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posted by SilverWings13
 Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)
Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)
Name: Roxanne "Roxy" Conners
Age: 37 (age when she died)
Status: deceased
Relations: husband- Riley Conners (deceased), son- Daemian Weston (deceased), son- Declan Conners, daughter- Aryess Weston
Physical Appearance: fair hair, sky-blue eyes, 5'8", slim build- slight muscle
Personality: stubborn, kind, strong willed
Titles: Mistress of Revenge, Angel
History: Was born and raised in Venice, Italy as Roxanne Weston. Her parents tried to protect their only child from their family's secret: each generation of their ancestors had sent their lineage to the temple of the League of Shadows in hopes that...
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posted by SilverWings13
Note: Happens simultaneously as link

Death in the Garden

The bullets ricocheted off the purple shield of pulsing power. They bounce off the stone walkway and into the green nyasi of the perennial garden. Stray projectiles ate away at the stone three-tier kisima, chemchemi and east courtyard wall. The rat-tat-tat of the machine gun should have been heard kwa any passing outside the walls of the garden, but the whole city seemed to be hidden away from the deafening noise. There was a click-click. A sudden silence. The young man crouched behind the shield lunged for the quickest route to safety, the round...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Becca. No need for more.
Reason au meaning of name: It's just a short version of my real name..
Eye Color: Brown. Like...dark almost black..
Hair Style/Color: Black. (Like her soul!) Hey!
Height: Um I'm about 5'9”
Clothing Style: Depends on the mood
Best Physical Feature: My what? (Her legs. She has dancer legs)

Your Fears: Thunderstorms
Your Guilty Pleasure: Beating up the bad guys
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Idiots. (Uhh...)
Your Ambition for the Future: To live?

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Why am I up?
What wewe Think About the Most:...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Jamie Adams Norrian.. Dad calls me Princess when I complain about doing hard work. *sigh*
Reason au meaning of name: Heck if I know, I think Dad thought I was gonna be a girl. Ask my parents?
Eye Color: Blue~
Hair Style/Color: Blackish/brownish, it's medium.
Height: I'm only 5'4..
Clothing Style: Beanies and a bright shirt.
Best Physical Feature: Idk honestly, but Dad alisema it was my eyes.

Your Fears: Losing my family..
Your Guilty Pleasure: I really like to binge karanga butter, but Ciel's allergic soooo doesn't happen often.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve:...
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posted by SilverWings13
I think zaidi than one person is kusoma this now. wewe GUYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY ILY

Anger had raged and begging had bombarded. Now the room was startlingly silent, as if a twister had ripped through and now the winds had died to nothing. The prince stared at the door as if the girl might come back and try again to change his mind. Her absence took any hope of forfitting the challenge with it.
Aliza remained still as stone while the king silently began to address his wounds. The robes were discarded. They revealed the handy work of Duke's masterpiece of what had once been flawless pale flesh stretched...
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added by MinaBloodlust
posted by godmor
( This is the first of a series of Bio's aimt to explian, companion caraters thad play a part in storys i write, and who therwise micht not get thad explanation.
Beceas they are companion and not full blown OC's, these Bio's micht be sorther than normal.)


Full Name: Boris Ivanof
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname:
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg
Birthday: 15.3.1982
Currently living in: Gotham
Species/Race: Human
Ethnicity: Cacasian
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Bodyguard, Criminal.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Social Status: Higer midelclass.
Relationship Status: Singel
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posted by DiscordYJ
 i never finished this so here it is, unfinished.
i never finished this so here it is, unfinished.
((So before I made Blade's new and improved bio. I need to finish all the details. This is long. And I'm sorry. I need to stop. I do. But ti's basically summing up that whole "Deception" series I had going awhile back. The whole thing I wrote for Blade and shit. yeah. here it is.))

His feet made a gentle plunk with each step against the wooden planks of the pier. His blonde hair swayed gently in the wind. When our gazes met, I had to laugh. He was a replica. Of me. Aside from having both eyes and the male anatomy and all. He was staring out at the sunlight also causing me to laugh, as I removed...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Nurse Becca
Nurse Becca
It appeared to be night kwa the time her eyes had opened. Everything seemed stranger; slower. She tried to songesha her hand and found herself strapped down. She started to panic, eyes looking for anything within her grasp to help release her arms. She let herself relax when she saw a friend in the corner, eyes closed, but at peace and alive. She had no real idea if it was because she was held down, but she couldn't feel much. The constant buzz in her head had disappeared, along with the reality of time, it seemed. There was something going on but she relaxed and breathed in deep breaths. Her eyes...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Lorelei, the River Queen
Lorelei, the River Queen
Took the advice given. And I did need one wewe go.


Name: Lorelei
Alias: None
Powers: Hypnotics and water
Occupation: Villain
Weakness/Limits: Unknown
History: She is the embodiment of water, the ancient goddess of the Rhine river and the seas. She is The Lorelei. In German myth, Lorelei was alisema to be a strikingly beautiful distressed maiden with locks of dhahabu who sat upon the rock awaiting the return of her lover. Her unfaithful lover never returned, so she threw herself off of a cliff headfirst into the water, leading her to death. According to the legend, Lorelei’s spirit...
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posted by IHaveReturned
If wewe looked around, all you'd see was desert. Dry cracked earth, nothing but the carcasses of trees and animals. And heat. Scorching heat that could automatically inflame vegetation.But some time ago, something fell from the heavens. Of course no one was there to see it in the empty space of nothing, but if one was had... Oh it one had. It looked as if a comet was hitting the cracked ground. It was on moto and a thunderous echo, echoed in the valley of death, but it suddenly sank into the earth, like water of quicksand. All that was left at this time was an enormous crater. A crater that...
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posted by Robin_Love
 vixen with her sword
Vixen with her sword
Click-clack, click-clack, click-. The sound stopped, inches from her spot. She took in a deep breath, steadying her breathing. She raised her weapon a little and strained her ears. Gun first, she slowly peeked out of her hiding place. There was no sign of a living person anywhere. A pair of high heels stood before her spot with nothing side. Aww crap!!! She quickly looked around and crawled over to a tower of crates. She stood and took another peek. Something pushed her from behind and she stumbled out.
She turned and aimed, but was attacked from the side. Whack! She was hit and then...
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Jaivus Telepathic Torture
Jaivus clinched his teeth at the sight before him. He was standing on the mountain that stood before the Beetle settle.
"Honesty Where are you?!"
"I'm right here." from behind Jaivus
"What the hell are wewe up to?"
"Not much....just sifting your mind to find out how my traitor parents were dealt with...should be entertaining"
"I'm not going to let wewe do that."
"What? wewe have intentions of stopping me?"
"Yes i do"
"If your intention is to fight me then I must disappoint it would've been nice to have a mental battle with wewe dear brother, but I have other things i must attend...
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posted by SilverWings13
I didn't go over it so there may be a million typos... But I hope wewe enjoy it anyway!

The fog was thick enough to classify as a solid. It was impossible to tell what time of siku it was, as the thick haze blocked out the expanse of sky. It was near impossible to see one’s hand in front of his face, nonetheless the target he sought.
Though the spotlight at the nose of the U-boat did nothing to cut through the barrier of mist, Alek managed to find the island. There was an undeniable instinct that pulled him toward the landmass, an inner compass with a set destination.
The boy pulled as close...
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posted by Blitz359
<I'm not dead! Hi!>

"....Who?" Giovanni questioned. Richi looked at him with an expression of shock. "...Really?" Richi asked. With a nod from the large man, Richi began the explanation of his true backstory with a sigh. "Maria Antonio, 20 years ago, was your spouse. She was devoted to wewe and she loved wewe with all her heart, and the feeling was mutual. On a camping 16 years ago, however, my mother became pregnant with me on a camping trip after she went for a walk in the woods. Only, she didn't know it until a check-up at her doctor 2 months after the trip. When she refused to get rid...
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posted by Robin_Love
They stopped for a rest at a lake. The sun was lowering slowly to go to kitanda and the two hadn't stopped moving since they left the town. Becca pulled the water from her pack and refilled it. Then she slipped off her shoes and placed her feet in the cool water.
“We can't stay too long.”
“I know. But my feet are killing me.”
“I know what wewe mean. Still, we need to be hidden before we actually rest.”
She nodded and tipped her head back.
“How long have we been here?”
“Only hours in the time. Maybe a siku in our world.”
“I want a bath.”
“Count me out.”
She laughed a little and...
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posted by GlitterPuff
 Excited Rene
Excited Rene
Yay! zaidi questions! Pwease answer them!

1)    What is your inayopendelewa color?

2)    Do wewe like Skittles?

3)    If wewe could go anywhere in the world, where would wewe go?

4)    What is your inayopendelewa song?

5)    Favorite book?

6)    Pumpkins au Squash?

7)    Favorite movie?

8)    Rap au Rock ‘n’ Roll?

9)    Do wewe wanna go mountain climbing with me?

10)    Monkeys au Elephants?

11)    Would...
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posted by FangYJ
Fangs backstory!

March 26
17 years ago. 

Jeb smiled, staring down at the small infant in front of him. 
"Magnificent little creature, isn't he?" Jeb held up the small dark hair child. 
"What make him zaidi special than the other ones, Sir?" A scientist sat behind him, filling out paperwork. 
"Don't wewe know?" Jeb turned his head and looked behind him. "This little fellow was born two months earlier than expected." The scientist gave Jeb a confused look. 
"But Sir, he-" Jeb cut him off
"Yes, I know he looks like full term child...but he isn't." Jeb set the small infant down and picked up the paperwork...
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Greetings! I have debated this for several days and have finally made up my mind to leave fanpop forever. I will NOT be coming back under any circumstances.

Yes, yes, I know you're all anxious for me to get out the door, but I need to clear up a few things first:

Red Revenge VI: The Legend Falls WILL premiere July 26 on The Mega-Trailer reveal will premiere April 1, once again on The link to my account is link.

This will be the final book in the Red Revenge/DC Comics crossover. After this book, I will be publishing all of my Red Revenge vitabu on the...
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 " dark scary place"
" dark scary place"
(( Flash Back ))

A storm outside was brewing blowing through the trees, threatening to knock them down furiously. He sat on the floor flipping through a picture book, she smiled down at him as she looked back down at the words in her book. He let out a giggle kusoma the small sentences in his book, she laughed a bit with him still staring down at her book as the rain poured outside with small crashes. She jumped and gasped when a loud crash of thunder echoed through the house hearing a scream, she felt the bottom of the blanket she was under lift and pull down, she looked seeing the book sitting...
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