Period Drama mashabiki Club
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"THE YOUNG VICTORIA" (2009) Review

About a mwaka au so before his maarufu televisheni series, "DOWNTON ABBEY" hit the airwaves, Julian Fellowes served as screenwriter to the lavish biopic about the early life and reign of Britain's Queen Victoria called "THE YOUNG VICTORIA". The 2009 movie starred Emily Blunt in the title role and Rupert Friend as the Prince Consort, Prince Albert.

"THE YOUNG VICTORIA" began during the last years in the reign of King William IV, Victoria's uncle. Acknowledge as the inayofuata ruler of Britain, Victoria became the target of a political tug-of-war between her mother,...
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Back in 1982, the BBC turned to 19th century mwandishi Anthony Trollope for a seven-part miniseries called ”THE BARCHESTER CHRONICLES”. The miniseries was based upon the author’s first two Barchester novels about the Church of England.

Directed kwa David Giles and written kwa Alan Plater, ”THE BARCHESTER CHRONICLES” is an adaptation of ”The Warden” (1855) and ”Barchester Towers” (1857). The novels focused upon the the dealings and social maneuverings of the clergy and gentry literature concern the dealings of the clergy and the gentry that...
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period dramas
costume dramas
north and south
Pride and Prejudice
jane austen
jane eyre
bright nyota
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Robert Pattinson
bel ami
perios drama
"12 YEARS A SLAVE" (2013) Review

I first learned about Solomon Northup many years ago, when I came across a televisheni adaptation of his story in my local video story. One glance at the video case for "HALF-SLAVE, HALF-FREE: SOLOMON NORTHUP'S ODYSSEY" made me assume that this movie was basically a fictional tale. But when I read the movie's description on the back of the case, I discovered that I had stumbled across an adaption about a historical figure.

Intrigued kwa the idea of a free black man in antebellum America being kidnapped into slavery, I rented "HALF-SLAVE, HALF-FREE: SOLOMON NORTHUP'S...
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period dramas
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juu 10
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period dramas
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added by peteandco
added by peteandco
Source: costumer guide to movie costumes
"THE SHADOW RIDERS" (1982) Review

When I first set out to discover how many of mwandishi Louis L'Amour novels had been adapted for the sinema and television, I had assumed at least a handful had gone through this process. I was surprised to discover that many of his works had been adapted. And one of them turned out to be the 1982 televisheni movie, "THE SHADOW RIDERS".

I have only seen two L'Amour adaptations in my life - "THE SHADOW RIDERS" and the 1979 two-part miniseries, "THE SACKETTS". Both productions seemed to have a great deal in common. The two productions are adaptations of L'Amour (which...
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added by flowerdrop
Source: made kwa me - flowerdrop
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added by peteandco
period dramas
merry krisimasi