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added by HaleyDewit
Supergrote verrassing aan de kassa van de Noord-Amerikaanse bioscopen: de kleine blauwe smurfen scoorden er op hun openingsweekend even goed als de peperdure science-fictionwestern 'Cowboys & Aliens'. Beide films delen, met 36,2 miljoen dollar (25 miljoen euro) aan inkomsten, de eerste plaats op de box office. Voor "The Smurfs" is dat een triomf, voor "Cowboys and Aliens", die onder andere door de salarissen voor Daniel '007' Craig en Harrison Ford meer dan 160 miljoen heeft gekost, een teleurstelling.

In "The Smurfs" komen de figuurtjes van Peyo onder leiding van Grote Smurf in de hedendaagse...
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De Amerikaanse rapper Eminem en popzangeres Taylor mwepesi, teleka zijn enkele van de winnaars van de allereerste "YouTube muziki Awards". Eminem kreeg op het gala in New York vandaag de prijs van Artiest van het jaar. mwepesi, teleka werd voor haar hit "I Knew wewe Were Trouble" bekroond tot YouTube-fenomeen van het jaar. De award voor Video van het jaar ging naar de Zuid-Koreaanse meidengroep Girls' Generation en hun song "I Got A Boy". Deze outsiders laten daarmee zwaargewichten als Lady Gaga of Justin Bieber achter zich. De eerste winnaars van het online-videoplatform werden gekozen via een stemming op het internet. De prijsuitreiking was rechtstreeks te volgen op YouTube. Het platform is de voorbije jaren onmisbaar geworden voor de muzieksector, ten koste van klassieke spelers als MTV. Uit een rondvraag afgelopen jaar bleek dat 64 procent van de Amerikaanse jeugd muziek beluistert via YouTube. Dat is meer dan de radio (56 procent). (Belga / Belga)
With a moyo that was beating painfully Kelsey stepped up and knocked the door. Someone opened just an instant later.
“Good afternoon, ma’am” Kelsey started nervous. “My name is Kelsey Lindy”
“I know who wewe are” the woman said. “Come in” She stepped aside to let Kelsey pass and pushed her through a door. “Have a seat” she alisema waving at a chair. Kelsey sat down, but her mother didn’t. “You being here means wewe know. zaidi even, it means wewe are”
Kelsey frowned kwa that way of speaking, but understood what she meant. Yes, she knew about the mtu-bweha and yes, she was...
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Damon was sitting in the couch, his head in his hands. “Is it still not over?” Elena asked slightly worried. “I gave wewe two painkillers, it shouldn’t hurt no more” Damon looked up and gave her an irritated glance. “I’m not making this up, if that’s what wewe think” “I didn’t say I think you’re making this up” Elena defended herself. “I just find it strange… Maybe wewe need to get a doctor” “Yeah, let’s do that” Katherine scornfully said. She came from out of the kitchen.
“Let’s go to a nice doctor and have him examine Damon. Surely he wouldn’t...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: Google
added by HaleyDewit
Source: Google
The inayofuata morning.
Cas woke up on the kitanda of Meg’s motel. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Light shone through the curtains and Cas stood up and walked to them to open them. Dean’s Impala was parked across the street.
Meg ticked on the side windows of Dean’s car and Dean jumped up. He frowned and blinked to remember where he was. When he did, he turned the window down.
“What are wewe doing here so early?” Meg asked.
“What’s in the bag?” Dean nodded at the small paper bag Meg was holding in her right hand.
“Breakfast” Meg replied short.
“Thanks, wewe shouldn’t have”...
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De Les Misérables-actrice Amanda Seyfried heeft een beetje last van nostalgische gevoelens. Meer bepaald naar de grote cupmaat die ze als vijftienjarige had. Ze moest in haar tienerjaren serieus afvallen om rollen te kunnen spelen in Hollywood-films, vertelt ze in een televisie-interview.

In de tv-show van Ellen DeGeneres vertelt de 27-jarige actrice dat ze zeker niet ontevreden is over haar lichaam.
"Ik ben op dit moment tevreden met jembe, hoe ik er uit zie. Eigenlijk doet het er voor mij niet toe. Maar wanneer je jong bent, kan je je schoonheid niet waarderen."
Toch vindt Seyfried dat ze als 15-jarige betere looks had dan nu.
"Eerlijk gezegd vind ik dat ik er veel beter uitzag toen ik 15 was. Ik had mooie, grote borsten maar toen ik in Hollywood ging werken, moest ik gewicht verliezen. En dan verlies je natuurlijk een cupmaat. Ik mis mijn grotere borsten niet omdat ze nogal in de weg zaten, maar het deed me er wel vrouwelijker uitzien." (Belga / Belga)
Cas and Meg left the basement and walked back into the living room.
“You should get yourself cleaned up. If Sam and Dean see the blood on your clothes, they’re going to ask questions” Meg alisema wise.
“Then I shall use his bathroom” Cas said. “Care to jiunge me?” he winked as he reached out his hand. Meg smiled back mischievous and accepted his hand. Cas pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. She jumped in his arms and he carried her upstairs to the bathroom. Their clothes still on Cas walked into the kuoga cabin, kibanda and put Meg down.
Meg touched for the tap and opened it, letting...
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The inayofuata morning

Damon and Elena were lying asleep when someone rang the bell. Elena was fast asleep, so Damon sneaked out of kitanda and put on his pants from the siku before.
“Hurry up, Damon. wewe don’t want her to bleed to death, do you?”
Damon groaned as he recognized Rebekah’s voice. He walked to the door and opened it and Katherine fell in his arms. She was bleeding from her neck and Damon looked up shocked at the blonde Original, who smirked at him.
“What happened to her?” Damon wanted to know.
“I happened” Elijah answered, stepping forward. “Can we come in?”
“No!” Damon alisema rude.
“I was merely being polite. Of course we can come in. This house is being hosted kwa vampires, whom cannot possible deny the admission to an Original. So, why don’t wewe step aside? We’ve got things to do, plans to make, wars to prepare” Elijah alisema as he walked past Damon.
They heard the door close and wondered who came barging in, until a familiar, female and British voice solved the mystery.
“Anyone home?” Rebekah called from downstairs.
“Ugh” Damon sighed. “I’ll go” He stood up and walked to the door, but when he wanted to open it, the door was slammed in his face and Rebekah barged in. She held a guy in her right hand and a blood bag in her left hand.
“What are wewe doing here?” Elena asked tired.
“I came to apologize” Rebekah explained flighty, while she tossed the bag to Damon. “I was wrong to bite you. It’s just that I busted Stefan smooching with that vamp strumpet and wewe look like her, so I got carried away. I don’t understand what it is that draws Stefan to women with your appearances. You’re not even that pretty”
“I appreciate your honesty” Elena ametoa maoni sarcastically.
“Hey, I’m as open as your legs were last night” Rebekah replied blunt and Elena’s cheeks turned red.
Bonnie was sitting in Indian style on the floor of Caroline’s room. A book was lying open and three candles were surrounding it. She vowed her hands and whispered the words on the pages.
The front door slowly opened and someone slowly walked upstairs. The latch of the door in Caroline’s room went down and the door slowly opened.
“I thought wewe couldn’t do magic anymore”
“Oh my God!” Bonnie shrieked. She quickly got up and turned on the light. She bent and blew out the candles. “What the hell are wewe doing here?” she whispered loud and reproaching.
“I missed wewe at the Homecoming...
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Caroline was walking down the stairs with her phone held against her ear. “Look, Bonnie, I really don’t care what reasons wewe have for ignoring my calls, but call me back ASAP”
“Everything okay?” Liz asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs and couldn’t help but overhear.
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, sure”
“Was that Bonnie?” Liz pointed at the phone.
“Her voicemail” Caroline corrected.
“Hmm” Liz frowned. “You two have a fight?”
“No!” Caroline exclaimed.
“Then why is she ignoring your phone calls?” Liz continued, blocking Caroline to go to the kitchen....
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added by HaleyDewit
Kelly Clarkson
Caroline was standing at the edge of the woods, waiting for Matt. They would meet each other here, to have lunch. She was about to call him, when she saw him coming her way. “Sorry I’m late” Matt apologized. “I was occupied kwa this annoying kid who had all sorts of maswali about me. I didn’t even know who she was” Caroline pulled a wondering face. “What kind of questions?” she carefully asked.
She motioned with her head to the woods and they started walking. Matt shrugged. “She asked if I believed in monsters. I don’t know where it was coming from, she just started...
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De Amerikaanse actrice Lindsay Lohan (25) moet opnieuw naar de gevangenis. Wegens schending van haar probatievoorwaarden veroordeelde een vrouwelijke rechter in Los Angeles haar tot dertig dagen cel, gekoppeld aan strikte voorwaarden. Lohan aanvaardde het verdict. De zitting werd live door de website Tmz.com uitgezonden. De actrice moet haar straf ten laatste op 9 november beginnen. Na haar vrijlating moet Lohan de instructies van de rechter volgen, anders riskeert ze nog eens 270 bijkomende dagen gevangenis.

Rechter Stephanie Sautner legde een plan op tafel tot eind maart waarbij de actrice...
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added by GDragon612
Mrs. Jones was cleaning the breakfast meza, jedwali when someone rang the bell. She put the dishes on the dresser and walked to the front door. She opened and froze.
“You” she alisema weak when seeing Cas.
“Hello, Mrs. Jones” Cas alisema friendly. “Can I come in, please?”
“I…I don’t know, Mr…” Mrs. Jones stammered reluctant.
“Novak. Castiel Novak” Cas introduced himself. He nodded at Meg. “This is Meg Masters. She’s a close friend. Please, Mrs. Jones, I just want to talk to you”
Mrs. Jones sighed. “Fine, then” she alisema and she let them in. She led them to the jikoni where...
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