Janice Pockett

Authored by PrincessLdyBg91

Seven-year-old Janice Pockett was last seen on July 26, 1973 in Tolland, Connecticut. She left her home to ride her bicycle through the neighborhood to look for a butterfly that she caught. 

Janice's mom discovered her bike a half hour later on Rhoades Road in a wooded area located less than a mile from her home.

A pedophile named Charles Pierce (now deceased) confessed to murdering Janice and burying her body in Lawrence, Massachusetts near another unidentified boy (who was believed to be a missing boy named Angelo Puglisi, who disappeared in 1976), but neither of their supposed graves were discovered.

In 2000, bone fragments were discovered in the garage of a man named Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, who was charged with abducting and presumbly murdering a boy named Zachary Ramsay. 

It was discovered that Nathaniel lived in Webster, Massachusetts (located 20 minutes away from Tolland) at the time of Janice's disappearance; however, DNA testing showed that the bone fragments didn't belong to her. Nathaniel died in a Montana prison from a blood clot in 2008.

As of 2023, Janice remains missing.