teenager? My dad? Somethings not right. 
   "What? I don't look like a dad?"
   "Hmm,must've been the good looks. Anyways,I made wewe accept this quest.  Things are awakening. Bad things. And I have the feeling that wewe could stop it. No pressure!  And also wewe have to take Nico along with you. And your half-brother Allen.You'll need both of them."
   "I have to go now and you're about to wake up. Goodbye."


   When I woke up,the first thing I went looking for was Allen. When your godly dad tells wewe take someone,you take them. I'd rather not be the cause of Apollo blowing things up  because I didn't listen. No thanks. 
   I found him leaning inayofuata to the front door. He's tall, long black hair (well long for a dude), and wearing tattered jeans,sneakers,a black leather trench coat, and fingerless leather gloves. Sunglasses were covering his eyes,even though we were inside. 
   "I accept."
   "I accept to go on the quest with you. "
   "And how did-"
   "Apollo told me." wewe see,if the whole almost-get-eaten-by-a-hellhound-for-lunch-and-saw-a-centaur-all-before-dinner-thing hadn't happened,I would have told him it was ok,and lead him to an insane asylum. But it did,so just nodded. 
   "You're pretty dark for a kid of Apollo."
   Allen just shrugged. "I get it from my mom." 

   I slammed my fist into Hades cabin, kibanda door. "Nico! Wake up!" I've been knocking for like ten dakika and he still hasn't answered. "Nico!" The door swung open and Nico was standing there in a dark shati (shocker) and a dark pair of sweatpants. 
   "You've missed breakfast and half of the days activities. And you're about to miss an important meeting."
   He frowned. "Meeting?" I nodded. "Meeting for what?"
   I started down the steps of the front porch and threw over my shoulder,"The meeting for the quest. I chose you."

   I took my kiti, kiti cha at the ping pong table. Strange place to have a meeting,if wewe ask me. All the councilors from the cabins were sitting around it,including Allen and me. I noticed some of the people that I've met so far and their cabins. Annabeth:Athena,Nico:Hades,and Will Solace:Apollo. I also noticed Annabeth was holding hands with a boy with black hair and green eyes. He must be Annabeth's boyfriend. I nervously traced my finger around a hole that looked like it was made from a kisu being thrown into the table. 
   To admit it,I am totally freaked. I don't know why Apollo would make me accept this,let alone he could. Well,he is the god of prophecy so that means he could take part in making life decisions,including his own daughters. 
   But that just doesn't make any sense.  He did say that things were awakening,but why me? Of all the skilled kids in this camp,he chooses me. I've only been here for a day. Ugh. I knew being a demigod was not the easiest,but it seems to be getting even harder. 
   Chiron ducked through the door and bent his legs at the end of the table,kinda sitting in a horse way.
   "Since not everyone here knows each other,I guess we'll start with introductions." He nodded to a girl with stringy brown hair,a red shirt,and a camo jacket. 
   "Clarisse. Ares." She grunted. inayofuata to her were two twins that looked so alike,it was impossible to tell them apart. 
   The one on the right said,"Travis." 
   The one on the left said,"Conner." And together they said,"Hermes."
   Annabeth stood up and alisema Athena. The boy inayofuata to her (it really has to be her boyfriend,unless Marafiki here are a little too friendly) alisema his name was Percy and he was Poseidon. Annabeth explained what the gods looked like to me the yesterday, and judging on Percy's black hair and green eyes,I should have known he was a son of Poseidon.
   It seemed the meza, jedwali was a little too small for all of the councilors. Hephaestus,Hecate,Persephone,Demeter,Aphrodite,Dionysus,Hypnos,Asclepios,Iris,Nike, and a lot more,but I just couldn't keep up with the names. 
   After the last councilor,Allen stood up and said,"Allen. Apollo." I quickly did the same,not liking that all eyes were on me. 
   Luckily,the attention was turned back to Chiron. "I've decided to call this meeting to discuss Abbeline's prophecy. We don't usually so this,but I have a feeling we need to. So,the first line. What was it,Abbeline?"
   Without even realizing it,I quoted the whole prophecy. 

   "You shall head west,
   For your first quest,
   Even in the dark of night,
   The stars provide a silver light,
   If something seems to good to be true,
   It might turn out bad for you."

   "Well," Annabeth said,her brain already picking through the possibilities.  'You shall head west,' so of course you'll go west. I guess the sekunde line doesn't really count since we all know it's your first quest."
   Annabeth stopped talking and looked at Percy,who was thinking. "Yeah,that makes sense. 'Even in the dark of night,The stars provide a sliver light,'. What does that mean?"
   The meza, jedwali was silent. Everyone was glancing around at other peoples faces. "What about the inayofuata line?" Kori leader of the Nike cabin,said. "'If something seems to good to be true,It might turn out bad for you. '"
   " Well,if I were you,I'd stay away from anything that involves chocolate. Like a chokoleti fountain." Conner said. au at least I think it was Conner. Everybody rolled their eyes. 
   "What he means," Katie Gardener said,a serious look on her face,"is if wewe see anything good,even remotely nice,just back up and run away. Fast."
   And I thought life couldn't get any better. Clearly,I was wrong.   Man,these people are nice. 
   "Exactly what he meant. " Travis said,leaning his elbows on the table. 
   "Still,no chocolate,ok?"
   I nodded as if it really mattered if I saw,touched,or tasted chocolate. 
   "Anyways,I'm not exactly sure what the last two lines mean,but I agree with Katie. Stay away from anything that seems like it could help you. We all know that it turns out bad." Percy said,glancing around the table. All the campers nodded. 
   "I have a question. Something bad is going to happen,isn't it?" 
   I looked at Annabeth,but she was looking at Chiron,some kind of understanding passing between them. As I looked around the table,everyone else was doing it too. Talking with their   expressions. 
   "You're not telling us something." I said,my temperature boiling. 
   "It is nothing Abbeline." Chiron said,as if it wasn't important. 
   My eyes swept across the meza, jedwali and landed on Nico. He shook his head,and I could read his expression. He was telling me not to try,they won't tell me. I felt my face get hot,but I dropped it,slouching in my chair. 
   The meeting practically ended there,but (of course) Chiron asked Annabeth to stay back. 
   "Wonderful. Everyone knows about my future but me. " I mumbled,mostly to myself,but Allen ametoa maoni anyways. 
   "Knowing to much about your future is bad. " He said. I glanced up at him. He was still wearing his sunglasses. And me,being ADHD wondered if he ever took them off. I reached up towards his sunglasses,but he pulled away before I could touch the black plastic. 
   "Do wewe ever take those off?" 
   "Do wewe ever take off your shoes?"
   He didn't answer. Instead,he just popped his knuckles and walked off.  
   "He's a demigod. All demigods have something different about them." Nico alisema from behind me. I jumped about two feet in the air.
   "God,Nico! Make some kind of noise before wewe decide to freak people out."
   "Then were would the fun be?"


At dinner,I was kinda grumpy,semi ignoring peoples attempts to talk to me. Something had just put me in a bad mood,I don't even know what that something was. When Im usually upset,I don't eat. So,instead of just a portion of my best food,I just dumped the whole thing in fire,offering it to Apollo. 
   When I returned to my kiti, kiti cha inayofuata to Allen,I slouched on the bench. People gave up in trying to talk to me and I zoned out. The only thing that kept on running my mind was; "This quest is going to be so horrible."
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
I watched Delana as she grinned and did a small victory dance. I figured this was something big for her, even though we haven't even won the game yet. I have to admit, in all my 15 years I had never seen someone so... well, pretty, I guess, (don't tell her I alisema that unless wewe want your teeth kicked in), but I don't know, just, unique. Yeah, that's the word. She was different, in her own way, and didn't care what other people thought. I have to say, that's one of the reason I stick around this place. And after seeing her fight Hammy Buckwell, well it was pretty impressive. I noticed then that was staring at her doing her little dance. Unfortunately, she noticed too and stopped. We locked eyes, but I turned away uncomfortably, clearing my throat.
Just then, a huge roar echoed through the woods. Then, a 2-ton drakon came crashing through the woods.
added by Natbr
added by Lalamusical
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by iluvpie555
Source: fanpop
added by Draculaura10
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added by Natbr
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
added by Natbr
added by Natbr