creepypasta Club
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posted by usernameinvalid
I just want to start off kwa saying if wewe want an answer at the end, prepare to be disappointed. There just isn't one.

I was an intern at Nickelodeon Studios for a mwaka in 2005 for my degree in animation. It wasn't paid of course, most internships aren't, but it did have some perks beyond education. To adults it might not seem like a big one, but most kids at the time would go crazy over it

Now, since I worked directly with the editors and animators, I got to view the new episodes days before they aired. I'll get right to it without giving too many unnecessary details. They had very recently made the SpongeBob movie and the entire staff was somewhat sapped of creativity so it took them longer to start up the season. But the delay lasted longer for zaidi upsetting reasons. There was a problem with the series 4 premiere that set everyone and everything back for several months.

Me and two other interns were in the editing room along with the lead animators and sound editors for the final cut. We received the copy that was supposed to be "Fear of a Krabby Patty" and gathered around the screen to watch. Now, aliyopewa that it isn't final yet animators often put up a mock title card, sort of an inside joke for us, with phony, often times lewd titles, such as "How sex doesn't work" instead of "Rock-a-bye-Bivalve" when SpongeBob and Patrick adopt a sea scallop. Nothing particularly funny but work related chuckles. So when we saw the title card "Squidward's Suicide" we didn't think it zaidi than a morbid joke.

One of the interns did a small throat laugh at it. The happy-go-lucky muziki plays as is normal. The story began with Squidward practicing his clarinet, hitting a few sour, wamekula notes like normal. We hear SpongeBob laughing outside and Squidward stops, yelling at him to keep it down as he has a tamasha that night and needs to practice. SpongeBob says okay and goes to see Sandy with Patrick. The bubbles splash screen comes up and we see the ending of Squidward's concert. This is when things began to seem off.

While playing, a few frames repeat themselves, but the sound doesn't (at this point sound is synced up with animation, so, yes, that's not common) but when he stops playing, the sound finishes as if the skip never happened. There is slight murmuring in the crowd before they begin to boo him. Not normal cartoon booing that is common in the show, but wewe could very clearly hear malice in it. Squidward's in full frame and looks visibly afraid. The shot goes to the crowd, with SpongeBob in center frame, and he too is booing, very much unlike him. That isn't the oddest thing, though. What is odd is everyone had hyper realistic eyes. Very detailed. Clearly not shots of real people's eyes, but something a bit zaidi real than CGI. The pupils were red. Some of us looked at each other, obviously confused, but since we weren't the writers, we didn't swali its appeal to children yet.

The shot goes to Squidward sitting on the edge of his bed, looking very forlorn. The view out of his porthole window is of a night sky so it isn't very long after the concert. The unsettling part is at this point there is no sound. Literally no sound. Not even the feedback from the speakers in the room. It's as if the speakers were turned off, though their status showed them working perfectly. He just sat there, blinking, in this silence for about 30 seconds, then he started to sob softly. He put his hands (tentacles) over his eyes and cried quietly for a full dakika more, all the while a sound in the background very slowly growing from nothing to barely audible. It sounded like a slight breeze through a forest.

The screen slowly begins to zoom in on his face. kwa slow I mean it's only noticeable if wewe look at shots 10 sekunde apart side kwa side. His sobbing gets louder, zaidi full of hurt and anger. The screen then twitches a bit, as if it twists in on itself, for a mgawanyiko, baidisha sekunde then back to normal. The wind-through-the-trees sound gets slowly louder and zaidi severe, as if a storm is brewing somewhere. The eerie part is this sound, and Squidward's sobbing, sounded real, as if the sound wasn't coming from the speakers but as if the speakers were holes the sound was coming through from the other side. As good as sound as the studio likes to have, they don't purchase the equipment to be that good to produce sound of that quality.

Below the sound of the wind and sobbing, very faint, something sounded like laughing. It came at odd intervals and never lasted zaidi than a sekunde so wewe had a hard time pinning it (we watched this onyesha twice, so pardon me if things sound too specific but I've had time to think about them). After 30 sekunde of this, the screen blurred and twitched violently and something flashed over the screen, as if a single frame was replaced.

The lead uhuishaji editor paused and rewound frame kwa frame. What we saw was horrible. It was a still picha of a dead child. He couldn't have been zaidi than 6. The face was mangled and bloodied, one eye dangling over his upturned face, popped. He was naked down to his underwear, his stomach crudely cut open and his entrails laying beside him. He was laying on some pavement that was probably a road.

The most upsetting part was that there was a shadow of the photographer. There was no crime tape, no evidence tags au markers, and the angle was completely off for a shot designed to be evidence. It would seem the photographer was the person responsible for the child's death. We were of course mortified, but pressed on, hoping that it was just a sick joke.

The screen flipped back to Squidward, still sobbing, louder than before, and half body in frame. There was now what appeard to be blood running down his face from his eyes. The blood was also done in a hyper realistic style, looking as if wewe touched it you'd get blood on your fingers. The wind sounded now as if it were that of a gale blowing through the forest; there were even snapping sounds of branches. The laughing, a deep baritone, lasting at longer intervals and coming zaidi frequently. After about 20 seconds, the screen again twisted and showed a single frame photo.

The editor was reluctant to go back, we all were, but he knew he had to. This time the picha was that of what appeared to be a little girl, no older than the first child. She was laying on her stomach, her barrettes in a pool of blood inayofuata to her. Her left eye was too popped out and popped, naked except for underpants. Her entrails were piled on juu of her above another crude cut along her back. Again the body was on the mitaani, mtaa and the photographer's shadow was visible, very similar in size and shape to the first. I had to choke back vomit and one intern, the only female in the room, ran out. The onyesha resumed.

About 5 sekunde after this sekunde picha played, Squidward went silent, as did all sound, like it was when this scene started. He put his tentacles down and his eyes were now done in hyper realism like the others were in the beginning of this episode. They were bleeding, bloodshot, and pulsating. He just stared at the screen, as if watching the viewer. After about 10 seconds, he started sobbing, this time not covering his eyes. The sound was piercing and loud, and most fear inducing of all is his sobbing was mixed with screams.

Tears and blood were dripping down his face at a heavy rate. The wind sound came back, and so did the deep voiced laughing, and this time the still picha lasted for a good 5 frames.

The animator was able to stop it on the 4th and backed up. This time the picha was of a boy, about the same age, but this time the scene was different. The entrails were just being pulled out from a stomach wound kwa a large hand, the right eye popped and dangling, blood trickling down it. The animator proceeded. It was hard to believe, but the inayofuata one was different but we couldn't tell what. He went on to the next, same thing. He want back to the first and played them quicker and I Lost it. I vomited on the floor, the animating and sound editors gasping at the screen. The 5 frames were not as if they were 5 different photos, they were played out as if they were frames from a video. We saw the hand slowly lift out the guts, we saw the kid's eyes focus on it, we even saw two frames of the kid beginning to blink.

The lead sound editor told us to stop, he had to call in the creator to see this. Mr. Hillenburg arrived within about 15 minutes. He was confused as to why he was called down there, so the editor just continued the episode. Once the few frames were shown, all screaming, all sound again stopped. Squidward was just staring at the viewer, full frame of the face, for about 3 seconds. The shot quickly panned out and that deep voice alisema "DO IT" and we see in Squidward's hands a shotgun. He immediately puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Realistic blood and brain matter splatters the ukuta behind him, and his bed, and he flies back with the force. The last 5 sekunde of this episode onyesha his body on the bed, on his side, one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at it. Then the episode ends.

Mr. Hillenburg is obviously angry at this. He demanded to know what the heck was going on. Most people left the room at this point, so it was just a handful of us to watch it again. Viewing the episode twice only served to imprint the entirety of it in my mind and cause me horrible nightmares. I'm sorry I stayed.

The only theory we could think of was the file was edited kwa someone in the chain from the drawing studio to here. The CTO was called in to analyze when it happened. The analysis of the file did onyesha it was edited over kwa new material. However, the timestamp of it was a mere 24 sekunde before we began viewing it. All equipment involved was examined for foreign software and hardware as well as glitches, as if the time stamp may have glitched and showed the wrong time, but everything checked out fine. We don't know what happened and to this siku nobody does.

There was an investigation due to the nature of the photos, but nothing came of it. No child seen was identified and no clues were gathered from the data involved nor physical clues in the photos. I never believed in unexplainable phenomena before, but now that I have something happen and can't prove anything about it beyond anecdotal evidence, I think twice about things.
added by usernameinvalid
added by DisneyPrince88
added by DisneyPrince88
posted by kittyluv57
My earliest memory is Christina sitting on my chest, pulling on my hair, and shouting, "Give it to me!"

I cried, and held my dolly tight. "Stop it," I said, "You're going to hurt Priscilla."

Christina grabbed my ears and pulled until I heard ringing cracks like glass breaking in my head. My grip loosened from my dolly's polka-dotted dress. Christina pulled her away and ran out of the room giggling. "It's mine now. Mine, and you'll never see it again."

I ran to mommy. "Christina took Priscilla," I said.
"Calm down dear, no one likes a tattle tale. wewe can share your toys."
"But Christina takes all...
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posted by Kazmotis
I am Kozmotis, bringer of news, ones that have been long awaited for this fandom.

I publish this before I too disappear from the face of the earth. I know everything now. Please kubeba with me. They exist, and have a contract with- not zalgo- but the government. They take care of the people surrounding a certain forest, and the government lets them be and observes what they are from afar.

So dear children play nice, because they will come and watch wewe if they think wewe know all about them. Please pray for me as I go to their forest on a suicide mission.
posted by Sonicfan67
Russian researchers in the late 1940s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas based stimulant. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so the gas didn't kill them, since it was toxic in high concentrations. This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and enough dried chakula to last all five for over a month.

The test subjects were political...
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posted by FrostyBlazer

Jean: tonight we feast on the innocent my mbwa mwitu friends! *howls*

Wolfs: *howls*

Henry: I thought wewe would be dead kwa now

Jean: I don't age since I'm not a puny human like you...

Henry: I think I would know since of your... large meal

Jean: what do wewe want?

Henry: we would like your brute strength to jiunge us again

Jean: why should I?! what makes wewe think I would jiunge again?!

Henry: they broke the treaty

Jean: what? let us feed on the souls of demons!

Henry: welcome back

Society of Killers
added by worldblack555
added by Mikkany
added by KaterinaLover
posted by thatlimbokid
As the title said.

Anyways, I have short memory in terms of pictures, so when I was watching a wewe tube video about Jeff The Killer, Smile Dog apeared on the screen.

BUT, The inayofuata day, I didn't remember the picture at all...

How is it possible? I Don't know. But this short term picture memory came in handy, and I found that out just then. 2 months after, I was watching a pewdiepie video, and it buffered, so I read the maoni for a while. But when I looked, there it was, As sombodys icon. It was the first one there...

But again, still dissapeared the inayofuata day.
The third time was a few days back.....
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added by KaterinaLover
added by KaterinaLover
added by zutaradragon
siku #0

We had no idea what was coming to our quiet California town. It was something no one would no about. I live with a humongous amount of guilt after what has happened. I was a volunteer working with a small science museum, and I helped bring the end of my town.

Day #1

When bats started to appear in the bat-boxes that people put near the highway bypass, the people were ecstatic, especially the children who put up the bat-boxes. A group of teen volunteers had helped build the bat-boxes and do all the dangerous things the young kids couldn't do. All sorts of bats, from Pallid Bats to Big Brown...
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posted by kittyluv57
The siku I found my first hole was the siku my best friend came back from the dead.

We were in high school and stupid. Jake was his name and we liked to go out to this old abandoned house in the woods after school to just screw around. We would do stupid teenage things. It was a pretty big place, to be honest. It was a two story house with a basement au three stories if wewe counted the small attic above it. The story is supposed to go that an old woman was building the house years and years zamani in order to get away from the city life but, for some reason, she never finished it. She probably died....
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posted by FrostyBlazer
Subject files: Targeter

Real name: Unknown

Nicknames: Targy

Appearance: can be anything but prefers black hair, green eyes, and a strong build.

Clothes: can be anything but prefers sunglasses, a black shati , jeans, and a black Kevlar vest

Weapons: Sniper rifle, SPAS 12 shotgun, sleep darts, grenades, ballistic knife, 2 scorpions [guns], and a necromancy book

Powers: necromancy, able to turn invisible, and is able to change his appearance

Weaknesses: none

Friends: Observer, Rake, B.O.B, and BRVR

Rivals: Seed eater, Shadow lurker, and Pyris

Enemys: SCP, and anyone that helps Slender

Personality: anything that describes evil

inayopendelewa song: livin' thing, Electric Light Orchestra
added by Lancelot8
Source: (found)
posted by yamishadow2001
HI I'm Jake I've been a big shabiki of the Sly Cooper games, but...I haven't played them in years and I never will again...
It all started when I was playing Sly Cooper and the Thevius Raccoonus I wanted to fight clockwerk, but I died 10 kwa trying to beat him so I went to my Ps2, but before I even was about to turn the game off I heard Clockwerk say," wewe can't escape forever Jake." I was creeped just thinking about it, I checked the time it was 9:40 I needed sleep.
I woke up hearing my phone ringing it was my my older sister she told me that my Dad had in his sleep I was crying, but realized about...
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added by usernameinvalid