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The Little Mermaid Early Original Script

It is a bright, sunny morning. Scuttle is excitedly flying toward the palace.


Ariel is asleep in her kitanda with a happy smile on her face. She is dreaming of romance with Eric. Sebastian is also asleep, on the stand beside the bed, SNORING loudly. Scuttle swoops through the window and enters the bedroom.

Ariel! WAKE UP!!!

Sebastian wakes up with a jolt in reaction to Scuttle's screaming. Scuttle flies over to Ariel and frantically pulls at her clothes and her hair. She wakes up groggily.

SCUTTLE (cont.)
I just heard the news!
Congratulations, kiddo! We did it!

Ariel stares at the seagull blankly.

What is dis idiot babbling about?

(winking conspiratorily)
Right! As if wewe two didn't know!
The whole town's buzzin' about the
Prince getting' himself hitched this afternoon!

Sebastian and Ariel both look at each other, astonished. Scuttle shakes Ariel's hand.

wewe crazy kidder! Just wanted
to wish wewe luck! Catch ya later Wouldn't
miss it!

Scuttle takes off out the window leaving a perplexed Ariel and Sebastian. Ariel lights up hopefully. Could this mean her dream might actually be coming true? Suddenly they hear Eric's voice shouting from downstairs.

Ariel! Ariel, come down here!
I've got something to tell you!

Ariel beams, her moyo leaping. She gives Sebastian a big kiss, grabs a vazi and happily runs out the door. Sebastian hurries after her.


Ariel comes dashing down the long flight of stairs with a big smile on her face. But then she stops dead in her tracks. Eric is with a very beautiful, dark haired MAIDEN. Grimbsy and Carlotta are standing toward the back of the room, looking somber. As Eric speaks, there is something odd about his manner. He seems almost as if he were in a hypnotic trance. The maiden clings tightly to Eric.

Ariel I I'd like wewe to meet Vanessa
She saved my life a few weeks ago. I've
Been trying to find her ever since

The maiden smiles sweetly at Ariel. Ariel draws back in shock and confusion. How can this be? Sebastian watches from the staircase. He is also perplexed.

ERIC (cont.)
We're we're going to be married
on board ship at sea this afternoon
at sunset. I I want wewe to
be there, Ariel I

Ariel is crushed. She shakes her head in disbelief. Her whole world is collapsing around her. She looks over at Grimbsy and Carlotta. They are obviously distressed about the situation but there is nothing they can do. Angry and confused, trying to fight back her tears, she reels away from Eric and races out of the room.

ERIC (cont.)
Ariel ?

Eric starts after Ariel but the maiden gently pulls him back. She kisses him sweetly. Unseen kwa anyone but the audience, a diabolical smile crosses her face. The scarf around her neck lips slightly and we see the nautilus shell, with Ariel's voice, handing around her neck.



The brightly decorated wedding ship is departing the harbor. It's passengers include Eric and the maiden, Grimbsy and Carlotta, Max, and the wedding party. The sun is looming brightly in the sky.


Ariel is sitting on a platform on the dock, watching the wedding ship depart in the distance. Her bare feet dangle in the water. She looks very sad and forlorn. Her moyo is broken. kweta nuzzles up to Ariel in a comforting gesture. Sebastian leans over to her, overcome with emotion.

(on the brink of tears)
What can I say! Humans are slime!
Dere is no doubt about it!

Ariel forces a smile and gently pets Sebastian. Then, as she looks wistfully at her reflection in the water, we hear a faint reprise of "Life Under the Sea" in a melancholy strain. She sees a school of samaki swim kwa and seems Lost in thought about the world she left behind. She gazes out at the departing wedding ship which is now just barely visible on the edge of the horizon. She looks up at the sun.


It is low in the sky. Sunset is not far off. We hear the voice of Ursula reciting her conditions echoing in Ariel's mind.

URSULA (cont.)
before the sun sets on the third day
the third siku the third day


Scuttle is happily flying toward the wedding ship. He reacts, puzzled, as he hears the sound of Ariel's SINGING, coming from the ship. He flies down to investigate. The voice is emanating from a porthole in the lower deck. Scuttle peers inside.

INT. SHIP'S cabin, kibanda SCUTTLE'S P.O.V.

The maiden is alone in the cabin, kibanda donning a beautiful wedding dress. She is imba a variation of the Witch's song "POUR SOULS."


She LAUGHS as she passes in front of a mirror. Scuttle's eyes widen. The reflection in the mirror is that of

The Sea Witch!!


Scuttle is completely flustered. He flies around in ten different directions at once.

Oh no!! She's gonna Somebody's gotta
What am I gonna I've gotta
(screeches loudly)

Scuttle takes off, flying in a wild frenzy back to shore.


Ariel is still with her Marafiki sitting on the dock.


They look up and see Scuttle circling overheard. Scuttle spots them and crashlands on the dock inayofuata to Ariel.

SCUTTLE (cont.)
(out of breath)
Ariel the Prince he's
he's not marrying you!

We know dat, wewe dodo!

I I was flying looked in the
porthole I saw I saw I saw

Sebastian WHACKS the gull sharply on his beak.

THE SEA WITCH!!! The Prince is
marrying the Sea Witch in disguise!!

They all react in shock and surprise.

Are wewe sure about dis?

Have I ever been wrong?

Ariel looks out to sea. The mashua is just barely visible on the horizon.

Wh-what are we g-gonna do?!

Sebastian looks around desperately. He spots a barrel tied to a post. He SNAPS the rope with his claws. The barrel tumbles into the ocean, floating on the surface.

Ariel! Grab on to dat!

Ariel jumps into the water, holding on to the barrel to stay afloat. Sebastian dives in after her. He grabs the rope and thrusts it at Flounder.

Flounder! Get her to dat mashua as
Fast as your fins can carry you!


kweta takes off, pulling the barrel, with Ariel on top, in the direction of the boat.

I got to get de Sea King! He got to
know 'bout dis!

What about me?

wewe got to find some way to stall
dat wedding!

Sebastian swims off. Scuttle flies around nervously.

Stall the wedding? How do I
What can I

Scuttle lights up as he gets an idea. He immediately flies off, emitting a strange CAWING, horn-like sound that resembles a military call to arms.


It is now beginning to set over the horizon.


On the upper deck of the ship, the wedding ceremony is beginning. The MINISTER, an extremely elderly gentleman, is standing at a podium at the front of the ship. There is a great deal of pomp and circumstance. Some buglers blow a FANFARE, and everyone quiets down. A group of musicians begin a variation of a WEDDING MARCH.

The maiden, looking resplendent in the beautiful wedding dress, starts down the aisle. Eric follows, dressed to the hilt, still with a slightly dazed look on his face. Grimsby, Eric's best man, walks behind him. Eric and the maiden take their place in front of the podium.

(speaking very slowly
and deliberately)
We are gathered here today


Scuttle is soaring through the skies, SHRIEKING out his call to arms at a fever pitch.


A SEA kobe, kasa pokes his head out of the water.

Sounds like an emergency!

Scuttle swoops down over the turtle, emitting his YELL. The kobe, kasa takes off after Scuttle.


Scuttle flies kwa a group of OTTERS, sunning themselves on rocks. When they hear his call they perk up, start clapping their pays excitedly, and dive into the water.


Scuttle soars past a long beach, pwani crowded with sea creatures. They all respond to his call to action. Some LOBSTERS and a STARFISH hurry into the water. A group of SEA GULLS all take off, flying in formation behind Scuttle.


Ariel is grasping on to the barrel as kweta pulls. The wedding ship looms in the distance. Even though kweta is flapping his fins like mad, the barrel is creeping along.


Glut the papa is sauntering menacingly through the water. He looks up and notices the underside of Ariel and kweta as they soar by. Glut licks his chops and starts after them.


kweta is tiring.

(out of breath)
I... I can't do it

Glut's papa fin emerges on the surface of the water. He is running on a parallel track with Ariel and Flounder. He is closing fast. Ariel notices the papa fin. She tries to get Flounder's attention, but can't make a sound.

kweta (cont.)
This b-barrel is too heavy

Ariel yanks hard on the rope, turning Flounder's head just as Glut looms out of the water, mouth open wide. kweta does a wild take as Glut SLAMS into them. Ariel is knocked off the barrel, flailing in the water.


The wedding ceremony is progressing. The maiden is getting anxious, wishing the minister would pick up the pace. She looks at the sun. It is now halfway set.

(to Eric)
keep thee only unto her so
long as wewe both shall live?

Eric hesitates. The maiden looks in his eyes, compelling him.

I I do


Ariel is desperately clutching the barrel while Glut, mouth open hungrily, moves in for the kill. kweta knows he has to do something. Then he gets an idea. He takes a big GULP and summons all his courage. As Glut closes in on Ariel, suddenly kweta shoots out of the water right in front of Glut's face, waving his fins and sticking out his tongue. Glut frowns angrily, turns away from Ariel, and starts chasing Flounder. kweta lures Glut through the loop of rope to the barrel. Glut is lassoed kwa the rope. kweta tears off after the ship. Glut pursues flounder, dragging Ariel along the water in the process.


It is now barely visible over the horizon.


The ceremony is continuing.

As long as wewe both shall live?

(with just a hint of arrogance)
I do!


Flounder, with Glut right behind him, approaches the ship. Ariel quickly jumps off the barrel and grabs on to the rigging. She is exhausted and barely able to hang on. Glut stays on the heels of Flounder. kweta swims toward the barrel. For the first time, we see the word, "GUNPOWDER", painted on the barrel. kweta desperately shoves the barrel into Glut's open mouth, then dives for cover. Glut is about to bite down on the barrel.


There is a loud offscreen EXPLOSION momentarily rocking the boat. A kuoga of water cascades onto the deck. Then the bent up French horn we saw Glut kumeza earlier clunks down amidst the startled wedding party.

Uh where was I? Oh yes
(clears his throat)
Then kwa the power vested in me
I hereby pronounce wewe man

Suddenly there is the sound of loud CAWING, echoing from above. Everyone looks up to see Scuttle and his batallion of seagulls invading the ceremony. People turn to the sides of the mashua where an army of sea creatures, otters, turtles, lobsters, etc., have climbed up rope and rigging and are plopping on to the deck amidst the flabbergasted wedding party. They completely disrupt the ceremony in a wild comic frenzy of activity.

The wanyama zero in on the maiden bride. The sea gulls are pulling her hair. Some lobsters snap at her tush. Enraged, she angrily knocks them away.

(shouting viciously)
Get away from me wewe slimy little

She realizes she has let down her guard and is no longer the picture of sweetness and innocence. Eric looks at her strangely. Immediately she reassumes her former attitude and clings to Eric.

MAIDEN (cont.)
Oh Eric! Eric I'm frightened!

Eric starts fighting off the creatures, defending his bride-to-be. Scuttle realizes he's got to find some way to reveal to Eric the true identity of the maiden. He gets an idea. He flies down to the lower deck of the ship.


Scuttle flies into the cabin, kibanda and grabs the mirror off the wall. It is heavy and he has difficulty maneuvering with it. He exits the cabin, carrying the mirror.


Scuttle emerges on to the upper deck clinging to the heavy mirror. He starts toward the maiden. But just as Scuttle is about to get the mirror into position, he SLAMS into a beam and drops the mirror. It SMASHES to the floor. The maiden smiles, relieved. But then, as the Prince looks down toward the floor, his eyes open wide. The invasion of the sea creatures has caused the floor of the deck to be covered in water. Eric can see the reflection of the maiden in the water. Only it is not the maiden. It is the Sea Witch. The shock breaks the effect of the maiden's spell. Eric draws away from the maiden in horror.

Eric what's wrong?

The maiden reaches mbele to embrace Eric. He pushes her away. Suddenly Grimsby points toward the opposite side of the boat.


Everyone looks in the direction Grimsby is pointing. The all GASP and then a HUSH comes over the crowd. Ariel has finally managed to climb on to the deck. She is soaked and bedraggled and on the verge of collapse. She starts to faint. Eric rushes over to her.

Eric, get away from her!

Eric embraces Ariel and cradles her in his arms.

MAIDEN (cont.)
(in Ursula's voice)
Eric, stop!

Everyone reacts in shock as the maiden's youthful voice changes to the low croaky voice of the Sea Witch. The maiden quickly covers her mouth with a reaction that says, "Did that come out of me?"

Eric looks deeply into Ariel's eyes. The emotions well up inside of him. He slowly leans forward, about to kiss her.

(in Witch's voice, screaming)


The last rays of sunlight disappear over the horizon. The reflection of the light on the water disappears.


Ariel can feel her body starting to change. She gets a panicked look on her face and pulls away from Eric.

What's wrong?

(in Witch's voice, laughing)
You're too late! You're too late!!

Ariel frantically breaks away from Eric and dives into the water, just as the lower half of her body begins to glow magically and she changes back into a mermaid. Eric observes this transformation in wide eyed disbelief. The Witch's offscreen voice is CACKLING victoriously. Everyone turns to look back in the direction of the maiden. They are horrified as the maiden transforms into the Sea Witch and dives into the sea.


In a furious chase, the Witch pursues the little mermaid through the ocean depths.

wewe can't get away, angelfish!
You're mine now!

Flotsam and Jetsam spring into view, swimming tailgunner fashion, on each side of the Witch.

Flotsam! Jetsam! Get her!!

Flotsam and Jetsam zoom after Ariel.


Sebastian has rounded up the Sea King and the two of them are racing to the rescue.


Eric is in a small rowboat, frantically searching for Ariel.

(calling out)
Ariel! Ariel, where are you?

Suddenly kweta springs out of the water and makes excited SQUEALING NOISES at Eric.

ERIC (cont.)
wewe wewe know where she is?

kweta nods and SQUEALS emphatically. Eric follows kweta from the boat..


Ariel, chased kwa Flotsam and Jetsam, ducks in and out of a maze of coral reefs. The two eels are about to grab Ariel. Quickly she uncorks a steam jet and dodges as the eels go spraying out of the scene. For a moment it looks like she is in the clear. Suddenly, Flotsam and Jetsam spring up on each side of her. She is surrounded. They close in. The only direction Ariel can songesha is upward. She rapidly swims toward the surface.


Ariel's head shoots out of the water. In the distance, Eric and kweta see her. Then Ariel is forcefully yanked back down into the water as Flotsam and Jetsam get their coils around her.


Flotsam and Jetsam wrap, upangaji pamoja themselves tightly around Ariel. She is trapped, unable to move. The Sea Witch closes in on Ariel. Ariel struggles helplessly.

Tsktsktsk Poor little princess.
Don't be frightened
(smiles deviously)
It's not wewe I'm after. You're merely
the bait. I've got much bigger samaki to

Suddenly a BOLT of ENERGY fires past her.

Ursula stop!

Ursula whirls and sees Triton approaching with Sebastian beside him. He is pointing his trident at her. She smiles sardonically.

Why King Triton! How are you? It's been
such a long time, hasn't it?

The King raises his trident.
Let my daughter go!

Kill me if wewe like! But I'll take this
Little minnow with me! She's mine
Now! We made a deal

Ursula FLASHES Ariel's contract in front of Triton. He glares at it and angrily FIRES a bolt of energy full force at the contract. The energy DISSIPATES leaving the contract intact.

URSULA (cont.)
wewe see! It's all fair and square and
Completely unbreakable, even for you!

The Sea King stops, immobile. Ursula turns to Ariel, but the hesitates and looks slyly back at the Sea King.

URSULA (cont.)
'Course I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain
The daughter of the great Sea King is a very
precious commodity

She saunters up toward the Sea King with a flirtatious attitude. She playfully pinches his cheek.

URSULA (cont.)
But I might be willing to make an exchange
For someone even better

Sebastian gets a horrified look on his face as he realizes what she is up to. Ariel realizes also. Ariel shakes her head vehemently as if to say "No, father! Don't do this!" She furiously struggles, in the grip of Flotsam and Jetsam.


The waters are becoming zaidi turbulent as kweta and Eric try to reach the spot where they saw Ariel. There are ominous RUMBLES of THUNDER in the sky.


The Sea Witch and the King are in the midst of working out their agreement. There is a heavy solemnity hanging over the proceedings.

wewe will agree that none of my daughters
will be harmed in any way?

Fine! Fine! I won't touch a hair on their
Precious little noggins! Now, do we have a deal?

The Sea King nods solemnly. Instantly, Ariel's contract rewrites itself, replacing Ariel's signature with Triton's. As Ariel and Sebastian watch in horror, the Witch raises her arms, preparing to perform her snake spell on the Sea King. The waters around them begin swirling, turning into whirlpools illuminated kwa bright FLASHES of magical light.


Eric's mashua is bouncing on the turbulent waves. Storm clouds are forming in the night sky and the winds are accelerating.

Eric looks down and can see the bright FLASHES of light beneath the water's surface. He grabs a harpoon from out of the boat, takes a deep breath and plunges into the water.


At the spot where Triton had been we see a glowing ball of magical light. The light dissipates revealing a hideous polyp, writhing helplessly in the ground. Triton's crown and trident lay to its side. Ariel and Sebastian are aghast. Ursula puts on the crown and picks up the trident.

(laughing hideously)
Dear Triton! I hope you'll enjoy the
Garden as much as I'll enjoy the palace!


Eric, grasping his harpoon, is holding his breath while treading water. He sees Ursula LAUGHING in the distance beside Ariel in the coils of Flotsam and Jetsam. He starts toward them.


She turns and sees Eric.

Well, wellIf it isn't lover boy! How perfect!

Ursula smiles gleefully and points the trident at Eric. She FIRES a bolt of energy. He is just barely able to dodge it. She HOWLS delightedly and FIRES several times in rapid succession. Eric keeps frantically dodging. Then he whirls, raises up, and hurls his harpoon at Ursula. IT grazes her shoulder. She grabs her arm, wincing in pain, then turns on him, enraged.

Why wewe little fool!

Ursula FIRES a tremendous bolt. Once again, Eric barely dodges as the rocks behind him EXPLODE. Eric is tiring and running out of breath. He desperately tries to swim toward the surface of the water before he passes out.

While the Triton polyp watches helplessly, Flotsam and Jetsam let go of Ariel and take off after Eric. Sebastian and kweta jump into the fray, trying to help the Prince.

As Ursula prepares to moto again, Ariel leaps at her pulling on the Witch's fins with all her strength.

Flotsam and Jetsam latch on to Eric and start pulling him back down. kweta and Sebastian battle the eels. Sebastian frantically SNAPS at them with his claws while kweta gives the eels a couple of sharp WHACKS in the head. The eels let loose of Eric.

Ursula knocks Ariel away and prepares to take another blast at Eric. Ariel SLAMS back into her and the shot goes awry, hitting Flotsam and Jetsam. The two eels SHRIEK as they instantly disintegrate. Now Ursula is consumed with rage. She takes off after Eric as he approaches the surface.


There is a violent storm with THUNDER, LIGHTNING, fierce WINDS and RAIN. Eric emerges near his boat, GASPING for air. He hurls himself into the mashua just as Ursula BURSTS out of the water. Eric grabs another harpoon and prepares to thrust it at the Witch. Ursula FIRES and the mashua is hit, EXPLODING. Eric is shot back into the water. His harpoon goes flying.

Ursula, insane with anger, moves in on the dazed Eric. She points the trident and prepares to moto point blank at him. Ariel SLAMS into Ursula again and the trident is knocked out of the Witch's grasp. Ursula violently slings Ariel into a coral rock formation. Ariel hits her head hard and loses consciousness.

Ursula, eyes blazing, reels back toward Eric. He is going for the trident. He is about to grasp it when Ursula furiously leaps at him, smothering him in her fishy appendages. While Eric frantically struggles in her grasp, she viciously drags him back down into the drink.


As Sebastian tries to retrieve the trident, Ursula is simultaneously drowning and strangling Eric. She is consumed with rage. Eric is near death, but with one last ditch burst of energy, he is able to wrench his arm free and grab the trident from Sebastian. He FIRES. The Witch is hit with a tremendous BOLT of ENERGY. She lets out a blood curdling SCREAM and slowly dissolves into dark, black foam. The only thing left of her is the nautilus shell containing Ariel's voice, which sinks toward the floor of the ocean.

Eric passes out, completely drained. Sebastian and kweta go to him and help him back up toward the surface.


It HITS the ocean floor and breaks open, releasing the glowing light of Ariel's voice.


She is sprawled on the ocean floor, groggily starting to come to. The glowing light moves over to her and passes inside of her. Her eyes widen and she touches her throat.


We see the death of the Witch is having a magical effect on everything under her control. The ground around her domain starts to VIBRATE. The whale's skeleton and pool of light crumble into dust. A magical GLOW passes over the garden of polyps. They transform into happy, healthy mer folk again. Even Harold is back to his old self.


A magical GLOWING LIGHT transforms the Triton polyp. Once again he is back to his original regal form.


Sebastian pulls Eric onto the edge of the beach. kweta helps. Then Sebastian and kweta quickly dive below the water's surface.


Triton and Ariel tightly embrace, overcome with emotion. Sebastian and kweta swim over to them.

It's allright, sweetheart It's allright

Oh daddy! Daddy, I'm so sorry! I
upendo wewe so much!

Sebastian and kweta look at each other, amazed that Ariel has gotten her voice back. Ariel warmly hugs her father, smiling happily. But then, very gradually, her smile fades. A sad look comes over her face as she remembers her Lost Prince. Her gaze slowly drifts up toward the surface of the water.



Eric is lying unconscious at the edge of the beach. He starts to stir slightly.


She is watching Eric longingly from a rock, out in the water, a short distance from the beach. This scene parallels the earlier scene when Ariel had saved Eric's live and was watching him from the water.


They surface and observe Ariel. Triton watches his daughter, then looks back toward Eric, the object of her heart's desire. Triton observes them for a long beat. He looks thoughtful. He turns toward Sebastian.

That...that human saved my life

The Sea King SIGHS. He is on the verge of making a monumental decision. He looks over at Sebastian with an attitude that says, "Should I?" Sebastian understands and nods pleadingly. The Sea King looks back at his daughter and smiles. He gestures and a magical glow comes out of his trident.


The magical glow engulfs Ariel, shimmering brightly.


He shakes his head a bit. He is starting to regain consciousness. Suddenly he hears Ariel's voice SINGING.


Eric sees Ariel coming toward him, once again in human form. She kneels down beside him and takes his hand. The two embrace and kiss passionately. The camera TRUCKS IN tight on the couple kissing.



We pull back from the couple kissing and see that it is now a wedding kiss aboard ship. The couple have just been pronounced man and wife.

The entire wedding party aboard the ship, including Carlotta and Sir Grimsby, are all APPLAUDING and CHEERING jubilantly. Max encircles them excitedly. Sebastian and Chef Louis, now the best of friends, are sitting beside each other happily swaying to the music.

As the CAMERA continues PULLING BACK we see that surrounding the ship, in the water, are Ariel's father, sisters, Harold, and other mer folk, Flounder, and other sea creatures. Scuttle is soaring above the ship. Everyone is APPLAUDING happily. The samaki are bouncing up and down on the water and CLAPPING their fins together.

Back on the ship, Sebastian's blissful smile fades as he looks up and sees Chef Louis coming right at him, brandishing a big, shiny knife. Sebastian's eyes roll into his head as he faints as WHOOSH, the kisu comes down. Pulling back, we see Louis has just cut a piece of wedding cake directly below Sebastian's perch. Sebastian recovers and smiles weakly as Louis offers him some cake.

Ariel tosses her bridal bouquet out onto the ocean. Triton picks it up. He looks up at his daughter with an expression of both happiness and sadness. She returns his look. Triton and all the sea characters wave to Ariel and Eric as the ship departs, moving against the horizon. We pull back to an extreme long shot as a stirring chorus does a final reprise of "PART OF YOUR WORLD."


hujambo everyone! So this is the first culminating makala in a series of countdowns that I am doing. There will be one for each color of outfit. The winning outfit in each countdown will then continue on to a final countdown which will determine Fanpop's number one DP outfit. Enjoy! :)

9. Mulan's pink and blue underclothes

I didn't mind this outfit. In fact, I quite liked the contrast between the blue juu and pink bottom. However, most users disagreed, finding it too plain.

Unremarkable. ~Silverrose1991
It's very plain and is just undergarments ~KataraLover
Too plain and not interesting. ~Sparklefairy375...
continue reading...
added by PrueFever
Source: The Walt Disney Company
 Loving this movie.
Loving this movie.
Okay, I was watching the 2012 version of Les Miserables last night and I had seen the 2015 reboot of cinderella last month. Both sinema have a common theme with each other: Forgiveness. The characters also play a similar traits to each other.


While watching this movie last month, I keep thinking that the story reminds me of Les Miserables! Aside from the same filming location of France, certain scenes and characters remind of some characters from Les Miserables.
For example, during the scene after Lady Tremaine and the 2 stepsisters called Ella kwa her trademark name, Cinderella. The...
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added by KataraLover
Source: ME
added by tiffany88
Source: Disney
hujambo there! I'm isabellagirl033 and as wewe all are well aware cinderella has been adapted many times into live-action sinema though only some manage to truely be a hit. I'm going to break down some of my favourite portrayals into my juu 5.

5. Hillary Duff, A cinderella Story
Despite it's cringe-worthiness and lack of loyalty to it's source, I still managed to enjoy the movie. Tween ikoni Hillary Duff is the last thing that comes into my mind when I think of cinderella but she made a convincing one at that. I think this spot goes to Hillary Duff mostly due to...
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posted by WinterSpirit809
I have already done this, a few months zamani actually and I decided to do it again. My opinion has changed a lot, because a lot of people have made good points and so many of these good points have changed my opinion quite s bit.

13. Aurora

It's not so much that I dislike her, it's just I found her kind of bland in her movie. She was boring, though I enjoyed her sweet personality. I get she had to sleep, it was simply a part of her story, but I just didn't get to know her much. I know it sounds kind of unfair, but I find it hard to place her higher.

12. Pocahontas

I don't dislike her...
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posted by deedragongirl
 The cast!
The cast!
Hi guys, since Frozen has took the world kwa storm, this makala is basically about my initial impressions about the story-line, the songs and music, as well as the art and characters' designs back in 2003, 10 years before the movie that took the world kwa storm.

The Story

When I first heard that Disney was going to adapt the Snow Queen, my first impression was that it was going to be faithful towards the original story kwa Hans Christian Anderson. Secondly, I thought that it was about 2 sisters who one of them discover to have ice powers, according to a prophecy, were separated since they were...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://stevethompson-art.tumblr.com/post/139261806400/disney-princess-mega-post-instagram
posted by ace2000
Hi everyone!

In this article, I’m going to compare two sinema from the Disney Revival, one revolving around a Lost princess with magical golden hair, and the other revolving around two sisters, one of whom is a Queen with ice powers.

Part A.    Which is the "better" movie?

Tangled has a zaidi cohesive plot and seems to me to have deeper characters that interact superbly with each other. Emotions and thoughts were successfully conveyed with an abundance of facial expressions. The hair uhuishaji was astounding, but the skin and eyes could sometimes seem plastic-like au lifeless....
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posted by touchingthesky
12) The Princess and the Frog
I'm not positive but I think this has a somewhat large fanbase on Fanpop? Even if it doesn't, I don't think that I'll ever adore this film. I'll start with the positives. I upendo Down in New Orleans and basically the whole beginning. When Tiana is human, it's actually very entertaining. I adore Lottie, and it just is, for lack of better word, better during this part of the film. It's funnier and much, much less obnoxious. I like Facilier and Tiana and Naveen is hilarious at times, but the sekunde half of the film...oh lord. It's so annoying...half the time I can't...
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added by RiddlersSphinx
“Rapunzel” is the kind of story that consistently ranks highly in people’s lists of their inayopendelewa fairy tales. With a dramatic plot, interesting characters, symbolic motifs, and the underlying theme of the redeeming power of love, the tale certainly seems to deserve such adoration. Grimm’s version of the story is perhaps the most known retelling,
 Grimm's Rapunzel
Grimm's Rapunzel
although that may have changed as of 2010 with Disney’s adaptation, Tangled, a movie just as rife with symbolism as its literary inspiration. Although both are variations on the Rapunzel narrative, Disney’s movie veers...
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 Credit to rzenteno for this wonderful image!
Credit to rzenteno for this wonderful image!
So I didn't use any 1 prince twice and I tried to match everyone to their best match outside of the original. This is inspired kwa the wonderful job of link article. She did an amazing job pairing them up! Such an amazing job that it made me want to try myself. Hope wewe guys don't mind, this was just for fun! The absolutely ❤️amazing❤️ crossovers were done kwa a multiple of talented users on this site. The makala image (top right) was made kwa link He did a wonderful job, in my opinion! :D Most of my crossovers were done kwa link No, really. Would wewe believe she did like 6 crossover photos...
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added by tiffany88
added by jessowey
Source: http://www.superbwallpapers.com/cartoons/belle-in-a-beautiful-golden-dress-beauty-and-the-beast-4974
Last time I wrote this orodha Brave and Frozen hadn't been released so now I'll write this orodha with them included, hope you'll like it

12. Pocahontas

This scene is amazing to look at, no wonder many people loves this ending, but why is it then last on my list? While it's an amazing scene to look at it isn't a happy ending, normally I don't mind it, but Disney is known for making happy endings so honestly if this movie was made kwa another company and was live action I probably would upendo the ending more

11. Mulan

This ending starts off great with Mulan reuniting with her father and Shang...
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Pics have been added and updated!!
So here is the Part 2 to my musical countdown: Scores. I upendo Disney muziki and I honestly upendo the scores over the songs. They have all of the "magic Disney" feel that I absolutely adore. Also, I upendo how the scores can provide a blend of the different songs from it's respective films as well as stir up all of the emotions and/or memories from it's respective scene(s). For those reasons, this orodha was much harder for me to make than Part 1: Songs, but I managed to finish! As I mentioned before, I cannot get enough from the musical team of Alan Menken and Howard...
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So many times have I heard that Disney Princess sinema are for little girls who wish upon a fairy godmother, want to be rescued kwa a handsome prince and live happily ever after. This is so not true and doubt all those who have opinions like this, if they have ever watched any DP movie seriously. So here's my 5 reasons why adults should consider Disney Princess sinema as serious entertainment

5. uhuishaji Art:
Any adult who have serious interest in uhuishaji art will not only enjoy the ever-evolving uhuishaji style from Disney studio but will find that uhuishaji in these sinema are top-notch....
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added by 220340
Source: hair