Jonas Brothers Club
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added by Annaoth
added by 1_euyenia_JB_
wewe may think the the jonas are just famous but there not there zaidi than wat wewe and i both see. all of the jonas brothers including the bonous jonas frankie are asked to do things like a normal child would. ppl think that wewe get life the easy way out if your famous but i gusse words prove otherwise.just some normal kids think life is to hard the way it is but if they look at it from the life of a rockstar then there mind weill change very quickly. try taking on a life of a rockstar and all ways moving plus school plus doing everything your asked kwa your parents, it aint easy. so just think your self lucky lol.
added by othgirl_peyton
Source: Just Jared
added by othgirl_peyton
Source: Just Jared
added by ayseblack
added by vera_love
added by vera_love
added by Sazza
added by ayseblack
added by ayseblack
added by Greekgirlishere
added by Greekgirlishere
added by Greekgirlishere
added by Greekgirlishere
added by Greekgirlishere
added by Greekgirlishere