Vinyette Teague

Authored by PrincessLdyBg91

One-year-old Vinyette Teague was last seen on June 25, 1983 in her family's apartment building in Chicago, Illinois. She was in the care of her grandmother while her parents went out to a drive-in movie.

Vinyette was playing in the seventh-floor gallery of the apartment building. An estimated 50 people were in the hallway at the time (including her cousins, two aunts, her uncle and many neighbors).

At 9:30 p.m., Vinyette's grandmother left her alone to answer a phone call. When she returned, Viynette was gone. She was reported missing to the police at 3:00 a.m. the  after her parents came home.

As of 2023, Vinyette has not been located and her case is classified as a non-family abduction.