Zachary Ramsay

Authored by PrincessLdyBg91

Ten-year-old Zachary Ramsay was last seen on February 6, 1996, leaving his home in Great Falls, Montana to walk to school. Witnesses saw him walk down the alley; however, he never made it to school.

A neighbor reported that a man named Nathaniel Bar-Jonah was in the area of the alley around the time that Zachary was. 

A witness stated that he saw Zachary crossing north Sixth Street at approximately 7:45 that morning. According to the witness, Zachary appeared to be crying and was being followed a man matching Bar-Jonah's description who was apparently upset. 

Zachary's mom filed a police report later that afternoon when his school called her when Zachary didn't show up for school that day.

In 2000, Bar-Jonah was charged with abducting and murdering Zachary. He has a criminal record and served time in prison for abducting & murdering two boys from Massachusetts in 1977. He has also been connected to other disappearances involving children.

In 2002, the charges related to Zachary's case were dropped against Bar-Jonah due to lack of evidence. In 2008, Bar-Jonah died from a blood clot in a Montana prison.

As of 2023, Zachary has not been located. Although he was declared legally dead by his biological father in 2011, his case is still classified as a non-family abduction.